Ares out of prison

Chapter 286 Not for You

Chapter 286 Not for you to speak
This scene immediately surprised everyone present, even Wang Long himself did not expect that Du Kai would have such a reaction.

"Lord Du Kai, what are you doing?"

"Shut up! You don't have a place to talk here!" Xu Ze just wanted to ask Du Kai why he did this, but he snapped back in the next second.

Tie Ying on the side also swallowed, looking hesitant to speak.

"You know me?" Wang Long looked carefully for a while, but he still had no impression of Du Kai.

Then why did he immediately fall to his knees in fright when he heard his name?

"Master's name is like thunder, how could I not have heard of it?"

"Back then, Master defeated Young Master Yuchi by himself and protected the Xue family from being destroyed. Although I have lived in seclusion in this mountain forest all year round, I admire your deeds so much!"

Although Du Kai's strength is enough to dominate one side, it does not mean that he can compete with famous families like the imperial capital.

For many years, I and these big families have always kept the water in the well, but now, there is a big man who makes all the families in the imperial capital change their faces!

The strength of this person can be imagined, Du Kai is a smart person, so naturally he would not be so stupid as to provoke such a strong person.

"Master Du Kai! You must have admitted a mistake. This kid has better martial arts, but he is definitely not a master?"

"You bastard!" Furious, Du Kai rushed to Xu Ze and slapped him hard!

Du Kai's slap was so powerful that Xu Ze even passed out on the spot!
Originally, Tie Ying also planned to persuade Du Kai, but when he saw this scene, he immediately trembled with fright, and he didn't even dare to breathe!
"This kid really doesn't know how to flatter, he dares to disrespect the master, just wait, I'm going to kill him now!"

As Du Kai said, he stretched out his sharp claws and prepared to step forward.

"Okay, I don't have time to argue with this kind of person right now, I don't think I have any objections to asking you to help detoxify me?"

Knowing that the other party is a person with terrifying strength, how dare Du Kai neglect?Hastily nodded and agreed.

"No comment, no comment! Of course I have no comment! Miss, please sit down first, and I will help you check the toxins in your body!"

Li Xiaotian responded, and then sat cross-legged on the ground.

But Du Kai cautiously began to take his pulse, quietly feeling the changes of toxins in Li Xiaotian's body.

"Master, I'm afraid Miss's situation is not optimistic!"

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Long frowned immediately: "What do you mean? Could it be that you can't undo the Gu poison?"

"No, if I want to detoxify, I still have a way, but I can't guarantee the success rate!"

Judging from the expression on Du Kai's face, he knew that he was not joking.

"But didn't you invent the poison poison technique yourself? Why can't even you guarantee the success rate?"

Seeing Wang Long was so puzzled, Du Kai explained to him:
"To tell you the truth, although I invented the poison poisoning technique, I feel that this sorcery is too cruel, so I haven't used it in these years. The person who poisoned the young lady must have done it in normal times. A lot of research, otherwise, the toxicity would not have spread to such an extent in a short period of time!"

When Du Kai said this, Wang Long recalled that Li Ruoyuan had told them that Li Yulong had devoted himself to studying Gu poison.

Even the founder of this technique felt that this move was too cruel and was unwilling to use it, but Li Yulong strengthened the move based on it!

Wang Long couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart, this Li Yulong is even crazier than a demon who kills without blinking an eye!
"No matter what, you have to do your best to detoxify, otherwise, don't blame me for letting the two of you be buried together!"

Wang Long's words made Du Kai and Tie Ying's scalps go numb, how dare they waste time?Hastily agreed.

I saw Du Kai also sitting cross-legged behind Li Xiaotian, with his hands on her shoulders, continuously injecting his own internal force into Li Xiaotian's body, trying to force out the toxins in her body with internal force.

If it is an ordinary level of Gu poison, such a detoxification must be tried and tested.

But there is no way, the strength of the Gu poison technique strengthened by Li Yulong has reached a level that even Du Kai did not expect!

Therefore, the process of detoxification was particularly difficult. After a while, beads of sweat kept rolling down his forehead.

Du Kai, who was in charge of detoxification, was like this, and Li Xiaotian frowned even more.

At this time, she only felt that there seemed to be a raging fire in her body, which was burning painfully.

"Pfft—" A stream of black blood spewed out from Li Xiaotian's mouth.

"Success!" Du Kai couldn't help shouting, almost jumping up excitedly!
And Tie Ying at the side also let out a long sigh of relief, only to belatedly realize that his legs were trembling all the time!

There is no way, after all, the lives of both of them are in the hands of Du Kai. Once there is an accident in the detoxification, the consequences can be imagined.

Li Xiaotian coughed a few times, and suddenly felt that all the blocked meridians had been unblocked, and her whole body was extremely relaxed.

Seeing this, Wang Long also nodded in satisfaction, looked at Du Kai and said:
"Yes, it seems that my trip was not in vain."

"That's natural! Master is here, even if I, Du, risk my life, I will find a way to cure Miss!"

Du Kai looked at Wang Long flatteringly, nodding and bowing his head, just like a slave!

To be honest, Wang Long was even ready to fight Du Kai before coming here.

But I didn't expect the detoxification process to be so smooth.

"It's getting late now, Tie Ying, help me send Master down the mountain!"

"Wait!" Just as Tie Ying was about to step forward, Wang Long suddenly stopped him.

"Did I say I was leaving?"

Du Kai frowned, secretly knowing that something was wrong.

"Of course! It stands to reason that I, Du, should hold a banquet in honor of Master, but as you can see, I am in the deep mountains and old forests, and I really don't have anything to sell. Let's do it! When I go to the imperial capital some other day, I must take care of it." Invite master and miss!"

"Stop pretending to me! You know that's not what I'm talking about!"

While talking, Wang Long noticed a sneaky figure beside him.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he pulled Guo Gang back who was about to flee.

"The matter of detoxification is settled, now is the time to settle the old accounts, right?"

"Old debts? Master, why didn't I understand what you meant? I have no grievances with you, so what old debts can I have?"

Du Kai managed to squeeze out a smile, feeling extremely panicked.

"Let me ask you, did you indulge these bastards and go to Qingfengzhai to do evil?"

(End of this chapter)

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