Ares out of prison

Chapter 262 Secret Contact

Chapter 262 Secret Contact
Didu International Hospital, expert consultation room.

A doctor in his mid-fifties holds an X-ray film and observes it carefully with a frown.

Li Yulong's broken hand next to him has already been put in a plaster cast, which can be regarded as a simple treatment.

But what he is most concerned about now is whether his hand has a chance to recover, and whether he can continue to practice martial arts in the future!

"Doctor, what's the matter?" Li Chenhao was also beside him, waiting for the result with worry on his face.

But the doctor's expression was a little dignified.

"Mr. Li, the bone in your son's right arm is completely broken, and the possibility of recovery is very small, almost hopeless! Even if it is barely repaired, it will leave sequelae for a lifetime, and it is impossible to practice martial arts again!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Yulong's face turned pale immediately, and he collapsed on the seat.

And Li Chenhao also clenched his fists, and slammed it hard on the table, causing a crack on the solid wood table!
"Wang Long, this bastard, completely ruined my son! I will never let him go!"

"Dad, I've almost broken through to the grand master, but now, I've completely become a useless person! You have to help me decide!"

Li Yulong sat beside him with tears all over his face.

The past ten years of cultivation had all been destroyed, and at this moment, he only had endless hatred in his heart!

He hated himself for not being strong enough, he hated himself for not being able to tear Wang Long into pieces!
"My son Yulong, don't worry! I won't just let this matter go! I will use Wang Long's head to comfort you!"

As soon as the voice finished speaking, Li Chenhao took out his mobile phone, planning to call someone.

Seeing this, Li Yulong suddenly showed a surprised expression on his face, and looked at his father in disbelief:

"Could it be that you want to show your cards?"

"Hmph! Since Wang Long is so heartless, why should I show mercy? This time, I will let him die without a place to bury him!"

The doctor in front of him looked at the two father and son and couldn't help swallowing.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, he could guess that a huge conspiracy was coming...

On the other hand, Li Xiaotian's efficiency is quite high. Yesterday, she just agreed to hold a reception for Sun Zihan, and the next night, everything was already implemented.

The place where this reception was held was not in a hotel, but in Li Xiaotian's private estate.

The reception was no less lively than the one hosted by the Li family, and the guests who came here were all big figures from the imperial capital.

Sun Zihan took this opportunity to communicate with many big bosses at the reception, and even signed several contracts on the spot!
But what she didn't notice was that in the corner of the reception, a pair of jealous eyes were silently commenting on her.

Xu Mei never thought that fate would make such a big joke on herself!
Yesterday she held a lot of contracts and held her head high in front of Sun Zihan.

But it was only one night, and all the companies that originally cooperated with each other withdrew their capital one after another, and Rhea Group was in a state where no one cared about it in an instant.

On the other hand, Sun Zihan has reached cooperation with so many big companies. Needless to say, he knows that in the future, Hanhou Beauty will definitely skyrocket in the imperial capital, far surpassing his own company!
"This guy, Sun Zihan, actually found such a man with extraordinary abilities! We are all women, why is there such a big gap in fate?" Xu Mei couldn't help sighing as she looked at Sun Zihan, who was talking and laughing not far away.

"Excellent skills? That's his luck! Let me tell you, Patriarch Li can't let him go so easily. Sooner or later, the man surnamed Wang will die in the hands of the Patriarch! As for his beautiful wife... "

As he said that, Li Jiaan showed a slightly wretched expression on his face.

From the first time he saw Sun Zihan, he was already salivating over this.

When Wang Long dies, such a beautiful woman will of course belong to me!
Sun Zihan was focused on communicating with several European entrepreneurs, and didn't notice the hostile gaze behind him.

"Miss Sun! We are honored to cooperate with you, and I believe our cooperation will be very pleasant!"

Following the friendly handshake between the two, another international order was won by Sun Zihan.

Now Hanhou Beauty's products have completely gone abroad, and it won't be long before they can make a big splash in the international market!
Looking at the thick stack of contracts in his hand, Sun Zihan couldn't help showing a smile of emotion.

Just yesterday, she still felt that her company's development path was full of obstacles and she could not see the future.

But the goddess of luck came so fast that she couldn't even react!

"Mr. Wang, it can be seen that your wife is a very capable person!"

Not far away, Wang Long and Li Xiaotian have been watching all this silently, witnessing with their own eyes that Sun Zihan won one contract after another.

Hearing this, Wang Long also nodded unceremoniously: "That's natural, otherwise it would be impossible to run such a large company alone."

"Mr. Wang is really humble. You must have helped Ms. Sun's company to such a extent that you have helped her a lot, right?"

Wang Long didn't answer directly, but just looked at Sun Zihan quietly.

"But Mr. Wang, as the saying goes, a big tree attracts wind. Now that Ms. Sun's company has developed, you should take more precautions!" Tang Yanfei couldn't help but say this after hesitating for a while.

"Prevent? Prevent what? Are you referring to the group of people from the Li family?"

Although Tang Yanfei didn't answer directly, the expression on his face had already acquiesced to this point.

"I also think it makes sense. I know Li Chenhao's character better. This person has always been famous for being violent and has a strong sense of crisis. As long as he thinks it will threaten his status, he will definitely do anything. Get rid of it!"

After speaking, Li Xiaotian paused:
"What's more, you crippled one of Li Yulong's hands yesterday. Doing so will undoubtedly ruin Li Yulong's way of practicing martial arts. With Li Chenhao's personality, he will definitely not let it go like this!"

Hearing this, Wang Long couldn't help but frowned slightly, and fell into deep thought.

It wasn't because he was afraid of the Li family himself, but because he was worried that this matter would affect Sun Zihan.

After all, the company's development in the imperial capital has just started to improve, so there is no room for any mistakes.

"Mr. Wang, if you need help, you can just ask, I can provide assistance at any time!"

Li Xiaotian didn't treat Wang Long as an outsider at all.

But what she didn't know was that Wang Long never liked to beg others.

What's more, the opponent is just a little Li's family, and there is no threat to him at all!
"No need, I'll handle this matter myself!"

As soon as the words fell, a servant came up and whispered something in Li Xiaotian's ear.

"I see, let's go!" Seeing Li Xiaotian's expression changed slightly, after dismissing the servant, she turned to look at Wang Long:

"Mr. Wang, I'm afraid you can't handle it alone!"

"Oh? How do you say that?"

"My informant brought information that Li Chenhao is in secret contact with a group of mysterious people!"

(End of this chapter)

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