Ares out of prison

Chapter 169 Presidential Suite

Chapter 169 Presidential Suite
Although Liu Juan lowered her voice to speak, Chen Shan still heard her words clearly.

I saw that his face obviously became darker, but then he forced a smile and said to Sun Zihan:
"No, it's enough to meet a few of you kind-hearted people along the way. How can I bother you again?"

After saying this, Chen Shan was going to turn his head and leave, but Sun Zihan grabbed his arm directly!

"No, you are all alone, what if the liar just came back to trouble you?"

"That's right, you're still so young, it's not an option to go out alone without someone to take care of you, just follow us, we'll talk about it when you find a job!"

What Liu Juan didn't expect was that it was fine for Sun Zihan to insist on helping Chen Shan, but now even Sun Anmin also joined in to help!
"Okay! You guys just help a stranger! When you get cheated, you'll even count the money!"

After Liu Juan said such a sentence angrily, she turned her head and left alone.

Seeing this, Sun Anmin had no choice but to follow with Sun Xueying, and asked Sun Zihan to settle down first before leaving.

"I'm sorry, my mother has such a personality, so please don't be fooled!" Sun Zihan frowned and said to Chen Shan.

The latter shook his head and replied: "How come, you are willing to help me, I thank you before it's too late!"

Seeing that the conversation has reached this point, Chen Shan no longer refuses, but agrees to follow Sun Zihan and the others.

"Speaking of which, we still don't know where we should live?" Sun Zihan said while taking out his mobile phone to navigate the location of nearby hotels.

But Wang Long took her mobile phone over abruptly, and said at the same time:

"Don't bother, just follow me."

"Follow you?" Sun Zihan was taken aback, "Have you been to the imperial capital before?"

Wang Long has not only been here before, when he was the warden, this is the place where Wang Long accepted the trial.

It can be said that all the streets and alleys in the imperial capital have been thoroughly figured out by Wang Long.

Seeing his confident appearance, Sun Zihan had no choice but to follow him dubiously.

Several people came all the way to an upscale five-star hotel.

"Wow! This is the first time in my life that I have come to such a luxurious place!"

As soon as he entered the hotel lobby, Chen Shan involuntarily let out an exclamation.

I saw the huge auditorium resplendent and resplendent, with carved beams and painted buildings, shining with a luxurious atmosphere everywhere.

Not to mention Chen Shan, even Sun Zihan's eyes showed a trace of surprise when he saw all this.

As expected of the imperial capital, even if this hotel is the best in Jiang province, it is probably incomparable.

The most important thing is that such a hotel is not considered top-notch in the imperial capital, and rich people have long been used to it.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, the room has been reserved for you in advance, and you can check in at any time!"

The receptionist at the front desk greeted Wang Long with a smile, which immediately made Sun Zihan frowned.

"What? You booked the room in advance? When did it happen?"

Wang Long didn't answer right away, but first said to the reception lady:

"Do me a favor, please open another room for us, we have a friend."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at Chen Shan behind him.

After the reception lady looked it up on the computer, she showed a troubled expression.

"I'm sorry Mr. Wang, our guest rooms are fully booked, and there is the last presidential suite left. Can I ask?"

"Of course it's ok, let's book it for me first!" Wang Longyi agreed, and the receptionist handed over the room card without saying a word.

This scene made Sun Zihan puzzled even more. Why does it feel that Wang Long is very familiar with this hotel?
With such doubts, he and Chen Shan followed Wang Long to take the elevator to the room department.

Chen Shan was quite sensible, he took the initiative to give up the presidential suite to the two of them, while he insisted on living in the ordinary one.

"Well, you go to bed early, we will help you find a job tomorrow!"

Chen Shan nodded in agreement, said many thanks, and watched Wang and Long leave.

The presidential suite is located on the top floor of the hotel, and its luxury is undoubtedly the highest level in the hotel. There is even a separate office in the room, which is just right for Sun Zihan to handle the company's affairs.

"Wang Long, why do I feel that the staff of this hotel seem to know you very well, have you been here before?"

After returning to the room, Sun Zihan finally spoke out the questions that had been accumulated in his mind for a long time.

And Wang Long seemed to have guessed that she would ask such a question, shook his head with a smile, and said:
"I haven't been here before, but this hotel belongs to the Han family's property, do you understand?"

It was only then that Sun Zihan realized that it was no wonder that the staff were so polite to him. After arguing for a long time, this place was run by the Han family!
"Unexpectedly, the strength of the Han family is so strong that they can open such a big hotel in the imperial capital!"

As Sun Zihan said, another surprised expression appeared on his face.

But Wang Long shook his head disapprovingly, and continued, "It's just in Jiang Province."

What he said was true, after all, in the imperial capital, the truly powerful family had to be the Yuchi family.

"By the way, what can you do about Chen Shan's work?" Sun Zihan asked after changing the subject.

"It's simple, isn't it enough for your company to arrange a position for him casually?" Wang Long replied without thinking.

After all, Chen Shan is a child who is not afraid of hardship, no matter what kind of job is arranged for him, he will definitely not refuse.

But Sun Zihan shook his head, and continued, "I'm afraid this won't work. The overall relocation of the company will take some time. It's impossible for Chen Shan to wait with us, right?"

Wang Long bowed his head and thought for a while, and felt that what Sun Zihan said seemed to make sense.

"Well, I'll take him outside tomorrow to see if I can help him find a suitable job!"

"Can you do it?" Sun Zihan frowned slightly, looking worried.

After all, what happened today is still vivid.

"Don't worry, just because I've been wandering outside for so long, there won't be any problems!"

Wang Long said confidently, and Sun Zihan felt a little relieved. After agreeing, he went into the office to deal with official business.

And Wang Long sat on the sofa bored by himself, not long after, the phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that the name of the caller was written with three very familiar words.

Seeing this, the corners of Wang Long's mouth rose slightly, revealing a satisfied smile.

It came so fast!
(End of this chapter)

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