Chapter 184
Before you know it, the day of the reception has arrived.

As one of the largest companies in the imperial capital, these guests naturally readily accepted their invitation.

Especially for the Yao family, the reception officially started at seven o'clock in the evening, and they arrived at the hotel early at six o'clock.

Even Ye Hu and others who are the hosts have not had time to arrive!
Looking at the resplendent hall in front of them, Yao's father and daughter were so moved that they were on the verge of crying!
The last time I participated in such a high-end banquet was probably 30 or [-] years ago!
Back then, the Yao family didn't want anyone to curry favor with them in the imperial capital.

If it continues to develop at the same momentum, the Yao family must have become the largest family in China by now, right?
It's a pity, the world is impermanent, and the current imperial capital has already changed.

"Dad, what's the matter? Is there something on your mind?" Yao Linlin saw that Father Yao's expression was serious, so she asked.

"It's nothing, it's nothing." Father Yao shook his head quickly, trying to sort out his mood.

At this time, he had already made up his mind that he must seize this opportunity and let the Yao family return to the sequence of first-class families!

Not long after, the guests of the reception arrived one after another.

Looking at the high-ranking celebrities in front of him, Father Yao's eyes straightened.

"Mr. Zhao from Jinyang Enterprise, Mr. Liu from Shuntian Group, and Mr. Yin from Yin Group, these are all old friends!"

When Father Yao saw these people, he became very excited and hurried forward to greet them.

"Hey! Old Zhao, long time no see! How are you doing recently?"

Mr. Zhao looked at the poorly dressed and unshaven middle-aged man in front of him, and couldn't help showing a puzzled expression.

"Excuse me, may I ask who you are?"

Originally thought that he could recognize him at a glance, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't react for a long time.

Father Yao couldn't help being a little embarrassed by this, he quickly shifted his gaze to Mr. Liu next to him.

"Mr. Liu, we haven't seen each other for almost ten years, right? Back then, when Shuntian Group was established, I invested in you!"

Mr. Liu glanced at Yao's father first, and it took him a while to realize: "Oh, it's Lao Yao?"

"Yes, yes, yes! I knew you couldn't forget me based on our friendship! How is the company's business recently?"

"Sorry, the three of us want to talk about cooperation first, please come back later!"

Before Mr. Liu could answer, Mr. Yin next to him showed an impatient expression and issued an order to evict the guest.

Although Father Yao felt a little embarrassed, he had no choice but to nod and leave in despair.

"A bereaved dog, is he embarrassed to run in front of us?"

"I really don't know what Zhengyang Group thinks, why would they invite this kind of person over!"

"Hey, you can't say that. After all, the Yao family was once brilliant, so let's just save face!"

The three of them looked at the back of Yao's father leaving lonely, and the voices of discussion reached his ears every word.

It's really like the tree fell and the monkeys scattered. When the Yao family was prosperous, these people tried their best to curry favor with themselves.

Now that the Yao family is no longer brilliant, these people immediately changed their faces, as if they didn't know him!
There is no way, this is the reality, the business field is not a place to talk about people's sophistication.

"Dad, don't be as knowledgeable as them, these are some white-eyed wolves who turn their faces and don't recognize anyone!"

Yao Linlin hurriedly comforted her father, but Yao's father could only force a smile, comforting his daughter and saying, "It's okay, it's okay!"

Yao Linlin scanned the guests in the hall and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Compared with these people, their father and daughter are more or less not worth mentioning.

So it's not surprising that people don't want to talk to Father Yao.

At this time, her eyes suddenly fell on a person.

"Huh? Isn't that Mr. Wang?"

I saw a man wearing waiter clothes not far away, who looked a little familiar.

Isn't this the local tycoon who spent tens of millions to buy a villa with all the money a few days ago?
Before, my sister kept saying that he might be some kind of rich second generation.

How did you become a waiter in a hotel?
No, I must have made a mistake, maybe these two people just look alike!
Yes, it must be so!

Yao Linlin was unwilling to believe that a hotel waiter would have the money to buy a villa in Jinlan Mansion.

She rubbed her eyes, looked left and right, looked up and down at Wang Long for a while.

But no matter how you look at it, you think he is the one who bought the house two days ago?
no!I'm going to check it out myself!
Thinking of this, Yao Linlin got up and walked straight towards Wang Long.

"Hello, please bring me a glass of champagne!"

Wang Long was standing and observing the reception, when a familiar voice suddenly came from his ear.

When he turned his head and saw Yao Linlin, Wang Long couldn't help being surprised.

How could he meet her in such a place?

"Okay...okay miss, how ripe should the champagne be?"


Originally, Yao Linlin wasn't sure that she was meeting Wang Long, but this way, she could be sure.

"Miss, your champagne!"

Before Yao Linlin could ask why Wang Long was here, a blind waiter next to her suddenly handed her a glass of champagne.

But when she took the cup and looked back, Wang Long had already disappeared without a trace.

"Hey? Where did you go?" Yao Linlin froze for a moment and scanned around, but Wang Long was nowhere to be seen.

What he didn't know was that Wang Long had already rushed into the bathroom at this moment, panting heavily.

Scared to death, scared to death, almost exposed!
Originally, Wang Long wanted to pretend to be a guest and walk into the reception with a big swagger.

But I didn't expect that this reception required an invitation letter to enter!
It was also out of helplessness that Wang Long thought of the bad idea of ​​pretending to be a waiter.

It's just that he didn't expect Yao Linlin to recognize him at such a time!

Speaking of which, Yao Linlin is just an ordinary salesman, why did Zhengyang Group invite her to the reception?
Wang Long frowned, puzzled.

Who cares, Yao Linlin must be looking for her everywhere now, she should hide first before going out!
"What's the matter, Linlin? Is there a problem?"

When Yao's father saw Yao Linlin frowning, he thought she was being bullied by someone.

But Yao Linlin also shook her head: "It's nothing, I just met an acquaintance and wanted to go up to say hello, but it turned out that I was wrong."

Although she knew in her heart that the person she met just now was Wang Long.

But since people deliberately conceal their identities, there must be some special reasons.

Yao Linlin is not an ignorant person, of course she would not expose Wang Long.

(End of this chapter)

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