Ares out of prison

Chapter 229 Don't even care about you

Chapter 229 Don't even care about you

"Joke! When did you become the servant of the Xue family, and you still need to pass on the message to the Xue family?"

Hearing what Ma Ling said, Xie Yuan naturally wouldn't believe it.

After all, even if it is really inconvenient for Mr. Xue to entertain guests today, the members of the Xue family should come to tell him, when will it be the turn of such an unknown outsider to make irresponsible remarks?
"Okay! If that's the case, let's wait and see if what I'm telling is the truth or a lie!"

Ma Ling simply sat down on the stone bench in the middle of the gazebo, as if he was going to fight with Wang Long.

Seeing this, Wang Long ignored him, and Xie Yuan who was beside him quickly said to him:
"Master, don't worry about this kid, he has no other abilities, but disgusting people have a set of abilities!"

To say that Ma Ling and Xie Yuan are deadly enemies.

In fact, the two had a good relationship when they first met, and they often practiced together.

But later, because of the competition for an ancient martial arts book, the former good friends turned against each other.

Although the ancient book fell into Xie Yuan's hands in the end, Ma Ling has always been dissatisfied with Xie Yuan because of this.

In the next few years, whenever the two met, it would definitely be a war of words.

There were even times when they fought in front of all the disciples!
"It's better not to waste time here, I want to hurry up and see the fineness of those spirit stones."

After Wang Long sat in the gazebo for a while, he became impatient.

"Hahahaha——" But Ma Ling next to him laughed out loud as if hearing some nonsense.

"It's such a joke in the world! Do you think Patriarch Xue is someone you can meet whenever you want? Just because of the two of you, you want to trick his family's Lingshi? Go ahead and dream!"

You know, the Xue family's collection of spirit stones is not only of various types, but each one is expensive.

Before that, many rich merchants in the imperial capital offered a lot of money to buy these spirit stones, but without exception, they were all rejected by Xue Yun.

There are even a few wealthy businessmen who are all-powerful outside, but they have not even been received by Xue Yun in Xue's house!
For this ordinary-looking young man in front of him, I'm afraid he won't even see Xue Yun's face, let alone a spirit stone!

Originally thought that Wang Long would fall out with this person if he was insulted like this.

But what Xie Yuan didn't expect was that Wang Long's expression was very calm, without the slightest hint of anger.

"What? I hit the mark, and dare not even say a word?"

Seeing that Wang Long didn't respond for a long time, Ma Ling's attitude became even more domineering.

"No, I just think that people like you are not qualified to get my answer."

Either Wang Long would not speak, but if he did speak, this short sentence could make Ma Ling's veins burst with anger.

"What are you talking about! Did I give you face!" I saw him stand up abruptly, clenched his fists and was about to rush forward.

But at this time, Xie Yuan next to him reminded in a deep voice: "Don't be presumptuous! Mr. Wang is not something you can mess with!"

"What bullshit Mr. Wang? Looking at the entire imperial capital, is there a big family surnamed Wang?"

When it comes to the families in the imperial capital, Ma Ling can say that he understands every one of them thoroughly.

As for the young man in front of him, he was sure that he was definitely just a little-known little guy!

But even so, Wang Long still didn't look at him directly, as if he didn't take him seriously at all!
Originally, Ma Ling wanted to teach this reckless guy a lesson, but the appearance of a young man immediately dispelled his idea.

"Yo! Master Xue, are you here?"

I saw Ma Ling bowing to a young man in white in front of him with a respectful expression.

As for Ma Ling's age, I don't know how much older than this boy.

But it is such a person who is over half a hundred years old, who wants to bow his knees to a person who looks like a child.

The reason is that this young man is the young master of the Xue family!
In fact, Xue Yong is not Xue Yun's biological son, but his adoptive son who was brought into the family many years ago.

However, because Xue Yong is capable of handling things and has a pleasing mouth, Xue Yun loves him very much.

For many years, Xue Yun has always regarded Xue Yong as his own son, and even plans to entrust his family business to him in the future!
Xie Yuan also recognized Xue Yong at a glance, and quickly followed Ma Ling to say hello to him.

But instead of doing so, Wang Long next to him looked Xue Yong up and down with a scrutiny.

"I heard the two of you arguing all the way from afar, what happened? Our Xue family is not a place for you to make noise!"

Although this Xue Yong is young, his ability to reprimand others is not weak at all.

Hearing this, Ma Ling quickly stretched out his hand, pointed to Wang Long and Xie Yuan in front of him, and said:
"Master Xue! It's because of these two people who are acting wild in the Xue family's manor. I can't stand it anymore, so I help you teach them a lesson!"

To say that this Ma Ling is really too old to learn well, and he thought of throwing the blame at the first time!
"Master Xue! You know me well, how could I be like this kid? He is clearly here to find fault!"

"Okay!" Just as the two were arguing, Xue Yong stopped them impatiently.

"Don't think I don't know that the two of you will fight as soon as you meet! I don't care what's going on with you, I'm going to fight!"

Hearing these words, Xie Yuan and Ma Ling suddenly became like frosted eggplants, and they fell into a ball without speaking.

At this time, Xue Yong suddenly cast his eyes on Wang Long beside him, and asked viciously:
"And you! When you see Master Ben, why don't you kneel down to pay your respects?"

It doesn't matter if you don't kneel down, this guy has been standing there until now, without even looking at him!
I'm afraid this is not a newcomer who doesn't know how powerful the Xue family is!

"Sorry, if Xue Yun came, maybe I could say hello to him, but you are not qualified."

"You!" Xue Yong was almost dizzy with anger, this Wang Long dared to call Patriarch Xue's name directly?How bold is this!
"Do you know who I am? How dare you be so rude to me!"

Of course Wang Long knew, after all, he had heard the two of them yelling, one at a time, Master Xue.

But to be honest, don't say that Xue Yong is just a adopted son, even if he is Xue Yun's own son, Wang Long still doesn't take it seriously!

Wang Long doesn't care about a big family like Yuchi, let alone a second-rate family!

"See! Young Master Xue! It was this kid just now, and he didn't pay attention to me at all, otherwise I wouldn't want to teach them a lesson!"

Ma Ling seized the opportunity and quickly spoke bad things to the side.

Originally Xie Yuan wanted to explain, but Wang Long said coldly to Xue Yong:

"Sorry, I don't even look down on you!"

(End of this chapter)

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