Ares out of prison

Chapter 260 The Great Shame

Chapter 260 The Great Shame

Seeing the visitor, Wang Long couldn't help showing a playful expression on his face, and said in a low voice:
"It's interesting now."

I saw a pure and clean girl in a white dress walking forward.

Beside him, there was another white-haired old man, none other than Tang Yanfei, the official head of the Tang family!
"Miss Li? Why are you here?" Li Chenhao looked at Li Xiaotian in front of him in astonishment.

"What? This is a reception held by the Li family. As the Li family, can't I come?"

Li Xiaotian was not polite in the slightest when he spoke, even when he said this, he didn't even look at Li Chenhao!
"Who is this? How dare you talk to Patriarch Li like that?" Xu Mei, who was next to him, saw it and couldn't help cursing.

"Who is barking?" As soon as Li Xiaotian said this, Xu Mei immediately became angry from embarrassment.

Barking?What do you mean, are you mocking me as a dog?

"Presumptuous! Do you know who I am? I am the wife of the chairman of Rhea Group!"

"Oh? Mrs. Chairman?" Hearing these words, Li Xiaotian frowned immediately.

"Why don't I remember, Li Jia'an's old thing has a wife like you?"

"Old thing? You are so brave, let's see if I don't..."

"Shut up!" Before Xu Mei could finish her sentence, Li Jia'an next to her scolded.

Can't help it, I saw him stepping up with a stride, and slapped Xu Mei's face unceremoniously!
Just listening to the loud voice, one knew that the force was not small, and even half of Xu Mei's face was swollen!

"Why are you hitting me! I'm talking for you!" Xu Mei looked at Li Jia'an with an aggrieved expression, her eyes filled with tears.

"I hit you, a blind thing! Do you know who this is? This is Miss Li!"

Although Li Xiaotian is a direct descendant of the Li family, it cannot be counted as the real Li family.

But her status in the family is no worse than that of Li Chenhao who is the head of the family!
Back then, because of her status as a direct descendant, Li Xiaotian was looked down upon and excluded in the Li family.

Unable to bear it any longer, Li Xiaotian chose to leave angrily. With her own strength, within five years, she developed and expanded her power, so much so that even the Li family feared him!

Back then, Tang Yanfei was also attracted by her extraordinary wisdom, so he was willing to let her be the mastermind behind the Tang family.

It can be said that Li Xiaotian contributed a lot to the Tang family's development to the present stage!

"Mr. Wang, as I said before, we will definitely meet!"

Li Xiaotian turned around and smiled at Wang Longwan'er.

But Wang Long's response to her was very cold, he just nodded his head slightly, and it was regarded as an answer.

"Bastard! Is this how you talk to Miss Li? Hurry up and kneel down to pay your respects!"

As soon as Li Jiaan's words fell, Li Xiaotian immediately received a cold look.

"I'm talking to Mr. Wang, what does it have to do with you? Is it your place to intervene here?"

What a shame it is for a middle-aged man who is over fifty years old to be taught a lesson by a little girl!
What's more, due to his fear of Li Xiaotian, even if he was humiliated, Li Jia'an could only swallow it silently!
"This must be Ms. Sun!" Li Xiaotian immediately looked at Sun Zihan next to her and said.

The latter looked puzzled, staring blankly at Li Xiaotian, still unable to remember who this person was.

I don't think I've ever seen her before?Then how did she know me?
"I heard Mr. Wang mention you before, and I can see that Mr. Wang cares about you very much!"

Hearing these words, Sun Zihan also blushed, and gave Wang Long a shy look.

"Hey! You two, chatting in front of me, you don't take me seriously!"

Li Chenhao's resentful voice came from his ear, and he looked at the people in front of him very seriously.

At first it was the Su family, then Xue Yun, and now even Li Xiaotian came!
He Dehe Neng is this Wang Long, to be blessed by so many big figures in the same day!
"Miss Li, is it possible that you plan to keep this person?"

Although Li Xiaotian can't be completely regarded as a member of the Li family now, out of respect for Tang Yanfei beside him, Li Chenhao's tone of voice is still restrained.

After all, the Tang family is one of the largest families in the imperial capital. If Tang Yanfei is offended, it will not do him any good!
"No." Li Xiaotian shook her head: "I didn't come here to protect him!"

Only then did Li Chenhao heave a sigh of relief, he thought that even Li Xiaotian was planning to get involved now!

As long as she doesn't care about this matter, then Wang Long is like a fish on the chopping board, let him slaughter it!

"Then I don't know why Miss Li and Patriarch Tang came here suddenly?"

"I'm here to save you."

Li Chenhao was at a loss when he heard it, and he didn't understand what Li Xiaotian meant for a long time.

"Help me? Miss Li, how do you say that?"

"Mr. Wang is not someone you can provoke! I am here this time to ask Mr. Wang to spare your life!"

Now Li Chenhao felt that it was extremely absurd.

Right now, all around here are the first-class masters of his Li family!And on Wang Long's side, there are only a few people, and it's hard to get out of here alive!Where did the saying of mercy come from?

But Li Xiaotian's words were not joking, because she knew in her heart that Wang Long still had reservations about her own strength before, if he was allowed to let him go, I'm afraid the current reception would have already been filled with blood. !
So Li Xiaotian didn't pay attention to Li Chenhao, but turned around and cast a questioning look at Wang Long:

"Mr. Wang, I don't know if I can take this matter to an end for my sake?"

Originally, Wang Long was hesitant, but at this time, Sun Zihan beside him also touched the corner of his clothes.

When Wang Long broke Li Yulong's hand just now, Sun Zihan was already terrified.

Although she also understood that Wang Long did this to protect herself, but Sun Zihan really didn't want to see Wang Long showing such a tyrannical side in front of her.

"Okay! Then, for the sake of Miss Li and Patriarch Tang, let them go!"

Hearing this, Li Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief, as if relieved from a heavy burden, she still nodded to Wang Long to express her gratitude:

"That's really a big thank you, Mr. Wang!"

"Ridiculous!" Li Chenhao next to him let out a roar, and stared at Li Xiaotian with wide eyes:
"My son's hand was broken by him! Why should he let it go? Today, no matter what, I will not let this kid go!"

"Then what are you going to do?"

"It's very simple!" Li Chenhao's eyes turned cold: "Tit for tat!"

(End of this chapter)

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