Ares out of prison

Chapter 247 I don't even bother to humiliate you

Chapter 247 I don't even bother to humiliate you

"You... what do you want to do? Don't mess around!"

Jiang Song watched Wang Long approaching step by step, and desperately wanted to escape, but his current actions were completely bound by the cracks, even if he tried his best, he couldn't move at all.

"I said before that a person like your son is not worthy of staying in the Wulin. Now it seems that you are like him. Why don't I help you? It can be regarded as removing two scourges for the Wulin!"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Song was so frightened that he trembled all over, and looked at Wang Long in surprise:

"What do you mean? Is it possible that you want to abolish me too?"

"What do you think?" While speaking, Wang Long already raised his hands high, looking ready to go.

It was only now that Jiang Song finally realized that he had caused a catastrophe, and apologized repeatedly:
"Grandpa, please forgive me! I was wrong! I offended Grandpa because I didn't know the master! I beg you to be generous, please let me go this time!" The only thing Jiang Song is smarter than Jiang Yang is that he knows how to be subdued. When it's time to be soft.

But it's a pity that Wang Long is not the kind of person who can be coaxed well with a few words.

Ever since Jiang Song came to the door, Wang Long had made up his mind to make this family pay the price!

"Sorry, martial arts is not a place where you can just beg for mercy!"

After saying this, Wang Long waved his fist.

"Stop!" But just as the fist was about to fall, an angry voice suddenly came from behind.

Looking back, Jiang Song, who was still in a panic at first, suddenly beamed with joy as if seeing a savior.

"Tianshi Yan! You are finally here! Help me!"

Wang Long also followed the prestige, and a white-haired old man in a long robe appeared in his vision.

And beside the old man stood two people, Jiang Yang and Jiang Yue mother and son.

"Dad!" Jiang Yang would not be happy to see his father slumped, and he was about to rush forward with his fists clenched.

"Wait!" Luckily, Tianshi Yan reached out to stop him in time: "You have no cultivation now, and you have to die to go up!"

Just now Tianshi Yan has been hiding in the dark and witnessed everything that happened here.

From the extent of Wang Long's attack, it is not difficult to see that this person must also be a master!
"Your family has recruited a lot of helpers, who is this?" Wang Long looked at Tianshi Yan in front of him and said in a deep voice.

"The other person, Yan Jiaxiang, is Jiang Song's cousin." Yan Jiaxiang introduced himself solemnly, but Wang Long didn't show any face at all, and burst out laughing directly.

"Just now I told you to come with your whole family, and it turned out to be here! Then where are your seven aunts and eight aunts hiding now?" Wang Long said, and deliberately made a movement of looking around, as if Really looking for someone like.

"Presumptuous! Do you know that Yan Tianshi is the famous founder of Xingbodyquan in the imperial capital, and when he was young, he was invincible all over the world!"

Seeing Wang Long speak so rudely, Jiang Yang next to him couldn't stand it any longer.

Now Wang Long doesn't understand, your father is stuck in the crack and can't move, it's fine if you don't come up to help, but he is still standing by to help this Heavenly Master Yan?

Who is your real father!
"Young man, I advise you to stop in time, otherwise if the old man gets serious later, I'm afraid you will die!"

Although Yan Jiaxiang is old, his voice is still full of spirit.

Although Wang Long and him have not formally confronted each other, it is not difficult to see from this point alone that Yan Jiaxiang's ability is obviously ahead of that of Jiang Song, Jiang Yang and his son.

It's no wonder that Jiang Song's attitude changed the first time he saw him.

"Stinky boy! Didn't you hear what Tianshi Yan said? Tell you to release me quickly! Otherwise, you will die without a whole body in a while!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long narrowed his eyes and stomped his feet violently.

I saw the cracks on the ground rapidly expanding to both sides, and Jiang Song was swallowed by the cracks before he could even react!

Not only that, the rift is like a bamboo like a bamboo, wanting Yan Jiaxiang and the three of them to rush away!
"Back!" Yan Jiaxiang yelled, and hurriedly took the mother and son back.

Fortunately, his reaction was fast enough, otherwise, the three of them would have ended up like Jiang Song!
"Father!" Jiang Yang exclaimed, and hurriedly wanted to go to check the situation.

"Don't go!" Yan Jiaxiang stopped him, after all, he knew in his heart that the current Jiang Song was probably in danger.

But at this moment, a shrill cry suddenly came from the crack:

"Help! Someone come here!" The voice was none other than Jiang Song!
"It's my father! My father is still alive! Master Yan, go and save him!"

Jiang Yang looked overjoyed, and hurriedly looked at Yan Jiaxiang next to him.

But the latter stood still, showing no signs of taking any action.

Wang Long's kick just now obviously didn't use all his strength, but even so, it almost killed all of them directly!

This is the first time Yan Jiaxiang has seen such a powerful internal force in so many years!
He knew in his heart that if Wang Long had used all his strength just now, they would have already turned into a few cold corpses!
"Tianshi Yan, what's wrong with you? Hurry up and kill this bastard and save my father!"

Seeing that Yan Jiaxiang had been standing there without taking any action, Jiang Yang looked a little dazed.

But what he didn't know was that Yan Jiaxiang had started to retreat now.

He is afraid!

"How? If you want to fight, make a move quickly. If you are scared, run away with your tail between your legs!"

Naturally, Wang Long also saw Yan Jiaxiang's timidity, so he said such a sentence impatiently.

As soon as this remark came out, even Yan Jiaxiang couldn't help being a little angry.

Anyway, I can be regarded as a senior who has been in the martial arts for decades, how can I tolerate such humiliation?

"Boy! How dare you humiliate Tianshi Yan? You don't want to live anymore, do you?" Jiang Yang also fanned the flames.

"I'm sorry." Wang Long shook his head, with contempt in his eyes: "I don't even bother to humiliate you!"

"Too much deceit! Even if I risk my old life today, I will die with you!"

Yan Jiaxiang couldn't bear it anymore, and released his internal power to the outside, and suddenly there was a gust of wind and clouds around him.

Seeing this, Wang Long also showed an interesting smile on his face.

Yes, with this kind of internal strength, I can barely play with me for a few rounds!

But just when Wang Long was about to accept the move, a familiar voice suddenly came.

Only a figure flew out from the side and landed firmly between the two, which stopped the battle.

When he saw him, Wang Long couldn't help but smile.

Now things are more interesting!

(End of this chapter)

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