Ares out of prison

Chapter 232 Worth More Than Money

Chapter 232 Worth More Than Money
After all, the fact that Wang Long easily defeated the young master of Yuchi's family was widely spread in the entire imperial capital.

That young master Yuchi himself has the strength of a great master, and all the followers around him are all strong in martial arts.

Being able to take his head on the neck is enough to show how powerful Wang Long is!
With such a talent, Xue Yun naturally wanted to get closer, maybe he could be used by the Xue family in the future?

In this way, Xue Yun called a few servants to show Wang Long all the spiritual stones in his home.

To say that the number of spirit stones in the Xue family is really scary, there are several wooden boxes in the main hall!
Looking at the dazzling array of spirit stones in front of him, let alone Wang Long, even Xie Yuan next to him gasped.

You know, this random stone is priceless, if all these boxes are sold...

Now it is easy for him to understand why there have been rumors that the Xue family's financial resources can reach the peak of the imperial capital!
"How about Mr. Wang, is there anyone you like?" Xue Yun seemed to be full of confidence.

I saw Wang Long walking to a box, picked up a spirit stone, looked at it twice, and put it back.

Immediately afterwards, he rummaged through several boxes next to him for a long time, but he still couldn't find what he wanted.

"Patriarch Xue, it seems that you don't pay attention to me, Mr. Wang!" Wang Long said in a deep voice.

"Oh?" Xue Yun couldn't help being taken aback: "How do you say that?"

"It is said that the spirit stones of your Xue family are all high-quality goods, but you only show me some unrefined things. Doesn't this mean that you don't take me seriously?"

Hearing this sentence, Xie Yuan was startled all over with fright.

This is a treasure handed down from generation to generation by the Xue family!How dare you say they are not popular?

Isn't this tantamount to openly insulting the Xue family's ancestors for generations!
Xie Yuan secretly knew that the situation was not good, and he was already thinking about what words he should use to explain Wang Long.

He has even calculated that if Xue Yun gets angry later, he will draw a line with Wang Long immediately!

After all, although Wang Long is powerful, it is clear at a glance whether Wang Long is more important than Xue Yun, who has a wealthy family.

But what Xie Yuan didn't expect was that, instead of being angry, Xue Yun laughed twice when he heard Wang Long say such words.

"Hahaha! It seems that Mr. Wang's vision is really accurate! That's right, the quality of these boxes of spirit stones is indeed not very good! But if Mr. Wang looks at the real high-quality spirit stones first, I'm afraid you have to promise me A few conditions!"

Wang Long had expected that Xue Yun would not give him the real thing so easily.

For a businessman like this, everything he does is based on his interests first.

The reason why Xue Yun received Wang Long so solemnly was because he felt that Wang Long could bring him benefits!
Otherwise, relying on the snobbery of the Xue family, Wang Long might not even be able to enter the threshold of the manor today!
"The conditions are easy to say, as long as the quality of the spirit stone you give me is good enough, I can promise you any amount!"

As soon as the words fell, a mocking voice suddenly came from behind Wang Long.

"Money? Don't you even look at this place! Is our Xue family short of your two money?"

Looking back, I saw that Xue Yong, who had just left, came back with Su Chen and his sister.

Just kidding, Xue Yong is very clear about the purpose of Wang Long's trip, how could it be possible for him to get the Lingshi so easily?

At first, he thought about sending the two brothers and sister to rest first, and then coming back by himself.

But on the way, Ma Ling kept teasing him, saying that if it was a little later, Wang Long might have got the spirit stone!

Just like that, Xue Yong walked halfway, turned around and rushed back.

However, Wang Long naturally knew that with the financial resources of the Xue family, he would definitely not care about money.

Xue Yun's real purpose, probably the same as that of Tang Yanfei before him, is to let Wang Long cooperate with the Xue family!
But unfortunately, since Wang Long recognized the snobbery of the Xue family, it was impossible for him to have too much contact with them.

"I also know that with the strength of the Xue family, what is needed is definitely not money, so I am willing to exchange something more valuable than money with you!"

Wang Long put his hands behind his back and looked confident, as if he was convinced that Xue Yun would be satisfied with this thing.

"Oh? Worth more than money? What is that? Gold, silver and jewellery? Our house has piled up these things! Don't you still want to use this kind of thing to fool us?" Xue Yong looked at it jokingly. With Wang Lung.

But Wang Lung paid no attention to him at all, and took out a delicate phial from his pocket.

He opened the cork, and the whole main hall was filled with a strange medicinal fragrance.

When he smelled this fragrance, Xue Yun immediately felt refreshed, as if his whole complexion had improved a lot.

Even Xue Yong, who had been sneering at Wang Long just now, had a surprised expression on his face.

But he immediately realized that he had looked down on Wang Long just now, how could he lose his composure like this?
Thinking of this, he immediately switched to a disdainful expression, pointed to the small medicine bottle in Wang Long's hand, and said:

"What kind of junk is this? Do you really think our Xue family is so easy to fool?"

"I have a elixir here, which can prolong life and cure all diseases if taken by ordinary people. If a warrior takes it, it will be of great help to the cultivation base. Even if you look at the entire martial arts world, I am afraid that you cannot find a medicine that is more pure than this medicine. Dan Wan!"

Wang Long is naturally full of confidence in the things he has refined.

As he spoke, he poured out a small golden pill from the medicine bottle.

"What is this thing?" It was the first time Xue Yun saw such a thing, and he couldn't help showing a curious expression.

"Mr. Xue, this thing is called Yuanzhen Pill. I have just mentioned its efficacy. I can assure you that if such a pill is exchanged for your spirit stone, your Xue family will definitely make a profit from this transaction!"

"Come on!" As soon as Wang Long finished speaking, Xue Yong next to him sneered.

He looked at the small pill in Wang Long's hand, as if he had heard some ridiculous joke.

"It also cures all diseases? If you really want such a powerful thing, why do you need a doctor? Your little trick is just to fool a three-year-old child. In our Xue family, this trick doesn't work!"

"Excuse me, can you show me this pill?" Just as Xue Yong was mocking Wang Long, Su Chen's voice suddenly came from his ear.

Wang Long also readily handed the pills to him.

After observing for a while, Su Chen's eyes immediately lit up, and he hurriedly said to Wang Long:
"Mr. Wang, I want to buy this pill, I can pay as much as I want! Please sell it to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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