Ares out of prison

Chapter 277 Hair Thief

Chapter 277 Hair Thief
"Okay! It's because you are rude to others, and you deserve to be beaten. How long do you want to make trouble?"

Xu Ze didn't feel wronged at first, but when he heard that his own brother was facing outsiders, he immediately became unhappy.

"Brother, you and I are brothers! Why didn't you help me when you saw me being bullied, and you actually stood with him?"

Seeing Xu Ze chattering beside him, Wang Long lost his patience and said in a cold voice:
"If you dare to mess around again, be careful that I will be rude to you later!"

This sentence seemed to have some magical power, which made Xu Ze tremble all over, and he didn't even dare to say a word.

"Mr. Xu, I wonder who the person you mentioned just now refers to?" Wang Long asked.

It was precisely because of this sentence that Xu Rui knew that Wang Long and himself should not have the same goal.

"We came here to fight against a big devil in Qingfengzhai. This person is called Du Kai, and it is said that he is the master of the vulture master."

"Master Vulture?!" Upon hearing the name, Wang Long's eyes lit up.

This person had already made him feel a little difficult before, but he didn't expect that he still had a master staying in Qingfengzhai!

Now he finally understood why that old fox Li Ruoyuan asked him to come to Qingfengzhai to find a way to detoxify.

Since Li Yulong and Vulture colluded, maybe the antidote is related to this Du Kai!
"Fight Du Kai? Why? Does he have any grudges against you?"

Hearing this, Xu Rui shook his head: "I have no grievances or enmities with him, but this man has been entrenched in Qingfengzhai all year round, burning, killing and looting all kinds of crimes, and the people of Qingfengzhai have always suffered from it. Entrusted by you, come to eliminate harm for the people!"

Xu Rui's tone was decisive, and his eyes looked very resolute, with a dignified look.

But Wang Long just glanced at it and knew that this matter might not be realistic.

After all, the spiritual power released by these two people is inferior, and I am afraid that the strength is not even reached by high-level ancient warriors.

With such strength, even in front of Vulture, there is only a dead end, let alone his master?
But seeing the other party's passionate appearance, Wang Long was too embarrassed to tell the truth so as not to hurt him.

"By the way, Mr. Wang, did you come to Qingfeng Village to attack Du Kai?"

Wang Long shook his head: "You can say that, but I don't intend to kill him."

"Oh? Didn't you kill him? Could it be that you plan to join him?" Xu Ze looked at Wang Long warily from the side.

"Brother, be careful! Maybe this thief is in the same group as Du Kai!"

Hearing this, Wang Long just smiled coldly: "If I really belonged to him, do you think you can still stand here and talk?"

Although this sentence sounds hurtful, it is not without reason.

After all, relying on Wang Long's strength, killing these two brothers is simply as easy as pie.

If he really intended to kill, he and his elder brother would have already turned into two cold corpses.

"Xiao Ze, don't talk nonsense!" Xu Rui hurriedly scolded, and then asked, "It's not to kill him, so why?"

Only then did Wang Long tell the whole story.

"My companion was poisoned by Gu poison. The poisoner told me to come to Qingfeng Village to find a way to detoxify. I think Du Kai must have something to do with this."

Hearing this sentence, Xu Rui frowned first, as if thinking about something, and then replied:
"I've heard a little bit before that Du Kai seems to have researched some kind of poison secretly, and it's very likely that it's the Gu poison technique you mentioned!"

As he said that, Xu Rui couldn't help but paused, hesitant to speak.

"But Mr. Wang, with all due respect, I want to ask Du Kai to help detoxify. Do you really think this method is feasible?"

No need for him to say.Wang Long himself knew well that it must be unreasonable for him to come to him to detoxify Du Kai just now.

"No way, the situation is critical now, no matter what, I can only try first."

Wang Long didn't intend to fight with Du Kai as soon as he came, but if this person refused to cooperate, he could only talk with his fists!
Xu Rui originally wanted to persuade Wang Long again, but he couldn't help it. Since he had made up his mind, he couldn't say anything more.

The few people tacitly kept silent about the meeting tonight, so that Li Xiaotian didn't know about it at all.

Early the next morning, Wang Long was awakened by a loud noise outside the window.

He hurriedly put on his coat and came to the courtyard, only to see that Li Xiaotian was also standing with Zhao Xiaoya.

"Miss Xiaoya, what kind of voice is that?"

"It must be that group of guys came to the village again, sister Xiaotian, don't worry, as long as we don't go out!"

Hearing these words, Wang Long's eyes suddenly brightened.

That rascal?Could it be Duke?
He hurried out of the small courtyard and looked around, only to find that it was not Du Kai who came, but a large group of unidentified people.

The clothes of these people were weird and exaggerated, which formed a sharp contrast with the residents in the surrounding villages.

Don't panic, this group of men walks like a swagger, just like a gangster.

At this time, a lot of onlookers had gathered on the side of the road.

I saw the plainly dressed old man went straight up to greet them and bowed deeply to them.

"Several distinguished guests are here, I am sorry to welcome you, please forgive me!"

Such a gray-haired old man was so respectful to several young and strong young men, which already surprised Li Xiaotian.

Who knew that these people didn't even look at him, but pushed him away.

The old man lost his footing and almost fell to the ground!
"This group of people are really lawless!" Li Xiaotian cursed angrily, and when she was about to rush up, she was grabbed by Zhao Xiaoya next to her.

"Sister Xiaotian, these people are arrogant and unreasonable. You, a weak woman, are no match for them. Let's leave this matter alone!"

Hearing this, Li Xiaotian couldn't help frowning.

"What is the background of this group of people? Why do you think you seem to be familiar with them?"

"It's not just me? Everyone in Qingfengzhai hates them to the bone!"

Zhao Xiaoya deliberately lowered her voice, and then explained:

"This group of people is a well-known bully in the next town, and they often cause trouble in the surrounding villages and towns. Since a few months ago, they have come to our village every now and then to collect protection fees. The village is full of weak old people, so no one dares to do anything them."

Hearing these words, Li Xiaotian's eyes became even more angry.

"A group of thieves are so presumptuous! I'll take care of this matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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