Ares out of prison

Chapter 272 Kneel Down For Me

Chapter 272 Kneel Down For Me
This sentence is like a nail, deeply pierced into the hearts of everyone present.

Even Tang Yanfei, who was watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but widen his eyes in disbelief.

This guy Wang Long really dares to say anything, this is in the territory of the Li family, how dare he say that he is not popular?

But after thinking about it, Wang Long has the capital to be so arrogant.

After all, even the Tang family and the Xue family are small families that are not popular in his eyes.

I am afraid that in Wang Long's view, there are no high-ranking families in the entire imperial capital!The only one who can really enter his Dharma eyes is himself.

"Wang Long, I warn you, if you dare to do anything to me today, our Li family will not let you go!"

Even after hearing what Wang Long said, Li Yulong was still bluffing at the side, trying in vain to make Wang Long retreat.

But unfortunately, it was precisely because of such a sentence that Wang Long immediately felt that he was offended.

A person who has been driven to death dares to threaten himself openly?

Naturally, Wang Long couldn't bear such humiliation.

His eyes turned cold, and his body instantly turned into an afterimage!

With a sharp piercing sound, Li Yulong's long mouth was already decapitated before he could even make a sound.

"Yulong!!" Madam Xie's shout echoed in the huge courtyard.

But it was too late now, Li Yulong had already turned into a lifeless corpse.

"Okay, you bastard, how dare you kill my son? Come on, let me cramp and skin this man!"

Li Chenhao was so furious that he roared directly.

And the servants beside him seemed to be suddenly relieved, shouted loudly one by one, and rushed towards Wang Long.

Although the servants of the Li family were all first-class masters, they were still so insignificant in front of Wang Long.

Wang Long didn't even make a move, he just closed his eyes and suddenly released an internal force from inside and outside his body.

Just the howling air waves directly turned the servants around them off their feet!Instantly lost his fighting power!
Li Chenhao couldn't help swallowing when he saw this scene, thinking in his heart, just how terrifying is this guy's strength?
Right now, the servants that he was most proud of were already lying on the ground in disorder, howling continuously from their mouths.

But if you don't take revenge for killing your son, I, Li Chenhao, swear not to be a human being!

"Boy, if I don't kill you today, I don't plan to get out of here alive!"

As soon as Li Chenhao finished speaking, he raised his fist and wanted to rush towards Wang Long.

But before he could run a few steps, a pair of pale but powerful hands grabbed him.

Looking back, I saw that it was none other than Li Ruoyuan who blocked him!

"Father, don't stop me, I want to fight this guy to the death!" Li Chenhao said through gritted teeth, desperately trying to break free.

But even though Li Ruoyuan was old, his hands were still powerful, no matter how Li Chenhao struggled, it was useless.

"Bastard, kneel down!"

"What?" Li Chenhao couldn't help being taken aback, and wondered if he heard it wrong.

But in the next second, Li Ruoyuan grabbed his hand directly and forced him to kneel down on his knees!
"Father! He killed my son, why should I kneel down to this kind of person!"

While Li Chenhao was talking, he was still desperately trying to stand up, but Li Ruoyuan's hand was like a mountain of five fingers pressing on his shoulder, making him unable to move at all.

"Are you confused? This is our enemy! You actually asked Hao'er to kneel down to him?"

Seeing this scene, the old lady Xie next to her was also very puzzled.

Seeing his beloved grandson die tragically at the hands of Wang Long, wouldn't Li Ruoyuan feel heartbroken?

Of course he was heartbroken, but if he didn't do this, Li Yulong might not be the only one who died today!
At first, I thought that this person looked young and at most only had the strength of a high-level ancient warrior.

But just from the simple externalization of internal force just now, it was enough to make him feel afraid!

This person's strength is probably much stronger than all the members of the Li family combined!
Therefore, Li Ruoyuan had to suppress the grief in his heart and find a way to lead the Li family through this catastrophe safely.

"Mr. Wang, it was my grandson Yulong who offended me before. Now that he is dead, can you let us go?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present could not help but gasp.

On weekdays, Mr. Li always speaks aggressively when speaking to others, but this is the first time I have seen him communicate with others in such a tone.

But even so, Wang Long still had a cold expression and shook his head slowly:

"If he hadn't indulged Li Yulong before, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened, so this person is also to blame!"

Tang Yanfei couldn't help swallowing, thinking to himself that this Wang Long is really killing all of them!
No way, Wang Long is such a person, he doesn't care how others treat him.

But once someone threatens the safety of his loved ones, sorry, there is only one person who will end up—die!

But at this time, Li Ruoyuan suddenly made an unexpected move in front of everyone.

His trembling legs were slightly bent, and he knelt down in front of Wang Long along with Li Chenhao!
"Mr. Wang, I beg you, please let our Li family live! If possible, I, Li Ruoyuan, are willing to use this old life in exchange for my son Li Chenhao's survival!"

Now Li Ruoyuan didn't care about his own dignity anymore, he had already lost his grandson, and he could no longer watch his son die together.

When Li Ruoyuan knelt, all the surrounding Li family members, including Mrs. Xie, all knelt down in unison.

"Mr. Wang, please be merciful and raise your hands high!"

To be honest, Wang Long himself didn't expect that they would make such a mess, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

After thinking for a while, he turned his head and looked at Li Xiaotian next to him:

"The decision on this matter is in your hands."

Hearing this, Li Xiaotian frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, she slowly shook her head.

No matter how much she hated the Li family, it was only due to Li Yulong. Now that he is dead, there is really no need for the entire Li family to shed blood.

Seeing that Li Xiaotian had already made up his mind, Wang Long naturally stopped talking and looked at these people in front of him with contempt.

"Why don't you thank Miss Li soon?"

Where do people dare to neglect?Do so quickly.

But when Wang Long and his party were about to leave, Li Ruoyuan suddenly stopped him.

He looked at Li Xiaotian with a pensive look, and after a while he said in a deep voice:
"Miss Li, there is something I have to tell you. The Gu poison technique researched by Yulong cannot be easily resolved. If it is not dealt with in time, it will still die suddenly within a week!"

(End of this chapter)

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