Chapter 175
No matter what Yao Wanlu said beside her, Tang Xiaolin still ignored her.

She came straight to Wang Long, and complained, "Why are you so anxious every time you ask me to meet? You come here without putting on any make-up!"

boom -

This sentence suddenly exploded in everyone's mind like a bolt from the blue.

Every time you ask her to meet?Could it be that Wang Long and Tang Xiaolin often meet each other?What is the relationship between these two people?
"I'm sorry, I don't want to, but the design director thinks this photo is not good enough, so I would like to invite you to take two more photos. How about this, I will pay you for today's photo."

"Oh, forget it, where is the design director? I'll go and tell her!"

Just kidding, Tang Xiaolin spent a long time doing the styling just to take these photos.

As far as the quality of these few photos is concerned, they are comparable to the professional photographers I met before, but what kind of styling director actually said it wasn't good enough?Is it questioning my business ability?

"Where is the design director? I want to see how tricky her aesthetic is!"

When Tang Xiaolin was called over suddenly, she was already simmering with an unknown anger in her heart, and what Wang Long said made her even more angry.

"That...that, I am the design director!" In the crowd, a hand tremblingly raised up.

Wang Long turned his head away, thinking to see Yao Wanlu's silly expression.

But after taking a closer look, he found that the person who raised his hand was not Yao Wanlu at all, but an unknown employee!

As for the real design director, who was standing beside her at this time, it goes without saying that she must have been "hijacked" by Yao Wanlu.

Seeing this, Tang Xiaolin turned around, went straight to that person, and asked:

"I heard that you are not satisfied with the photos, so tell me, what are your thoughts?"

"I... my thoughts... that's it."

That person is just a little-known employee, where has he seen such a big scene?
In addition, the person standing in front of him is a popular female star!In other words, anyone would be too nervous to speak.

"Just what is it? If you have any request, just say it, I'm in a hurry!"

Seeing that the employee was too scared to speak, Yao Wanlu next to her hurriedly said calmly:

"Miss Tang, you misunderstood. I think our director may want to take a few more photos as a backup. After all, an all-round artist like Miss Tang must be able to control various styles, right?"

I have to say that Yao Wanlu's flattering skills are really good. Tang Xiaolin had an impatient look just now, but after hearing what she said, her expression immediately softened a lot.

"Okay, I'll do my friend a favor too, do you have a studio here? Let's start shooting!"

"Yes, yes! Ms. Tang, please follow me!" Yao Wanlu nodded her head, and hurriedly brought Tang Xiaolin to the studio.

Tang Xiaolin's arrival immediately made all the employees of the design company feel as if they had been beaten with blood, and they came to watch.

If it was an ordinary person, under the gaze of so many eyes, they would have been too embarrassed to know what to do.

But who is Tang Xiaolin?Such a scene was nothing to her.

I saw her constantly changing various poses in front of the camera, sometimes she looked slim like a fairy, and sometimes she had the charm of a mature woman.

Even the female employees present couldn't help swallowing their saliva and showing envious eyes when they saw this scene, not to mention the men who were already in high spirits.

It is estimated that among all the people in the audience, only Wang Long is the calmest one.

"It's perfect! Miss Tang, thank you for your help today! I will treat you to dinner another day!"

"No need, I'm just being a favor, if there's nothing else, I'll go first!"

After Tang Xiaolin took the photo, she just said such a short sentence and left the company.

A group of people huddled around and sent her outside the company door like sending off the emperor.

Looking at the back of Tang Xiaolin's departure, Sun Xueying said to Wang Long excitedly: "Brother-in-law, you are too amazing! I never thought that you actually invited Tang Xiaolin here!"

Wang Long shook his head, feeling nothing in his heart.

"Boss! Let me tell you, if these photos can't be released, the market value of our company can at least double!"

"Based on Tang Xiaolin's popularity, our company must be prosperous this time!"

"Oh, boss, you are being polite when you say this, isn't this what we should do?"

Yao Wanlu was on the phone, and returned to the office with a happy face.

Needless to say, everyone knew that she must have taken the opportunity to claim credit from the boss!

"How is it? Director Yao, should you be satisfied with the photos this time?"

Hearing these words, Yao Wanlu frowned immediately.

What the hell is the boss?Why does it sound like those eunuch chiefs in costume dramas?
"Well, the photos are not bad. It seems that you still have some ability to handle things. From now on, follow me and work hard to ensure that you have a bright future!" Yao Wanlu said, and stretched out her hand to pat Sun Xueying on the shoulder.

The latter just wanted to nod in agreement, but Wang Long went on to say:

"Huh? I remember you said earlier that if Tang Xiaolin can really be invited here, Xueying will take your place, right?"

Hearing this, Sun Xueying on the side also nodded, everyone heard Yao Wanlu's words just now.

Yao Wanlu was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly.

"Oh, this is just my angry words, and I said this to encourage you? You have to understand my good intentions!"

Wang Lung almost burst out laughing.

Unexpectedly, not only will this person change his face, but his level of playfulness is also top-notch!

It's really the thick-skinned who wins the world!
"Director Yao, I'm afraid this is inappropriate? How can you say that you are also a leader, so talking like that doesn't count. How can you establish your prestige in front of the employees in the future?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a burst of discussion among the people in the office.

Yao Wanlu saw that she was about to lose the stage, so she couldn't think of anything to help her out.

I have worked hard in the company for so many years, and finally climbed to my current position. It is impossible to just give it up to Sun Xueying so casually, right?
"Forget it, I don't want to embarrass you, so you can apologize to her in public!"

Wang Lung was too lazy to look at her dilemma, so he said this casually.

Yao Wanlu nodded quickly, came to Sun Xueying, and smiled:

"I'm really sorry. My words were a bit harsh before, so don't take it to heart!"

"Are you apologizing? Can you correct your attitude?"

(End of this chapter)

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