Ares out of prison

Chapter 245 Make You Long Memory

Chapter 245 Make You Long Memory

Li Lin couldn't help clapping and applauding in his heart, and even imagined what would happen to Wang Long next.

After provoking Boss Jiang, there must be no safe place for him in this imperial capital. Even if he escapes, he will definitely be caught back!

But this can only be blamed on Wang Long himself. If he had agreed to Mr. Jiang's request earlier, wouldn't this be the case?
"My dear son, don't worry, Mom will vent her anger on you in this matter! This kid is finished!"

Jiang Yue comforted her crying son while walking.

"Mom! I'm not reconciled! I was a junior ancient warrior at a young age, but I lost to such an ordinary person!"

Jiang Yang said viciously, his eyes were about to burst into sparks, as if he couldn't bear to eat Wang Long alive on the spot!
"It doesn't matter! That's because this kid is playing tricks behind his back. If he fights you in a fair manner, he will definitely not be your opponent!"

This sentence made Wang Long a little confused, thinking that I didn't do anything just now, how could it be a dirty trick?

"Did I let you go?" Just as several people came to the door, Wang Long's voice suddenly came from behind.

Jiang Yang couldn't help trembling with fright, and turned his head quickly, only to see Wang Long looking at them with a cold expression.

"You... what else do you want to do? Haven't you already agreed not to fight?"

"You took the initiative to attack just now. I didn't intend to fight you, but you broke into my house like this without authorization, and left like this casually. Don't you think it's too light?"

When Wang Long said this, his expression looked extremely cold, which made Jiang Yang shudder.

"What do you mean? Do you still want to do something to my son? Do you know how powerful I am in this imperial capital?"

Jiang Yue took the first step to block Jiang Yang, and glared at Wang Long.

"No, I just plan to let your son have a longer memory."

"Hahaha—that's really shameless! Then I want to see, how can you, an unknown person like you, make me remember?"

Jiang Yang looked at Wang Long sarcastically, but in the next second, Wang Long's figure suddenly turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place!

"Where did he go?!" The three people present were startled by this scene, and they retreated subconsciously.

At the same time, a cold voice came from behind Jiang Yang:
"You seem to be satisfied with your cultivation? Then stop at the elementary level from now on!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Long made a quick move, and hit several acupuncture points on Jiang Yang's back twice.

Jiang Yang suddenly felt that every inch of his skin was wrapped in severe pain, and his meridians were cut off!
"Ah—" There was a shrill scream, and Jiang Yang collapsed to the ground, sweating profusely all over his body.

"Son!" Jiang Yue exclaimed, and hurriedly stepped forward to check, only to see that Jiang Yang settled down after struggling for a while.

"My cultivation cultivation base is gone!" Jiang Yang stared at his hands dumbfounded, repeating this sentence in his mouth.

"You bastard, what did you do to my precious son?" Jiang Yue turned her head and stared at Wang Long viciously.

The latter looked nonchalant, shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's nothing, it's just abolishing his cultivation base!"

This sentence was like a heavy punch, hitting the hearts of the mother and son, and immediately made them fall into an abyss.

Jiang Yue would never have imagined that her son, who made her so proud, would be abolished by others so easily!
"You devil! Do you know that you ruined a peerless genius! Can you afford this responsibility!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long couldn't help but sneered twice: "Genius? You've already reached the elementary level. This level is not suitable for martial arts at all, so I'm doing a good deed. Letting go of your thoughts will save you from dying tragically at the hands of others sooner or later!"

Wang Long's words made Jiang Yang's heart feel as uncomfortable as a knife stabbing him. Now he can't wait to kill Wang Long immediately!

But there is no way, right now my cultivation base has been completely damaged, and I am almost like a useless person.

Even if he was suffocating anger in his heart, he could only vent his anger now.

"You wait for me! I will definitely make you pay the price!"

Powerless, Jiang Yang could only say such a harsh word at most, and left with Jiang Yue's support.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, why are you bothering? Isn't it good to earn your money? You have to fight against this mother and son! I advise you to leave the imperial capital as soon as possible and hide as far away as possible. The better!"

Although Li Lin has always wanted to curry favor with Jiang Yue's mother and son, after all, Wang Long is also the owner of their company. He really couldn't bear to see Wang Long die at the hands of these two people, so he whispered advice in his ear One sentence.

"I don't need to bother you about this kind of thing, please go back!" But who knew that Wang Long was not only ungrateful, but also very disdainful,
"It's unreasonable! Then you just wait here to die! I won't be able to save you then!"

Li Lin said this viciously, and hurried out to chase Jiang Yue and the others.

Looking at the backs of the three people, Wang Long just sneered and didn't take them seriously at all.

To be honest, although he didn't know how powerful the mother and son were.

But in the imperial capital, the Tang family and Yuchi's family are the most powerful. What about Mr. Jiang?Never heard of it!
It is estimated that the influence of the two of them in the imperial capital is at best as low as that of the Xue family.

On the other side, Jiang Yue and the others had already walked out of the community where Wang Long was.

Along the way, Jiang Yang kept searching for the spiritual power in his body, thinking that there might be only a glimmer of hope left.

But unfortunately, all the veins in his body have been broken now, and he has no chance to practice martial arts in this life.

"This bastard actually wiped out all the results of my ten years of hard work. I want him to die without a place to bury him!"

Jiang Yang clenched his fists and cursed through gritted teeth.

Jiang Yue next to her also looked at her son with distressed expression, unable to swallow the bad breath in her heart.

My whole family is counting on my son to become a martial arts powerhouse in the future, relying on him to honor the ancestors.

But now, this Wang Long actually made him unable to take half a step into the martial arts world, and completely became a useless person!
"Son, don't worry, mom will avenge you for this matter!"

As she spoke, Jiang Yue suddenly looked at Li Lin next to her.

"Manager Li, you should not be familiar with this Wang Long, right?"

These words made Li Lin's heart contract, and he quickly shook his head: "No, no, no! He's just an unknown owner, and I've never seen him before!"

Now that Jiang Yue is in a fit of anger, Li Lin of course wants to choose to separate everything from Wang Long.

"Okay! Watch how I kill him!"

While talking, Jiang Yue took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

(End of this chapter)

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