Chapter 35

For a while, the entire northern mountain top echoed with cheers and jumps.

But Chen Yuan and the others were not happy.

Just when they were feeling uneasy, Gu Yueming suddenly glanced at Chen Yuan.

"Master, these scum of the martial arts are completely the same as Feiying, why don't we clean up the sect together today!"

These words made Chen Yuan tremble all over, and quickly knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

"Master! Master, please forgive me. I was blind just now. Please, Master, don't be as knowledgeable as us!"

Seeing that Chen Yuan started to kneel down and beg for mercy, his younger brothers naturally did not dare to neglect.

For a moment, all Gu Wu's people mourned, and they all looked at Wang Long as if they were facing a big enemy.

"Forget it, this kind of person is destined to be useless in martial arts."

Wang Long rolled his eyes and said this sentence contemptuously.

In his opinion, even fighting with these people would lose his status as a great master.

When Chen Yuan heard Wang Long insulting him like this, he didn't feel angry at all, but thanked him again and again.

"Yes yes yes! Master taught me! I am not a thing, we are not a thing!"

"Get lost before I change my mind!"

When Wang Long gave an order, several people ran away, fearing that Wang Long would regret it later.

After Gu Wu's people left, Father Han also gave Wang Long a hug salute.

"Master! Our Han family will definitely look up to you from now on!"

When Wang Long heard this sentence, he readily accepted it.

After all, with the influence of the Han family, they might be able to help him in the future.

As long as it is good for him, Wang Long will not refuse.


Yan Jiaming struggled on the ground for a long time before he finally breathed a sigh of relief and bumped to Wang Long's side.

"Thank you, Master, for your help today! Killed this old thief for me!"

Seeing Feiying lying on the ground, who had already died of breath, Yan Jiaming couldn't help applauding in his heart.

But the fly in the ointment is that this enemy was not resolved by himself.

I'm afraid that if there is no Wang Long, I will only die under Feiying's fist.

Wang Long just agreed coldly and didn't say much.

Although Yan Jiaming has some strength, he can be regarded as a genius.

But for such a person who can only act recklessly, Wang Long doesn't want to take it to heart at all.

At the very least, if this kind of person wants to gain a firm foothold in the martial arts world, in addition to strength, he also needs to accumulate a lot of experience.

What Yan Jiaming lacked was exactly this kind of experience.

"You are seriously injured, so don't say more, go to the hospital quickly!"

Wang Long just wanted to send him away quickly, but Yan Jiaming didn't refuse. After nodding in agreement, he turned and left.

But in his heart, he was still silently looking forward to the next meeting with Wang Long.

After all, such a strong man, whoever it is, wants to wait for the opportunity to get close.

"Master, it's getting late, you should go to rest first! Just leave the matter here to us!"

Father Han lowered his head slightly, sending Wang Long off respectfully.

After all, he helped himself to get rid of this formidable enemy, so naturally he couldn't bother him about the aftermath.

Wang Long agreed, turned and left directly.

After returning to the bottom of the mountain, Wang Long saw that a group of people were surrounding his Ferrari at this time, and they kept exclaiming.

"Please let it go."

Wang Long's expression was indifferent, and under the envious eyes of everyone, he got into the Ferrari.

"Handsome, can I have a contact information?"

A few girls with scantily dressed and coquettish dresses even approached Wang Long's car window and began to wink at him.

Originally, I thought that relying on my own charm, I must be able to catch one.

But Wang Long ignored it at all, and raised the car window directly!
Seeing a few girls slammed the door, the people next to them burst into laughter.

Ferrari's sound insulation is excellent, and Wang Long sitting in the car was not disturbed.

He took out his mobile phone and called Sun Zihan.

When she went out before, she was always worried about herself. Now that the battle is over, she should tell her that she is safe.

"Wang Long, are you alright?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Sun Zihan's concerned voice came from my ear.

"It's over, I'm fine, don't worry."

Hearing these words, Sun Zihan involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief, and the stone hanging in his heart crashed to the ground.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back."

After saying this, Sun Zihan hung up the phone.

Wang Long started the engine and was about to turn around and set off when the cell phone rang again.

"Mr. Wang, do you still remember me? From an antique shop! What you want has arrived, come and take a look!"

"I'll come over now."

Although Wang Long's tone was very calm, there were unavoidable waves in his heart.

With the alchemy furnace, he has the most basic conditions for alchemy.

The engine roared, and under the gaze of everyone, Ferrari disappeared without a trace like a galloping flying leopard in an instant.

After picking up the goods at the antique shop and paying the final payment, Wang Long came to the pharmacy non-stop.

"Mr. Wang, the medicinal materials you ordered before have arrived, please count the quantity!"

Under the leadership of the medicine boss, Wang Long roughly counted the medicinal materials on his list, and there were always a lot of them.

And the money for the medicine was also poured into the boss's account.

The middle-aged man with glasses almost crookedly smiled, and nodded and bowed to Wang Long.

"Mr. Wang, you will still look for me next time you buy medicine!"

Wang Long drove the car and moved all the alchemy furnace and medicinal materials into the garage he bought before.

No one knows that he bought a garage here, so this place can just be used as a secret base for his alchemy.

After Wang Long placed the alchemy furnace, he felt an indescribable sense of excitement in his heart.

This is the first time I tried alchemy, I don't know whether the result is good or bad!

After all, if alchemy is successful, it will be of great help to one's cultivation.

But once it fails, it's not just a waste of a few herbs.

In severe cases, it is likely to be life-threatening!

After repeatedly recalling the alchemy steps on the long scroll, Wang Long lit the alchemy furnace.

According to the proportions in his memory, Wang Long carefully put various medicinal materials into the furnace.

It seems that he placed it randomly, but in fact, the quality of each medicinal material has been carefully calculated.

Even a slight error will greatly reduce the efficacy of the refined pill.

After placing the medicinal materials, Wang Long began to use his spiritual energy to activate the operation of the alchemy furnace.

Only in this way can the refined pills be brought into full play.

The fire was blazing, and after a while, Wang Long's forehead was covered with sweat.

But he was still unhurried.

Wang Long knew in his heart that alchemy is a long process, and one must not try to accomplish it overnight.

After an unknown period of time, the flames in the furnace slowly dissipated, and a wonderful medicinal fragrance wafted in the air.

"it's time……"

(End of this chapter)

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