Chapter 212
Wang Long nodded and agreed.

Not long after Sun Zihan went out, Wang Long also came to the orphanage.

Speaking of which, he really planned to come over to help out today.

Although the people of Hengyuan Construction are honest in their work, they still can't help them with some details.

After all, Aunt Xue and Lin Xiangyue were short-handed, so it was inevitable that they would be overwhelmed.

"Long'er! Why do you carry such a heavy thing by yourself? Put it down quickly! Wait for Xiangyue to come together later!"

Wang Long shook his head. Several stacks of boxes weighed tens of catties, but in Wang Long's hands they were as light as air, and it was effortless to move them.

"No, it's just a few boxes, I'll just move it myself!"

Seeing Wang Long's strength, Aunt Xue couldn't help showing a gratified smile.

"This child has really grown up! So many years have passed in a flash!"

I think that when Wang Long was sent to the orphanage, he was still a frail and sickly little boy.

Now, in a blink of an eye, he has grown into such a strong young man.

This made Aunt Xue lament how time flies.

"Mom, what are you looking at? You're going into a trance!" Just as Aunt Xue lowered her head in deep thought, Lin Xiangyue's voice suddenly came from her ear.

"You little girl, why don't you make any noise when you walk? You want to scare your mother on purpose!" Aunt Xue complained in a low voice.

Lin Xiangyue looked confident and confident: "Who said I have no sound when I walk? It's because you are looking too seriously!"

After saying that, Lin Xiangyue looked in the same direction, and saw Wang Long carrying a large stack of boxes, walking up the stairs briskly.

"Before, I thought it would be great if a man as good as Wang Long could be my son-in-law..."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lin Xiangyue blushed immediately: "Mom! What are you talking about? Wang Long is already married!"

To be honest, Lin Xiangyue knew in her heart that Sun Zihan was much better than her in terms of appearance and ability.

This is probably the so-called appearance of a man and a woman!
"Mom knows, didn't Mom just say it casually?" Aunt Xue shook her head and continued: "Speaking of which, is Bai Yong still looking for you now?"

When Aunt Xue mentioned this incident, Lin Xiangyue felt annoyed.

"Don't mention it! That bastard, who spoke so badly before, wants to come and beg me to get back together now? Just dream!"

As Lin Xiangyue spoke, she also took out her cell phone.

Last night, Bai Yong bombarded her with text messages non-stop. In one night, he directly sent hundreds of text messages!
The content is nothing more than a topic, I pray that Lin Xiangyue can let the adults forget the villain's mistakes, and give him another chance.

"Bai Yong, I thought he was pretty good before! I didn't expect him to be this kind of person! You can break up with him!"

Thinking of what happened last time, Aunt Xue felt very angry.

At first, I thought how capable he was, but it turned out that the matter of the orphanage was not settled by Wang Long's help?

"Mom, how do you think Wang Long made Hengyuan Construction compromise?" Lin Xiangyue asked curiously.

It has to be said that the attitude of Hengyuan Construction before and after, that can be said to be a world of difference!

Needless to say, everyone knows that this must be the result of Wang Long's intervention.

But how can he shake a big company like Hengyuan Construction as a person who has been in other places all the year round and rarely comes to the imperial capital?
"I'm thinking about this too, but I seem to have heard that Wang Long was the son-in-law of the Sun family in Jiang Province?"

"Visiting son-in-law? No way?" Hearing these words, Lin Xiangyue suddenly showed a surprised expression.

There is no other reason. Being a door-to-door son-in-law means letting go of all dignity and willingly accepting cold eyes and criticism.

It can be said that few men today can endure the life of a door-to-door son-in-law.

It can be seen how much suffering Wang Long has suffered in these years!
"I'm just hearing it from hearsay. After all, I don't want to ask about this kind of thing! But I heard that the Sun family can be regarded as a famous family in Jiang Province. Maybe this time the matter can be settled. What about family relations!"

Aunt Xue's words made Lin Xiangyue feel a little reasonable.

Otherwise, she really couldn't figure out why Wang Long could easily settle Hengyuan Building.

"Fortunately, Miss Sun seems to be quite a nice person. I guess the young couple live happily ever after!"

"Young couple? Which young couple?" Wang Long had just finished moving his things, when he heard Aunt Xue's words.

"Which other two are there? Of course it's you and Miss Sun! I'm saying that you two are usually very happy!"

Wang Lung smiled shyly and scratched the back of his head.

But this is true, he and Sun Zihan usually live pretty well.

"Have you finished packing?" Lin Xiangyue asked.

"Well, it's basically the same, let the people of Hengyuan Construction do the rest!"

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, let me treat you to dinner at noon!"

Hearing this, Wang Long just wanted to refuse, but Lin Xiangyue grabbed his hand and was ready to go out.

"This... I just came here to do a few small favors, there is no need to treat me to dinner!"

"How about that? We haven't seen each other for so many years. Don't you agree to have a meal together?"

As Lin Xiangyue said, Aunt Xue on the side kept echoing, "Yes! It's rare for you two brothers and sisters to meet each other, so you should have a good get-together!"

In this way, Wang Long couldn't hold back Lin Xiangyue's kind invitation, so he nodded and agreed.

Originally, he wanted to invite Aunt Xue to join him, but she said she would stay to greet the children at noon, so she didn't go.

Wang Long drove Lin Xiangyue to the most prosperous commercial street in the imperial capital.

Although the sun at noon was a bit harsh, it didn't affect the excitement of the commercial street in the slightest.

I saw people coming and going on the pedestrian street, and most of the people who caught my eyes were young handsome men and beautiful women.

The two found a fast food restaurant with a good environment along the way, and each ordered a set meal.

"I'm sorry, the previous salary was basically used to subsidize the expenses of the orphanage, so I can only treat you to something simple!"

Lin Xiangyue looked a little embarrassed, and Wang Long just shook his head: "It's okay! I usually eat simpler than this!"

Anyway, Wang Long wasn't the kind of person who was used to living a good life. Besides, as an older brother, how could it be possible for Lin Xiangyue to pay for it?
"Hey! Isn't this Lin Xiangyue? Why did you come here to eat?"

While the two were eating, a sharp and harsh voice suddenly came from behind.

Looking back, I saw a young woman with revealing clothes and heavy makeup standing behind them at some point.

When he smelled the strong perfume, Wang Long couldn't help frowning.

"You are... Yao Qin?"

(End of this chapter)

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