Chapter 38

Naturally, Wang Lung would not tell him the truth.

After all, even if it is said that this is the panacea he refined, no one will believe it.

"Secret recipe passed down from ancestors, it's inconvenient to reveal!"

Song Yucheng couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

He tried his best to rescue the life for more than half an hour, but he couldn't save the life. Wang Long was able to rejuvenate with just a small pill.

If my hospital can get the formula of this pill, wouldn't the people of the world be saved in the future?
But looking at Wang Long's expression, it seems that he didn't intend to share the formula.

Song Yucheng didn't want to give up just like that, so he took out a business card from his pocket.

"There is my contact information on it. I hope that if there is a chance in the future, we can chat together!"

Wang Long just took the business card, turned and left the hospital without saying a word.

Fortunately, there are only three golden pills in total, and now there is only one left.

But Wang Long didn't feel regretful, as the onlookers said before, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

Even if Sun Zihan knew about this, he would probably support him.

Thinking of this, Wang Long returned to the car and continued to drive towards the community.

But as soon as he got home, Wang Long found an old man sitting on the sofa in the living room.


He froze for a moment, and then he saw clearly that the man in front of him turned out to be his father-in-law, Sun Anming.

"Haven't you been transferred abroad? Why did you come back suddenly?"

If the entire Sun family has a slightly better attitude towards Wang Long, only Sun Anming is the only one.

So Wang Long is also very polite to this father-in-law.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. A few years ago, Sun Anming was transferred by the company to work abroad. As soon as he left, his mother-in-law and sister-in-law began to squeeze him frantically at home, trying every means to drive him out of the house.

"I have to go back to the country for a while, so I will stop by and have a look! Is everything okay at home?"

Sun Anming had a kind smile on his face, which made Wang Long feel very cordial.

"Don't worry, it's fine!"

"When I came back, I heard from Zihan that you bought a car?"

Wang Long nodded, and Sun Anming suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"Good boy, I knew I didn't misread you at the beginning, and in just how long it took, you've made a name for yourself!"

"What made him famous? He just had shit luck! Didn't he rely on the Han family's fame!"

Before Wang Long could answer, Liu Juan's voice came from behind.

"That's right, Dad, don't listen to his nonsense, be careful if you praise him a few words, he'll hit your face!"

Sun Xueying also echoed by the side.

Hearing the two sarcasm him, Wang Long didn't say anything, after all, he was used to it all these years.

"You guys, whether it's luck or not, Wang Long changed the status quo through his own efforts, that's a good thing to be thankful for! You still need to give some encouragement!"

"Okay, okay! Just get used to him, sooner or later, he will be spoiled!"

Seeing that her husband kept on helping Wang Long, Liu Juan's expression looked obviously displeased.

Seeing this, Sun Xueying next to her wanted to divert the topic, and immediately asked:
"By the way, dad, this time you returned to China suddenly, did the company's business goals have been achieved?"

At that time, Sun Anming was assigned by the company to go abroad by virtue of his excellent working ability to complete the task of tackling the turnover.

It's been several years since I went there, but when I came back suddenly, maybe the task was completed and I retired.

"Then our family can get a big dividend this time, right? I've already thought about it! As soon as the money arrives, let's change the car immediately. What BMW? It's not high enough! If you want to change it, you have to change it to a sports car, at least At the level of Ferrari!"

Seeing Liu Juan beaming with joy, Wang Long actually felt like laughing.

Ferrari?I've already gotten tired of that stuff, why are I still so yearning for it?
"That's right! After changing the car, let's go to the beach to buy a villa with a sea view, so that those who looked down on us before can take a good look at it. Our Sun family will also have a prosperous day!"

Sun Xueying also joined the ranks of fantasies, and the two of them talked more and more vigorously, and even planned for some noble schools for their children in the future!

But at this time, Sun Zihan suddenly noticed that Sun Anming's face seemed a little dignified.

She immediately realized that something was wrong, and asked softly:
"Dad, what's the matter? Is something wrong?"

Sun Anming quickly shook his head: "No, nothing, nothing!"

That being said, his expression cannot deceive anyone.

This look of bitterness is definitely not that simple!
"Husband, what's the matter? Isn't our dividend ratio so large?"

Liu Juan kept talking about money, and Sun Xueying hurriedly agreed:
"That's impossible! Our Sun family has created so much income for the company, if anyone dares to deduct our dividends, I will definitely not let it go!"

I don't know why, the mother and daughter are usually indifferent to everything in the family, but when it comes to money, they are extremely positive.

But even so, Sun Anming's brows were still furrowed, as if he was preoccupied.

Wang Long also stepped forward and sat beside Sun Anming:

"Dad, just tell me what's going on, and let's solve it together. If you keep it in your heart like this, there will be problems!"

"That's right! Tell me quickly, I'm so anxious!"

Sun Anming couldn't hold back the soft and hard arguments of several people, so he let out a long sigh.

"Actually... there was a problem with that foreign project."

"What's the problem? Will our dividend be less?"

Liu Juan's primary concern is money.

Sun Anming shook his head: "It has nothing to do with dividends."

Upon hearing this sentence, Liu Juan breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on her face: "Then you still make it so mysterious, I thought it was a big deal!"

In her opinion, as long as money is okay, everything is easy to solve.

But Wang Long saw the clue from his father-in-law's expression.

"It's not about dividends, is there a more serious problem?"

These words revealed the truth, Sun Anming was silent for a while, and finally sighed, which was also regarded as acquiescing.

"This time I came back to find a way to solve the problem. If it can be solved, it's okay, if it can't be solved..."

Halfway through the conversation, Sun Anming stopped talking.

But even so, everyone could still guess what he wanted to say in the second half of the sentence.

After all, the lifeblood of the entire Sun family is the company project that Sun Anming is in charge of.

If it can't be solved, not only the company will have problems, but their entire Sun family may also be doomed!
(End of this chapter)

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