Chapter 280
Seeing that Li Xiaotian didn't answer for a long time, Xu Ze also sneered and said with disdain:
"How? Are you scared? If you don't have the real ability, don't speak wild words, lest you get your head and hit yourself in the face!"

"Oh? Then you mean that you have real skills?" Li Xiaotian asked back.

"Of course! It's just that my brother made a move today, so there's no need for me to make a move, but I'll leave my words here today. If those villains dare to come back, I will definitely make them remember and never dare to step on it." Half a step into Qingfengzhai!"

What Xu Ze said was swearing, but the elder brother next to him just shook his head helplessly.

I usually teach him that he must be low-key in speaking and doing things, and must not be quick to talk, but after so many years, his brother's stinking problem still hasn't changed at all.

And as soon as Xu Ze finished speaking, a young man ran into the house in a hurry.

"Sister Xiaoya! Go and have a look! Those bullies just now are back!"

"What?" Upon hearing this sentence, Zhao Xiaoya suddenly showed a puzzled expression: "Didn't they just get a lesson? Why did they come again so soon?"

Xu Ze stood up abruptly, looking eager to try, "It's just in time! Then I'll show them the strength of Taoist Qingfeng!"

"I haven't finished yet. Those bullies have found a helper who claims to be a demon who kills one person in ten steps. There is an eagle standing on his shoulder, which is scary!"

Originally Xu Ze was still full of confidence, but when he heard this sentence, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

"What did you say? An eagle standing there?"

"That's right! I just felt that the visitor was not kind, so I hurried over and asked some experts to come and help me!"

"This..." Xu Ze hesitated for a long time, and then said, "I'm sick today, let's fight another day!"

After saying this, Xu Ze turned around and prepared to run.

It's just that he didn't have time to take a step, and Wang Long next to him grabbed his sleeve:

"Don't go, didn't you just say that you want to let these people have a long memory?"

"Let go! I'm talking about making the bully remember, not including this helper they found!"

Seeing Xu Ze's shocked look, Wang Long also secretly knew that the helper they found might not be simple.

"Helper? Does this person have any background?"

"Mr. Wang doesn't know something. The person who came is called Tie Ying. This person is Du Kai's right-hand man. His strength is almost the same as him, and his temper is as cruel and ruthless as him! Decades ago, even because of a little insignificant incident, he was killed. Brutally killed the servants of an entire family!"

"Brother, don't talk so much nonsense with them, this guy is an ignorant kid! If they want to die, just let them go, the two of us don't jump into the fire pit!"

While talking, Xu Ze desperately tried to break free from Wang Long and escape for his life.

But Wang Long's strength was beyond his expectation, even if he tried his best, it was useless.

"Right now, there must be bullies out there. If you go out now, you will undoubtedly run into their guns!"

What Xu Rui said reminded Xu Ze, and suddenly he realized.

"That's right! Brother, do you have any good solutions?"

Seeing that Xu Rui lowered his head, he didn't know how to respond for a while.

In the end, after Wang Long thought for a while, he said: "The matter has come to this point, the only way is to go out and meet Tie Ying!"

"Oh, if you want to send yourself to death, I want to live a few more years!"

"Sorry, it was you who said that you wanted to teach them a lesson, so let's go together!"

After Wang Long finished speaking, he picked up Xu Ze's arm and walked outside.

Xu Ze was yelling and struggling desperately along the way, but Wang Long's strength was too great, and when he came to his senses, he had already been taken out of the hotel.

I saw a man with eerie appearance and even weirder clothes standing in front of him.

Although he had never met Tie Ying before, just seeing the cold and heartless eyes of this man already made Xu Ze feel afraid.

Moreover, there was indeed an eagle standing on his shoulder, and his sharp eyes were staring straight at Wang Long and the others, as if he was locking the prey.

"Master Tie Ying, these gangsters refuse to pay the protection fee and even hurt my subordinates. They don't take me seriously at all!"

Guo Gang pointed at the people in front of him, his tone sounded very angry:
"If you don't take me seriously, it's disrespectful to you and Lord Du Kai. You have to teach these troublemakers a lesson!"

Hearing this, Tie Ying also narrowed his eyes, looked at Xu Ze in front of him, and said:

"I heard that Taoist Qingfeng is causing trouble here. Is that person you?"

Xu Ze was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he slumped down on the ground with a plop, shaking his head like a rattle.

"No, no, no! How could it be me? Even if you lend me ten guts, I wouldn't dare to go against you! All of this was done by my brother! It has nothing to do with me!"

As soon as this remark came out, even Xu Rui who was beside him was stunned for a moment.

He never thought that his own brother would betray him at such a critical moment!

"Ozawa! You and I are brothers, shouldn't we share weal and woe?"

"What kind of shit is sharing weal and woe? You were looking for death before! Don't try to drag me along!"

A disdainful smile appeared on Tie Ying's face: "I thought the Taoists of Xu Feng's sect were so powerful. After working on it for a long time, they are all a group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"Shut up!" Tie Ying's words completely angered Xu Rui: "My brother is greedy for life and afraid of death, but I'm not! Today I'm going to let you demons know what it means to be evil!"

As he said that, Xu Rui opened his posture, clenched his fists and rushed forward.

But at this moment, a howl of an eagle pierced the sky, and the eagle was as swift and fierce as an arrow flying from the string. A cold light suddenly appeared, and a bloody wound suddenly appeared on Xu Rui's intact chest!
The latter screamed in pain, only feeling his legs go limp, and fell to the ground.

After the eagle circled in the air, it landed firmly on Tie Ying's shoulder.

"What? Didn't you say that the evil does not overpower the good? It's only one round, and you can't do it?"

After all, the opponent is Du Kai's right-hand man, and his strength is naturally superior.

It's just that Xu Rui didn't expect that he was injured like this without even having the chance to fight against him.

"I'll give you a chance to live. You can either cut off your own arm to feed my black eagle, or you can exchange the lives of all the people in Qingfeng Village!"

(End of this chapter)

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