Chapter 161
Behind Yu Chiyuan, there were two strong men in black clothes and sunglasses, who could be seen as his bodyguards.

Although the number of bodyguards of Yu Chiyuan is far less than that of the Xu family, there are only two of them, but one can imagine with his toes that the strength of these two bodyguards is probably several times stronger than the sum of all the Xu family just now!
"I didn't expect that people from Yuchi's family really came! I'm afraid Wang Long has caused a catastrophe!"

"Who made him so unrestrained, even daring to speak ill of Yuchi's family, let's see how he ends up now!"

"Don't worry about how he ends up, what shall we do? Which side are we on?"

This question is difficult for everyone present.

After all, if you stand on Wang Long's side, although you can avoid being controlled by Sun Zequan, you will undoubtedly be against the Yuchi family.

But if he stood on the side of Yuchi's family, wouldn't it mean that he was willing to give his family fortune for many years to that boy Sun Zequan?
For a while, these people didn't know what to do, so they could only decide to act by ear.

Yu Chiyuan led two bodyguards, and walked to Wang Long under the gaze of everyone.

Before he could speak, Sun Zequan hurried up to meet him, nodding and bowing to him.

"Master Yuchi, I'm really sorry, I have to trouble you for such a trivial matter! I was about to take care of it!"

"Oh? Really?" Yu Chiyuan glanced at him sideways, and then said in a cold voice: "I'm afraid that if I don't show up again, this kid will trample Yuchi's family under his feet!"

As soon as these words came out, Sun Zequan immediately showed fear, shook his head again and again, and replied: "No, no, no! With me around, he would definitely not have the guts!"

"Didn't you ask me to repeat those words in front of him just now?" Before Sun Zequan finished speaking, Wang Long began to make up the knife.

"You!" Just as he pointed at Wang Long and was about to curse, Yu Chiyuan next to him immediately stopped him.

"Wait, I'm a little curious, what can you tell me?" Yu Chiyuan stared at Wang Long with great interest.

To be honest, I haven't met someone like him who dared to speak against the Yuchi family for many years.

It seems that the last family that opposed the Yuchi family has long been reduced to their slavery.

"Let me tell you, your Yuchi family and this kind of people are in collusion, you are simply the scum of the entire business circle!"

Wang Long's voice was sonorous and powerful, and everyone present could hear these words clearly.

As soon as these words came out, Yu Chiyuan, who had a smile on his face, froze in an instant.

This is not singing against himself, this is simply ignoring their Yuchi family!
"Boy, do you know what kind of price you have to pay for saying such things?" Yu Chiyuan asked, pointing at Wang Long's nose.

Wang Long frowned and made a disapproving expression: "Oh? I don't know very well, will there be any price?"

"Okay! Then I will fulfill you." Then he turned his head and told the two bodyguards beside him:

"You two, fuck me! Cut off this kid's head! Let's see what he can say about Yuchi's family!"

After the bodyguard got the order, he rushed towards Wang Long with a sudden stride.

Just by looking at the aura of the two of them, Wang Long can tell that the strength of these two people should not be inferior to the high-level ancient warriors.

"Want to move Master? Pass my test first!" Song Yuyuan shouted, raised his fist and rushed towards a bodyguard.

I saw that both of them were full of blood, and they planned to have a head-to-head confrontation with each other!


When the bodyguard's fist as big as a casserole hit Song Yuyuan's fist, there was a loud noise that reverberated throughout the venue.

In the eyes of others, for a child like Song Yuyuan who has not yet retreated from his childishness, if he wants to fight against these five big and three thick men, it is simply like hitting a stone with an egg.

But at the moment when the two fists met, the bodyguard showed a surprised expression on his face.

Unexpectedly, this kid can burst out with such a strong force!
In front of Song Yuyuan, this tall and burly man was actually at a disadvantage!
On the other hand, Song Yuyuan's face showed a contemptuous smile instead of feeling any effort:

"Is this the strength of your Yuchi family? It's like paper!"

After saying this, Song Yuyuan exerted his strength suddenly, and all the bones in the bodyguard's body were shattered.

"Ah—" With a shrill scream, the bodyguard's body softened, and he fell to the ground without moving.

On the other side, Gu Yueming punched and kicked another bodyguard until he couldn't get up.

Seeing the strength of the old and the young, the people in the audience were all dumbfounded and dared not speak.

Unexpectedly, the strength of these two bodyguards of Wang Long was so amazing!

But what they didn't expect was that Wang Long's strength was far above the two of them.

It's just that in front of so many people today, he didn't want to make too much publicity.

After finishing off the two bodyguards, only Yu Chiyuan was left.

" dare to hurt Yuchi's family, don't you want to die!" Sun Zequan pointed at Wang Long and cursed angrily.

"Master Yuchi, don't worry, I will give you an explanation for this matter!"

After speaking, Sun Zequan strolled up to Wang Long, swung his hands round, as if to slap him.

But before he could touch Wang Long, the latter took the first step and pushed his arm.

This loud slap hit Sun Zequan's own face in the end, causing half of his face to swell immediately.

"You!" Before Sun Zequan could say a word, Yu Chiyuan who was beside him stopped him.

"Didn't you think about the consequences when you did this?" Yu Chiyuan said in a deep voice.

Wang Long frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, he said, "I really haven't thought about it."

"If I tell those people in Yuchi's family what happened today, I'm afraid you will die without a place to bury you within ten days!" As he said, Yuchiyuan pointed to a few people around Wang Long:

"And you, you can only be buried with this kid!"

As soon as these words came out, Sun Kaixuan, who was sitting in the audience, showed an excited expression on his face.

Calling you arrogant, you still have to play with your life after all, right?

He didn't know how long he had been looking forward to this day, and it was finally his unlucky time to see Wang Long in his lifetime!

Others couldn't help sweating for Wang Long, but he didn't seem to take it seriously.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and there was even a joking smile on his face!

"You can still laugh? Do you feel that you are going to die soon, so you have nothing to fear?"

Yu Chiyuan sneered at the side, in his eyes, Wang Long was just a clown.

But who knew what Wang Long said next made him tremble with fright:
"Do you think I will give you a chance to report back?"

(End of this chapter)

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