Chapter 239
Facing the siege of so many people, ordinary people will inevitably feel a little flustered.

But instead of the man in black in front of him having the slightest intention of dodging, he charged straight at these people!
The sharp claws were as sharp as sharp knives, and with a sudden strike, a bloody wound appeared on Yiming's chest!
All this happened so fast that even the servant himself didn't realize it!

I saw him staring at the blood pouring out of his chest in disbelief, and two seconds later, he fell to the ground without breathing.

The other servants were all frightened by the scene in front of them, and even forgot to launch an attack for a while!
This gave the man in black an opportunity to take advantage of, and he rushed forward without saying a word, his speed was as fast as lightning, and he turned into an afterimage in the crowd, constantly shuttling back and forth, wherever he went , All blood flowed horizontally!

I don't know how many servants have died under the sharp claws of the men in black before they even reacted!

Looking at the bloody and tragic scene in front of him, even the well-informed Xue Yun was dumbfounded.

The servant that I have been proud of for many years, actually appears so powerless in front of this person!
After finishing off the last servant, the man in black didn't forget to lick the blood dripping from his claws and smiled.

This eerie smile made Xue Yun and his son shudder even more!

"I thought the Xue family was full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. After looking at it today, it's nothing more than that!"

"Don't be arrogant! Do you think our Xue family can stand tall in the rivers and lakes without a hand of cards?"

Xue Yong shouted angrily, then turned his head to look at Xue Yun beside him.

"Father, please Mr. Yun go out!"

Hearing this, Xue Yun's eyes lit up immediately, showing a surprised expression.

yes!How could I have forgotten that the Xue family still has a big Buddha like Mr. Yun?
"Okay! Go quickly! Mr. Yun please go out!"

"No, I'm already here." As soon as the words fell, a man's voice came from behind.

The voice sounded full of air, and people couldn't help but think of a strong and strong young man.

But when everyone turned around to look, they couldn't help showing a puzzled expression.

I saw that the person who came was actually an old man with gray hair and wrinkles all over his face!
This person looks to be at least seventy or eighty years old!But in his brows, there is no trace of old age, on the contrary, there is a heroic spirit that only belongs to young people!

This person is the old Mr. Yun that Xue's father and son mentioned, and it is also the trump card that the Xue family can rely on to stand in the rivers and lakes all year round!
"Early in the morning, people are not quiet and quiet. Who is making noise here?"

"Old Mr. Yun! You came at the right time! This guy who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth dares to trouble our Xue family. You have to teach him a lesson for us!" When Xue Yong saw the old man, his face showed An excited expression, as if seeing some savior!
But unlike Xue Yong's reaction, the man in black showed a sarcastic smile when he saw Mr. Yun.

"It's really going downhill! The Xue family, which is well-known outside, has been reduced to the point where it has to be protected by a bad old man!"

"Don't be presumptuous! Do you know that Mr. Yun is an ancient warrior with the strength of a great master?"

When he heard this sentence, Wang Long beside him couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he looked at the old man with great interest.

It's not because he was surprised by the strength of his great master, but because this is the first time Wang Long has seen such an old ancient warrior!
It's no wonder that there is no trace of aging on this person's face.

"Old man, I advise you to run for your life if you are sensible! I will not show mercy to you just because you are old!"

When saying these words, the man in black did not forget to glance at Li Qiang who was still unconscious beside him.

I gave him a chance just now, but unfortunately, this reckless man doesn't seem to know how to cherish it.

"Hmph! All my life, I have never seen such an arrogant nameless rat like you!"

"Mr. Yun, please stop talking nonsense with him, hurry up and kill this thief!"

Xue Yun was also beside him, looking impatient.

Xue Yun naturally did not want to endure such humiliation that the family he had carefully cultivated over the years was destroyed in his hands.

He can't wait to kill this guy with blood now, and use his head to pay homage to the souls of these servants!

Wang Long quietly looked at the old man in front of him, and indeed he could see some extraordinary temperament from him.

Judging from the strong internal energy that this person exudes, he probably became a grand master decades ago.

However, even after such a long time, he still hasn't crossed the bottleneck of the great master. It can be seen that for many people, Xun Zun is like an impossible mountain to climb!

"Mr. Wang, since this matter has nothing to do with the two of us, I think we should go first! Let this old Mr. Yun handle it!" Xie Yuan was already trembling from the scene just now, thinking about it I'm going to run away.

But Wang Long shook his head: "This Mr. Yun is no match for the man in black!"

"What? How did you find out?" Xie Yuan couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard Wang Long's tone so determined.

The reason is very simple. It is true that Mr. Yun has become a grand master, but the cultivation level of this man in black is not below that of a grand master!

The cultivation bases of the two are the same, so of course the young and strong side has the upper hand. If an old bone wants to fight against the young, it will naturally suffer. Gu Yueming has already asked for such a truth before.

It's a pity that Mr. Yun himself didn't realize this.

He didn't say a word, he just rushed forward with a stride!

Although he is old, Mr. Yun's skills are no less than those young servants just now!
Even the strength of this punch is several times stronger than those young people!
"Okay! Then let me teach you!"

The man in black couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, he clenched his fists and went straight to meet him.

boom -

The moment the two fists collided, a powerful momentum spread out.

Wang Long had expected this to happen a long time ago, he activated his internal energy ahead of time, and still stood firmly in place.

But other people were not so lucky, they were directly hit by this sudden impact and turned their backs!
"What a powerful force!" Old Mr. Yun couldn't help but widen his eyes, feeling the constant pain in his chest.

But the man in black in front of him didn't show any abnormality at all, instead he had a joking look on his face:
"Why? This is not enough? I haven't even tried my best yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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