Ares out of prison

Chapter 146 Windfall

Chapter 146 Windfall
Hearing this sentence, Sun Zihan felt a little strange.

In the middle of the night, what else is there to do?Can't we wait until tomorrow?

Could it be related to Sun Kaixuan?

Seeing Sun Zihan's slightly worried eyes, Wang Long immediately guessed what she was thinking, and then shook his head:
"Don't worry, it has nothing to do with Sun Kaixuan, it's a personal matter of mine, it won't take long!"

After saying this, Wang Long turned around and left without giving Sun Zihan any more time to ask.

Seeing that he refused to say more, Sun Zihan had no choice but to give up and go back to the community first.

Fortunately, Wang Long's garage is not very far from the community, and it takes only ten minutes to walk there.

As soon as he arrived at the garage, Wang Long saw two black plastic bags beside the rolling door.

Before he opened the bag, he could smell the scent of medicine just by getting close to it.

However, is it really appropriate to pack such a precious medicinal material like a bag of garbage?

Wang Long thought about it again, maybe Yan Jiaming was afraid that he would be picked up by someone if he put it outside, so he pretended to be like this on purpose, right?
He picked up two plastic bags and took out his keys to open the garage door.

The previous blue BMW was parked quietly with the Ferrari, and the key to the BMW was placed on the roof.

When Wang Long was about to put the key away, he suddenly noticed that there was a note under the key.

"Master, don't worry, I will break through to a high level within half a year, and I count on you as my teacher!"

Seeing the crooked words on the note, Wang Long couldn't help smiling.

As far as Yao Jie's strength is concerned, it is already a miracle among miracles to reach the intermediate level within half a year, and it is simply a fantasy for a high-level ancient warrior!

But it would be good to let this kid have a goal to fight for, so that he won't be doing business all day long and flaunting his power everywhere.

Wang Long couldn't wait to open the bag in his hand, only to see that it was filled with all kinds of medicinal materials.

The different medicinal materials are packaged separately so as not to mix together and affect the efficacy of the medicine.

Although Wang Long was very reassured about the Lingdao people, he decided to count the numbers a little bit just to be on the safe side.

First of all, there are five copper coins, one is quite a lot, and it is exactly the one I need.

Wang Long carefully put the copper coins into his pocket, and prepared to study them slowly when he was free.

Then came the medicinal materials.

This time, Yan Jiaming helped him collect more than ten catties of medicinal materials!In other words, it might be possible to refine more than a dozen golden pills at once!
Of course, the requirements for the quality and ratio of medicinal materials are extremely high, so any link cannot be sloppy.

Wang Long opened the bags one by one and inspected them, for fear that any medicine would be short of catty or tael.

"This is?" Just as Wang Long opened a small plastic bag, a herb inside caught his attention.

I saw that the herb was emerald green, and the branches and leaves on the surface were very full.

Although this thing looks very similar to a medicinal material I need, there are still some subtle differences between the two.

In addition, Wang Long also specially put this herb in front of his nose and smelled it.

What this herb releases is not a medicinal fragrance, but an indescribable strange fragrance!

As soon as he smelled this smell, Wang Long immediately felt refreshed and refreshed, and his whole body became much more energetic!
More importantly, the Shenlong in his body also seemed to have some unknown reaction to this thing.

I could even vaguely hear a low dragon roar in my mind!

Wang Long suddenly realized that this grass was probably something extraordinary, even much more valuable than those five copper coins!

He quickly reached out and searched back and forth in his pocket, trying to see if he could find the second plant.

However, after searching for a long time, there was no sign of the second plant.

It is estimated that this was also accidentally mixed in by Yan Jiaming when he was raising medicinal materials for himself.

Wang Long carefully packaged the other herbs and kept them for later use in alchemy.

After finishing these, he held the miraculous herb in his hand and studied it quietly.

Wang Lung knew clearly that he had never seen this thing before.

But for some reason, when he held this herb in his hand, he always felt very familiar.

Not only that, but there seemed to be a voice in Wang Long's mind constantly reminding him.

From the roar of the dragon heard just now, one can guess that the power in this herb will definitely resonate with the dragon in the body.

But how can this medicinal herb and dragon be integrated?

Just as Wang Long was frowning and thinking, a warm feeling suddenly came from his thigh.

He hastily put his hand into his trouser pocket, but what he touched was the five copper coins just now.

I took it out and saw that the five copper coins were emitting a dazzling golden light!

At the same time, the surface of the herbs on the other hand also began to emit the same light.

Just like that, the two rays of light complement each other, illuminating the entire garage like daytime!

The golden light of the medicinal herbs and copper coins slowly condensed together in the air, and finally turned into a elixir the size of a fingernail.

Seeing the radiance dissipate and the elixir was slowly falling, Wang Long rushed forward and held the elixir firmly in his hand.

Looking at the small pill with a trace of residual warmth in his palm, a name suddenly appeared in Wang Long's mind.

Wash alchemy.

He didn't know why he suddenly thought of such a title, it was probably a reminder from the scripture in his mind.

Washing alchemy will fully refine all the spiritual energy in the user's body at a deeper level, so as to achieve the effect of increasing the accuracy of the spiritual energy in the user's body several times.

Although tempering spiritual energy will not directly help the user to improve his cultivation, but the strength of the user will be improved by leaps and bounds because of this small pill!
However, the benefits of taking this kind of thing are often directly proportional to the price it needs to pay.

Although the aura after tempering will become more pure, the moves displayed are also infinitely powerful.

But this process of purification is undoubtedly extremely painful.

It was even painful like tens of thousands of ants devouring the body, cramp and skin peeling!

Wang Long looked down at the golden elixir in his hand, feeling a little uncertain for a moment.


But the dragon in his body kept making low noises, as if urging him.

If I give up this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to encounter such a thing again in this life!

Thinking of this, Wang Long frowned and sat cross-legged on the ground.

whatever!How can such a good opportunity be missed?

Isn't it just a little bit of flesh and blood?I don't believe it will be worse than the torture I suffered in prison!
Thinking of this, Wang Long picked up the alchemy and swallowed it without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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