Ares out of prison

Chapter 275 The Mysterious Guest

Chapter 275 The Mysterious Guest
"Kill the wild wolf with one punch? Miss Xiaotian really knows how to joke, our village is surrounded by mountains, and the wild beasts in the jungle are very powerful!"

Of course Zhao Xiaoya would not have thought that Wang Long could kill a wild wolf with one punch?Even high-level ancient warriors are as insignificant as ants!
Under Zhao Xiaoya's leadership, Wang Long's car drove into Qingfengzhai not long after.

Although there is a word Zhai in the name, it was discovered after a closer look that the area of ​​this place is quite large, about the size of a small town.

But different from the town in Wang Long's impression, the town in front of him is almost all green brick houses, which looks quite antique.

Walking on the moss-dotted flagstone road, Li Xiaotian suddenly felt as if she had arrived at some tourist attraction. She forgot about the poisoning for a while, and felt much better.

However, Wang Long next to him kept vigilant all the time. After all, he knew in his heart that the tranquility in front of him might just be an appearance. Behind this tranquility, there might be some unknown danger hidden!

After walking for a long time, a few people came to the only courtyard house in the village, which is Zhao Xiaoya's home.

From the distinctive mansion in front of him, it can be seen that Zhao Xiaoya's family background may be the best in the village.

"Sister Xiaotian, since you don't have any relatives to go to, you might as well live with me! It just so happens that my family runs a B&B!"

Hearing this, Li Xiaotian didn't refuse, just nodded and agreed.

Although Zhao Xiaoya said that her home is a homestay, but when she walked in, she found that most of the houses inside were empty, and there were a lot of weeds protruding from the cracks in the bluestone slabs in the courtyard. It's like no one has lived in it for a long time.

Zhao Xiaoya also saw the doubts of Wang Long and the two, and explained: "Originally, everyone planned to turn Qingfengzhai into a tourist attraction, and our family decided to run a homestay, but it didn't develop later, and we couldn't see it all year round There are a few tourists, so my house is basically vacant.”

"It's okay, now that we're here, let's treat them as guests of your house! Don't worry, we will never cut you off for the room fee."

"No, no, no! Sister Xiaotian is out of touch by saying that. You have kindly given me a ride. How can I have the nerve to ask you for money? You can just stay here, and you can just be my company. !"

After speaking, Zhao Xiaoya brought the two of them to an empty room on the first floor.

The furniture in the house is all made of wood, and it looks very simple and elegant. Although it has been covered with a layer of dust since it has been unoccupied for a long time, as long as it is cleaned up a little, the environment is still very good.

"I'm sorry, Sister Xiaotian, the conditions in our village are limited, and I may have to wrong you to sleep here tonight."

"What's so embarrassing? Such a nice house has exceeded my expectations! I thought I might sleep on the street tonight!"

Before the words fell, several people suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from the ceiling above their heads!
The heartstrings of Wang Long and Li Xiaotian tensed immediately.

Doesn't it mean that no one lives in this place?Why are there sudden footsteps?
Fortunately, at this time, Zhao Xiaoya hurriedly explained: "Don't worry! There is another room upstairs that is occupied."

"Huh? Didn't you just say that no guest has been here for a long time?"

Zhao Xiaoya nodded: "I haven't been here for a long time. When the two of them came a few days ago, I was a little surprised! After all, the last time a customer came was several years ago."

"And it's strange to say that since these two tenants came to my house, they have basically been bored in the house during the day, not going anywhere, and they refused to eat with us. After a long time, I didn't bother Leave them alone, as long as they pay the rent!”

Hearing this, Wang Long and Li Xiaotian couldn't help but glanced at each other, thinking that the purpose of this trip was the same as theirs, thinking that the residents who behaved so strangely?
"By the way! Sister Xiaotian, you must have not eaten yet, right? Why don't you eat at my house tonight, and I'll cook you the most famous farm food in our village!"

"Then trouble you!"

"No trouble, no trouble! I'll do it now, you guys rest for a while, you can eat it soon!"

After saying this, Zhao Xiaoya turned around and left the room.

"What do you think of this place?" Wang Long asked as soon as Zhao Xiaoya left.

"Yes! The environment is pretty good, and it must be very quiet to sleep at night! It's great to find such a room in this kind of place!" Li Xiaotian said while sitting on the bed and stretching.

"You know that's not what I'm asking. Do you think there's anything wrong with this village?"

"What's wrong? I didn't find it. Why, do you think there's anything wrong?"

After thinking for a while, Wang Long shook his head and replied, "No, I think all this is too normal!"

When Wang Long said this, Li Xiaotian immediately understood what he meant.

After all, the two of them had heard all kinds of rumors about Qingfengzhai before they came here, but when they came here, they found that this place was no different from the outside world at all.

Sometimes, being too normal can give people an inexplicable sense of uneasiness.

"And I always feel that those two residents upstairs are unusual!"

Li Xiaotian also nodded, agreeing with Wang Long's statement.

"Why don't we ask Miss Xiaoya carefully at dinner time!"

When it was time to eat, Zhao Xiaoya habitually went upstairs to ask those two people to eat.

But the result was still the same, both of them declined for any reason.

"Hmm! Xiaoya, I didn't expect your craftsmanship to be so good! This is almost as good as the chefs of those star-rated hotels in God's capital!"

Hearing Li Xiaotian's admiration, Zhao Xiaoya also smiled a little embarrassedly: "Sister Xiaotian, don't put a high hat on me, it must be because you are usually used to eating big fish and big meat, so you feel that The simple tea and light meals in our countryside are delicious!"

"By the way, Miss Xiaoya, I want to ask you a question."

"Brother Wang Long, if you have any questions, just ask!"

"What is the origin of the two residents above us? Besides not going out, is there anything else wrong?"

Hearing this, Zhao Xiaoya couldn't help being taken aback: "Why do you ask them two? You don't know each other anyway."

"Ham, after all, everyone lives upstairs and downstairs, so I'm more curious."

Wang Long casually found a reason to prevaricate, only to see Zhao Xiaoya recalled for a while, then said:
"When you said that, I suddenly remembered that there was something strange about them!"

(End of this chapter)

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