Chapter 297
"What?!" Chen Mei exclaimed, wondering if there was something wrong with her ears.

From the beginning to the present, I have been flattering Xu Wei all the time, and I only threw this dish into the trash can after seeing her cry. Why did I not get a good face in the end, but was scolded all the time? pause?
Chen Mei didn't know that Xu Wei's two tears were not because the dish was unpalatable, but because it was so delicious, she shed tears of emotion immediately!

The so-called delicious to cry, it should be this feeling!

"You can try it if you don't believe it! This is really delicious!"

Xu Wei looked at Chen Mei with bright eyes, as if she wasn't joking.

Seeing this, Chen Mei dubiously picked up a piece of shrimp and slowly put it into her mouth.

In the next second, the same expression as Xu Wei appeared on her face, and tears kept rolling in her eyes!

To be honest, I have tasted all kinds of delicacies from all over the world outside these years.

But no high-end restaurant in any country can make such delicious food!
Although it's just an ordinary dish, its taste is enough to kill all kinds of high-end dishes on the table!

"How is it? If you don't speak, it means you approve of this dish?" Liu Juan asked from the side.

It was only then that Chen Mei came to her senses, quickly controlled the expression on her face, and then frowned:

"What the hell is this? It's so salty! This thing can be eaten by people? Don't be kidding!"

As soon as the words fell, a resounding slap landed on Chen Mei's face.

And it was none other than Xu Wei who was beside her!

"Mr. Xu, what are you doing?" Chen Mei covered half of her face and looked at Xu Wei innocently.

The latter glared angrily: "What do you mean? Do you mean that I am not human anymore?"

Chen Mei immediately realized that she had said something wrong, and quickly shook her head:
"No, no, no! Mr. Xu, you have misunderstood, I dare not offend you even if I have the guts of a bear!"

He Tao on the side watched his wife being beaten, but he didn't dare to get angry at all. Instead, he nodded and bowed together:
"That's right! Mr. Xu, you must have misunderstood, how dare Chen Mei disrespect you?"

As he said that, He Tao suddenly changed the subject: "That's right! I think it must be because you are so hungry that you think everything is delicious! Otherwise, with such an ordinary useless, how could there be such a thing? craftsmanship?"

Upon hearing these words, Chen Mei hurried down the steps.

And Xu Wei also showed a suspicious expression on his face.

Just now I was indeed so hungry that my chest was pressed against my back, and when I tasted Wang Long's dishes at this time, it was inevitable that I would make a mistake in judgment.

Perhaps Wang Long's craftsmanship is indeed not bad, but compared with a five-star chef, it is still far behind.

"Let's do this! I admit that you are a worthless wretch, but you have some skills, but you have to know that the dishes cooked by you country bumpkins are impossible to serve on this crystal dining table! Do you want to compare with five-star chefs? Just dream !"

Chen Mei was speaking arrogantly, without noticing that there was already a tall man standing behind her.

"Who said this kind of dish can't be served on the table?"

A familiar voice came, Chen Mei's expression changed immediately, and she hurriedly turned her head to see a blond-haired, blue-eyed foreigner.

Although this man is a foreigner, what he speaks is standard fluent Mandarin.

"Mr. Jack, what brings you here? I'm planning to send someone to invite you over for dinner!"

When Chen Mei saw Jack, she turned her face faster than turning a book. One second she was blowing her beard and staring, and the next second she was smiling.

"I heard that there is a guest in this private room who wants to discuss cooking with me, so I came to see it out of curiosity!"

When Jack said this, his eyes were already locked on the plate of braised prawns on the table.

"That's right! You came at the right time! It's this kid who overestimates his abilities and wants to learn cooking skills from you!"

While talking, Chen Mei pointed to the dish with a look of disgust on her face.

"Look, can this kind of thing compare with those big dishes you cook? There is no comparison at all!"

"Whether it can be compared or not is up to you, I have to decide after I taste it!" Jack gave Chen Mei a white look, and the latter immediately closed his mouth, not daring to say another word.

After all, the other party was the royal chef from the royal family of the Western Kingdom. If he offended him, he would undoubtedly offend the royal family of the Western Kingdom.

So even when facing a cook, Chen Mei and He Tao had to be polite.

"Sir, I welcome you to have a culinary exchange with me. In this way, I will make a dish on the spot, and then let the hotel's professional taster decide who is slightly better, how about it?"

After all, it is a professional chef, even if they compete, they are also from the perspective of fairness and justice.

Wang Long didn't even think about it, so he agreed directly.

"But before that, I want to taste your cooking first!"

Jack tasted the chopsticks while talking.

"What are you guys still doing in a daze? Hurry up and prepare ingredients for Mr. Jack! Abalone, lobster, foie gras and caviar, don't leave any behind!" Chen Mei hurriedly came to several waiters and urged.

"No need." But at this time, Jack shook his head to stop her: "I have already lost."

"What?!" As soon as these words came out, not to mention Chen Mei, even Liu Juan next to her showed a surprised expression.

I saw that Jack seemed a little unwilling, but in the end he said in a deep voice:
"I have learned cooking since I was a child and have won many awards in my life, but I have never tasted something so delicious! I have already lost!"

Jack knew in his heart that even if he tried his best to cook the dish he was best at, he could not compare with Wang Long's skill.

Since this is the case, there is no need to continue this competition.

"Mr. Jack, what are you kidding? This kid is just a wimp, how could he have such a great ability?"

"Shut up! I won't allow you to insult a gourmet master like this! Now! Immediately! Apologize to this gentleman!"

Jack suddenly became furious, glaring at Chen Mei viciously, his eyes were about to burst into sparks!
Chen Mei was also taken aback by his appearance, she didn't dare to delay at all, so she came to Wang Long and bowed slowly.

"I'm sorry, I was bad before."

Such an apology can be said to be insincere, but Wang Long didn't care, after all, he didn't take Chen Mei seriously.

"Sir, I have something to ask. I don't know if my husband is willing to come to our royal family as the head chef. I am willing to offer a price of 5000 million US dollars a year!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone gasped.

5000 million US dollars a year, this salary is simply scary!Even Sun Zihan's company may not be able to have such a high income!
Unexpectedly, Wang Long, a useless wretch, would one day make a comeback!

But when everyone was envious and jealous, Wang Long's answer made their jaws drop in shock.

"Sorry, cooking is just my hobby, and I don't intend to treat it as a job."

(End of this chapter)

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