Ares out of prison

Chapter 149 More Than Two People

Chapter 149 More Than One Person
"What?" Sun Zihan exclaimed, unable to believe what he heard.

But the technician nodded repeatedly and called out the surveillance next to the guard room.

There was only darkness displayed on the computer screen.

"What's the matter with you? Didn't you say that you need to maintain the monitoring system regularly? Why does this happen?"

Sun Zihan scolded angrily.

But the technician looked very aggrieved, shook his head and explained:
"Mr. Sun, our system was just maintained a few days ago. It has been running normally before, but today I don't know why something went wrong!"

Judging from the technician's expression, he was also wondering what happened.

"Is the company's other monitoring operations normal?"

The technician nodded quickly: "All the probes are normal, only the picture next to the guard room is missing!"

Hearing these words, Sun Zihan immediately frowned.

The monitoring system of the entire company is functioning normally, but the one next to the guard room is out of order.

And after I received this mysterious letter, this series of events happened too coincidentally.

I can figure it out with my toes, it must have something to do with the letter I received!
"If the fault is repaired, can we still find the lost pictures?" Sun Zihan asked with the last glimmer of hope.

But the technician's answer gave her another blow.

"I'm afraid there is no other way. When something goes wrong, the camera stops working, and nothing is recorded at all."

Sun Zihan sighed helplessly, knowing in his heart that the messenger might have already made preparations.

"I see, let's arrange manpower to repair the system as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Seeing Sun Zihan turn and leave, the technician's heartstrings that had been tense were finally relaxed a little.

After returning to the office, Sun Zihan's heart was still extremely heavy.

At this time, she was full of doubts about who would threaten her so much.

Could it be that someone in the industry saw that she was developing so well and wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of this competitor?

But after thinking about it carefully, I feel that something is wrong. To get rid of her, you can do it secretly when she is not prepared. Why go to a luxury hotel to book a banquet in the auditorium?
Just when Sun Zihan couldn't figure it out, a sudden knock on the door made her tremble with fright.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sun, did I scare you?"

As soon as Long Fei came in, she saw the pale-faced Sun Zihan, and thought she had frightened her by knocking on the door suddenly.

"'s nothing." Sun Zihan replied hesitantly, sitting back on the chair and trying to calm himself down.

"Mr. Sun, I have already drawn up a few candidates for the product linkage that I told you earlier, so let's take a look!"

As Long Fei said, she was about to hand over the list to Sun Zihan, but the latter suddenly stood up from his seat.

"Xiaolong, please help me with this matter. I still have something to do, so I have to go first!"

"I deal with it? But what if I..."

Before Long Fei could finish speaking, Sun Zihan hurriedly left the office with his bag.

"What's the situation?" Long Fei stared blankly at her back, unable to react for a long time.

On the other side, Sun Zihan had already taken the elevator downstairs and took a taxi to go home.

After receiving such a letter, Sun Zihan had only one thought in his head at the moment—go home quickly!
After all, Sun Anmin has been handling company affairs abroad all year round, so maybe he can find a solution to this kind of problem.

"Dad! I want to tell you something!" As soon as he entered the door, Sun Zihan came to Sun Anmin in a hurry.

But she found that Sun Anmin was also frowning at this time, holding an envelope that was exactly like her in his hand!

Sun Zihan quickly took out the letter from his bag, and immediately shocked Sun Anmin and Liu Juan.

"What's the matter? Daughter, you also received it?"

Sun Zihan nodded: "An unknown person sent a heart to my company this morning. At first I thought it was just someone's prank, but later I found something strange."

Several people suddenly felt as if there was a dark cloud hanging over their heads.

And Sun Anmin's next sentence pushed this uneasiness to the extreme.

"I called and asked those business friends before, but all those who have bigger businesses or have been in contact with the Sun Group, without exception, have all received such invitations!"

This sentence immediately made Sun Zihan's heart thump, his eyes widened, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

"How did this happen? Do you think you offended someone outside and they came to seek revenge?"

Liu Juan asked in panic.

Sun Anmin shook his head: "It's not like you don't know me as a person. How can I have enemies? Besides, it's not just our family who received such a letter."

"Then who could it be?" Sun Zihan lowered his head slowly, frowning.

Just when several people were puzzled, Wang Long just came back from the outside.

"This kid, you really gave him face! If you dare to play with me like this again, see if I don't give him a good meal!"

When he heard this sentence, Sun Zihan thought he was talking about the letter writer, so he hurried to him.

"What do you mean? Have you received that letter too? Do you know who wrote it?"

But Wang Long looked blank: "A letter? What letter? I didn't receive it."

"Then who were you swearing at just now?"

Wang Long shook a newly bought rearview mirror in his hand, and replied: "It's just such a counterfeit product, and the people in the repair shop lied to me that it was an original part and charged me several times more money! This is not a scam. ?"

Sun Zihan rolled his eyes, went back to the sofa and sat down without a word.

Wang Long could see that there seemed to be something wrong with the expressions of several of them, so he asked:

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Sun Zihan didn't answer, but handed the letter in hand to Wang Long.

"What kind of big shot do you think we have provoked? Could it be because of this incident that we have caused some kind of murder?"

"Shut your crow's mouth! Can't you think of something good? What if it's just someone's prank?"

"Prank? So many people have already received the letter, do you still think it's not serious?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Sun Xueying quickly mediated.

"Forget it, don't say a few words, it's useless to worry now!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

But when the few of them were devastated, Wang Long on the side suddenly let out a burst of laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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