Ares out of prison

Chapter 237 Attacked

Chapter 237 Attacked
Xie Yuan naturally didn't dare to be disrespectful to Su Xuan, and quickly shook his head: "No, no, no! Miss Su misunderstood, I didn't mean that!"

Su Xuan didn't bother to talk to him, she turned around and gave Wang Long a vicious look:
"You are lucky today! If you dare to be so disrespectful to me next time, Mr. Li will definitely not let you go!"

In her mind, Wang Long is simply a little boy who has no strength to restrain a chicken, and was subdued by Mr. Li in a few clicks.

And Wang Long didn't say much, after all, he was a martial artist at the Zunzun level, if he cares about this little girl, it would be too humiliating.

"Okay, the trouble is enough, it's time for us to go back, right?" Su Chen carefully packed the pill, and said.

"Are you leaving so soon?"

Su Chen nodded to Wang Long: "I should have thanked you very much for accepting such a big gift from Mr. Wang, but there is no way, the family really has some urgent matters, so I can't stay any longer! If there are a few times next time, Su Chen I will come to the door to thank you!"

As Su Chen said, he didn't forget to give Wang Long a hug.

In fact, he really hoped to have the opportunity to deal with Wang Long a few more times.

In this way, if the pill is really effective, it is convenient for me to buy a few more.

"You're welcome. For me, this green stone is also a rare treasure. I owe you a favor!"

"Mr. Wang, to tell you the truth, in fact, this green stone was originally intended to be a birthday present for my father, but now that I have obtained such a magic pill, I don't need this green stone."

"Okay, I like this kind of win-win thing!"

Su Chen nodded in agreement, and after saying goodbye to Wang Long and the others, he turned and left.

Su Xuan gave Wang Long a white look, and had no choice but to follow her brother.

It is worth mentioning that Mr. Li did not forget to give Wang Lung a middle finger before he left, just like his contempt for Wang Lung!
Seeing Su Chen being so polite to Wang Long, Xue Yong and Ma Ling felt as uncomfortable as if they were scratched by cats!
Originally, I made things difficult for Wang Long at the beginning, but if the elixir he gave had any effect, wouldn't that mean ruining Patriarch Xue's good deed?

Needless to say, everyone knows that at that time, even if he can avoid death, he must be alive!
"It's getting late, I think I should go home too!"

Wang Long looked at his watch and said to Xie Yuan beside him.

"Okay! Mr. Wang, go slowly. If you are free, you are welcome to come to Wufeng Villa again at any time!"

Xue Yun also said goodbye to him politely, which made Xue Yong start to whisper in his heart.

This was the first time that his father was so caring about his guests. It seemed that Wang Long already had a place in his heart!

Originally, Wang Long and Su Chen had a good relationship, but this was the scene that Xue Yong didn't want to see. In addition, this back and forth made Xue Yong feel uneasy for a while!
no!We must think of a way to deal with this kid!

I am the young master of the Xue family, so it is definitely not easy to do anything in this kind of situation, otherwise wouldn't it be the same as making trouble with my adoptive father?
After thinking about it, Xue Yong cast his eyes on Ma Ling who was standing beside him.

Seeing Xue Yong's eyes, the latter immediately nodded knowingly, and walked aside with him:
"Old Ma, I think this Wang Long has already bewitched my adoptive father's mind, you have to do me a favor!"

Even though Xue Yong didn't finish speaking, Ma Ling still understood what he meant.

"Young Master Xue wants me to teach that kid a lesson?"

Xue Yong shook his head, a sinister expression flashed across his face: "No, I want him to disappear from this world!"

When hearing these words, even Ma Ling couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

But in the next second, he nodded: "Don't worry, Young Master Xue! Dealing with this kind of waste can be easily done!"

"Remember, be clean when the time comes, and don't let people see who did it! After it's done, there will be a lot of benefits for you!"

Hearing these words, Ma Ling's eyes lit up immediately: "Then Ma and so on will thank Young Master Xue here first!"

"Go!" Xue Yong ordered, and Ma Ling left the main hall in silence.

At this time, 5 minutes had passed since Wang Long and the others left. It stands to reason that they should have walked out of the manor.

This is just right, let the two of them die outside Wufeng Villa, probably no one will associate this matter with him.

"Yong'er, seeing you smiling so happily, is there anything good about it?" Xue Yun asked in a deep voice.

Xue Yong was taken aback for a moment, wondering if my expression looked so obvious already?
However, his reaction was still very fast. He nodded quickly and replied:

"Of course there is a good thing! I saw my adoptive father get to know such a hero, and I am very happy for my adoptive father!"

"Oh? But didn't you keep saying before that Mr. Wang was just a liar?"

"That's because I had a little misunderstanding with him before! Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, my opinion of him will naturally be different!"

Although Xue Yong said so on his lips, he had a completely different way of thinking in his heart.

Anyway, Wang Lung is about to turn into a cold corpse, so if you say something nice about him, let's see him off!
boom -

Just as he was thinking this way, a loud noise suddenly came from outside.

The sound was so loud that the entire ground trembled uncontrollably!
Xue Yong couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and looked outside in a daze, thinking that Ma Ling would have succeeded so soon, right?
Could it be that Wang Lung is dead now?

Thinking of this, Xue Yong felt an uncontrollable excitement in his heart, and the smile on his face became more presumptuous.

Sure enough, after a while, I saw Ma Ling running in from the outside in a hurry.

After all, it was a surprise attack, so of course we had to pretend to be ignorant and report back to avoid suspicion.

"It's not good! Young Master Xue, the Su brothers and sisters were attacked outside just now!"

"Ah? Why did Mr. Wang suddenly meet...Wait a minute, who did you just talk about?"

"Brothers and sisters of the Su family! They are Mr. Su Chen and Miss Su Xuan!"

Ma Ling looked terrified. Obviously, even he himself was frightened by this sudden scene.

"Brothers and sisters of the Su family? How could they be attacked? What's going on?"

Surprised, Xue Yun hurriedly stood up from his chair and looked at Ma Ling in surprise.

The latter also wants to explain clearly, but he himself is still in panic and has not recovered.

"Anyway, you'd better hurry up and take a look with me!"

Hearing this, Xue Yun and his son didn't delay, and hurried to follow him.

I saw thick smoke billowing outside the villa, and all the black smoke came from a burning car.

Beside the car, Su Chen was hugging Su Xuan who was covered in blood, looking panicked.

And Wang Long was also fighting in place at this time, quietly staring at the burning car in front of him.

"Well, you bastard, how dare you sneak up on Mr. Su!"

(End of this chapter)

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