Chapter 18
Although shocked, Father Han has seen many big scenes.

So it didn't take long for him to stabilize his thoughts and look at Tieshan coldly.

"Could it be that you came here today to send a message to your master?"

"of course not!"

Iron Mountain shook his head:
"It will take some time for my master to come to you, and the purpose of my trip is to kill you, and to avenge the old man before he arrives!"

When Father Han heard these words, there was a flash of excitement in his heart.

But then, the excitement turned into anger.

Originally, I knew that Flying Eagle would arrive in some time, so I had enough time to make all the preparations.

But I didn't expect that Feiying's apprentice would utter wild words, wanting his own life, this is simply slapping himself in the face!

"What nonsense!"

Han Yunfei next to him couldn't stand it anymore.

As the eldest son in the family, how could he look at this ignorant guy and humiliate his father!
"Your master is defeated by my father, you are not qualified to say such things in front of us!"


Han Yunfei's angry reprimand was met with a burst of ridicule from Tieshan.

I saw a look of disdain in his eyes.

"I'm already a half-buried person. How dare I replace the matter with me? Even if he was really powerful when he was young, but now an old man who is late, what kind of waves can he make?"

Hearing this, Father Han frowned slightly.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, Tieshan's words are not unreasonable.

As he said, even if he defeated Flying Eagle back then, that was already when he was young.

After so many years, I am already just an old man in his dying years, how can I resist the passage of time?
"You're right, I'm old, but today, I don't need to make a move at all!"

After Father Han finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Gu Yueming who was at the side.

And Gu Yueming also understood immediately, directly changed the target, and vented his anger on Tieshan.

"Let me tell you, I came to visit Brother Han today to discuss how to take your master's life!"

"What? You alone are worthy of delusional thinking against my master?"

There was a playful smile on Tieshan's face, as if he had heard some nonsense.

Father Han suddenly flushed with anger.

My luck was really bad today. First, Wang Long spoke rudely to him, and then he killed an iron mountain halfway!
This feeling is like someone slapped her face hard!
The majestic head of the Han family, has he ever been humiliated like this!

"shut up!"

Gu Yueming stopped talking nonsense with him, now he has made up his mind.

You need to use your strength to make this yellow-mouthed kid never go crazy again!
A burst of soul-stirring power suddenly erupted from his body.

Although Gu Yueming is also over half a hundred, his various physical skills can barely reach the level of young and middle-aged adults.

In addition, I have accumulated a lot of experience in fighting in all directions over the years, so even now, it can be said that the sword is not old.

"This is... the power of a senior ancient warrior!"

Seeing this, Han Yunfei on the side couldn't help sighing secretly.

And Han Xinyue, who was beside him, had the same reaction as him.

I didn't know that Uncle Gu had such terrifying power!

Father Han secretly let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, today we have thought out the countermeasures in advance and invited Gu Yueming, master and apprentice, otherwise, we still don't know how to deal with Tieshan!

Father Han believed that with Gu Yueming's strength, there was no need to say much about the result.


Gu Yueming shouted loudly, his voice was extremely penetrating, it can be described as exciting!
Even the flowers, plants and trees in the yard were shaken by the sound!
Accompanied by a rumbling sound, a raging whirlwind roared in!

Gu Yueming and the whirlwind merged into one, and his figure turned into an afterimage, which instantly disappeared in place!
In the blink of an eye, he had already appeared behind Tieshan out of thin air.

"Cold Wind Palm!"

Gu Yueming put on a good posture, his palms are relaxed and powerful, and every move shows his extraordinary strength!
"As expected of my master, teach this bastard a lesson!"

Seeing this scene, Song Yuyuan couldn't help casting an admiring look at Gu Yueming.

At this moment, Song Yuyuan seems to be showing off to Wang Long, this is the power of my master!

"How is it? Now you know how powerful Uncle Gu is? Did you want to challenge him just now?"

Han Xinyue also moved to Wang Long's side and whispered this sentence.

"If my dad hadn't given you a step down, I guess you would have become his lonely soul by now!"

The reason why she said this was because she felt that it was necessary for Wang Long to be grateful to her and let him understand that she was his savior.

"He can't beat Iron Mountain!"

But Wang Long's words surprised everyone.


Han Xinyue looked at Wang Long dumbfounded.

"You idiot, do you know what you're talking about?"

Not only her, Song Yuyuan on the side was also furious:

"I think you are jealous of my master's strength, so you hope he loses!"

Han Xinyue couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"No, this is the truth." Wang Long shook his head and sighed.

You don't need to do anything, just observe with the naked eye, you can see that Gu Yueming's strength is far inferior to Tieshan.

"If Tieshan makes a move, your master will definitely die!"

Han Xinyue was a little helpless.

This Wang Lung has nothing against him.

Uncle Gu's moves can be described as deadly and impeccable, how could he lose?

But when she thought so, something unexpected happened to everyone.

Gu Yueming's mighty palm was easily dispelled by Tieshan's dodge!
And he continued to attack, but after a few rounds, Tieshan was still unscathed!
"Can you hurry up? Just like a bastard! Is this the so-called high-level ancient warrior?"

Tieshan looked at Gu Yueming jokingly.

"How is it possible! I have never missed a palm!"

Gu Yueming was extremely surprised.

Tieshan's strength is far stronger than he imagined!
"Then it's my turn now!"

Tieshan's face darkened, he clenched his huge fists, and rushed towards Gu Yueming like a beast coming out of the mountain!
Suddenly, a fierce sense of oppression approached Gu Yueming.

He realized that this punch was no small matter!
But Tieshan is not only powerful, but also extremely fast.

Gu Yueming couldn't catch his movements at all!
Just when he was about to dodge, a boulder-like fist suddenly hit his chest.

Gu Yueming only felt that his internal organs were shattered, and his whole body was in excruciating pain!

A mouthful of blood gushed out, and Gu Yueming flew straight out, falling heavily to the ground.

"Brother Gu!"

Father Han exclaimed and rushed forward.

Fortunately, Tieshan restrained himself a little with this punch, otherwise, Gu Yueming would have already died.

With the support of Father Han and Song Yuyuan, Gu Yueming could barely stand up.

"I lost……"

This sentence gave Song Yuyuan a chill.

For so many years, Master has never been invincible.

This is the first time, seeing the master lose the battle, it is enough to see the horror of this iron mountain!
Father Han was also overwhelmed by despair.

Just a disciple has such a strong force, if it is Feiying who makes a move.

Isn't it going to wash the entire Han family in blood!
(End of this chapter)

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