Chapter 290

"Wow? Nanyang Country? Not bad! But I heard that housing prices in that place are actually quite cheap. A villa in the capital is actually similar to a house in Jiang Province, and the accommodation conditions are not as good as in Jiang Province?"

"Who did you listen to? No matter how different the customs are in foreign countries, we have lived for most of our lives, so we have to go around the world! Otherwise, how aggrieved it is to stay at home all the time? Are you right?"

Although the two of them were talking peacefully on the surface, Wang Long, who was a bystander, seemed to be able to smell the pungent smell of gunpowder in the air.

Now even if Liu Juan didn't tell him to talk less, he didn't want to intervene in the battle between these two women.

"Hey? Who is this?" Wang Long originally wanted to watch the excitement from the side, but unfortunately, Chen Mei just noticed him.

Liu Juan gave him a blank look first, and then simply replied: "My son-in-law."

"Oh! So he is your worthless son-in-law? I heard a long time ago that the second daughter of your family can't find a boyfriend, and the eldest daughter married a wimp who only knows how to eat soft food!"

"Hey, I said Liu Juan. Anyway, you can be regarded as a woman who has climbed a high branch. Why didn't you pass on your experience to your daughter? Seeing such a waste dangling in front of you every day, I don't feel suffocated. Bend?"

Wang Long had heard these words countless times, and he no longer cared about them.

On the contrary, the expression on Liu Juan's face was even uglier than Wang Long's. I really wanted to slap her on the spot!
"I climbed high branches? That's my skill, what about you? Why didn't you see your husband with you?"

"Damn! He? He came to the Imperial Capital some time ago to discuss business. He arrived before me. I asked him to drive to pick me up just now!"

As soon as Liu Juan heard the word car, her eyes lit up immediately, and she said hastily:

"Your family also bought a car? Then I'm really curious. At the beginning, you kept saying that your husband must drive a luxury car and live in a villa! I don't know what kind of car your husband is disclosing?"

"It's nothing, it's just an ordinary off-road vehicle!"

Upon hearing these words, Liu Juan immediately showed a smug smile on her face, and couldn't wait to bring Chen Mei to Wang Long's car.

"Do you know this car? BMW! My daughter bought it for me! Usually I rarely drive it out, but today I just let this trash drive over to pick you up because of the arrival of my good sister!"

Wang Long couldn't help frowning, thinking, isn't this car mine?When did your daughter buy it for you?
But after thinking about it, the reason why Liu Juan said that was just to save herself some face.

If Wang Long hastily exposed it, it is estimated that Liu Juan would inevitably blame him after returning.

So right now he just stood by, pretending that he didn't hear anything.

Just as Liu Juan was happily introducing the various features of the car to Chen Mei, a wine red Porsche Cayenne suddenly stopped beside them.

The window of the driver's seat was lowered slowly, and there was a handsome young man in a suit sitting inside.

"Honey, I've been looking for you for a long time, so you are here!"

"Honey?!" Liu Juan was taken aback, staring blankly at the young man who looked ten years younger than Chen Mei, and couldn't believe her ears.

Could it be that this person is Chen Mei's husband?
"Let me introduce, this is my husband, He Tao, this is my college classmate Liu Juan, and his good-for-nothing son-in-law."

He Tao couldn't help bursting out laughing when he heard the words "good-for-nothing son-in-law", and looked at Wang Long with a burst of sarcasm.

The latter didn't care at all, and didn't even look at He Tao.

"No, you are so young, why did you find Chen Mei as your wife?" Liu Juan couldn't help but asked the question in her heart.

But it was this sentence that completely ignited the powder keg between the two.

Chen Mei's face darkened, and she asked coldly, "What do you mean? You mean I'm very old?"

"Chen Mei, stop pretending, our children are getting married soon, how young do you think you can be?"

"Young man, I think you must have misunderstood! Chen Mei is a gold digger who can only spend money but not make money. She can't give you anything at all. I advise you to keep your eyes open and don't be deceived by her!"

From Liu Juan's point of view, He Tao must think that Chen Mei is rich, so he is willing to be such a rich woman on the list.

But who knew that as soon as he finished speaking, He Tao's face darkened immediately: "I'm sorry, please don't speak ill of my wife. When I'm with Meimei, I'm completely attracted by her beauty and talent!"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Juan froze in place.

beautiful?talent?Chen Mei has nothing to do with these two words, okay?
"Do you think that all men are like your good-for-nothing son-in-law, who has milk and is a mother? My husband is not such a mercenary!" Chen Mei seized the opportunity, on the surface she was mocking Wang Long, but in fact she was cruel Hit Liu Juan in the face.

Now Liu Juan felt that she was shooting herself in the foot, and couldn't think of anything to refute her.

"Since you are all here, how about I drive you for a ride?"

"No! Isn't it just a car? We also have it!" Liu Juan pointed to the car beside her while talking.

"Hahaha! How dare you show off a broken BMW? A bumpkin is a bumpkin!"

He Tao mocked Liu Juan mercilessly.

"Oh! My dear, don't talk about it. Anyway, she is also my old classmate. We should save face for others when we talk!"

While talking hypocritically, Chen Mei opened the co-pilot's door and got in.

"By the way, Liu Juan! Let's finally meet again. Tomorrow we will treat guests to dinner at the Jinrui Hotel. Do you want to come too?" Chen Mei lowered the car window and said.

Liu Juan knew in her heart that if she went, Chen Mei would definitely mock her again.

But if you don't go, doesn't it mean that you voluntarily admit defeat?

For a while, Liu Juan herself didn't know what decision she should make, and fell into silence.

"I knew you would be polite to me, or let the little son-in-law make the decision! Will you come or not?"

Wang Long couldn't help being stunned for a moment, thinking that this matter has nothing to do with me, why should I decide?
At the same time, she noticed that Liu Juan was quietly shaking her head at her side, winking constantly.

As a person who is good at observing words and expressions, Wang Long understood the subtext in Liu Juan's expression at a glance, and said firmly:

"No problem at all! Isn't it just a class reunion? It's impossible not to go!"

"Hahahaha! Good! Then we will wait for your family!"

The Porsche Cayenne drove away, leaving Liu Juan in a mess in the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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