Ares out of prison

Chapter 405 Encouraging

Chapter 405 Encouraging
As Zhang Chunmei said, she did not forget to cast a glance at Wang Long beside her, and then added:
"I thought you would improve a bit after seeing each other for a few days, but it seems that I was thinking too much, and you still don't understand the rules!"

Seeing this, Lin Feng on the side quickly echoed: "Mom, you are overthinking this. How can a person who lacks discipline at home know the rules? Aunt Liu Juan, are you right?"

Hearing this sentence, Liu Juan's face turned green, and she stood there without saying a word for a long time.

The mother and son Zhang Chunmei and Lin Feng are obviously here to find fault!

What's even more exasperating is that the bastard Wang Long stood beside him with a blank expression when he heard others mocking him so much!

"Did you hear that? People say you're uneducated! Hurry up and make tea!" Liu Juan couldn't help scolding.

Wang Long didn't take what the two of them said seriously at first, but because he didn't want to get too entangled with Liu Juan, he had to follow suit.

"I'm sorry, this kid really has no brains, don't mind!" Liu Juan said, and then asked the mother and son to sit down.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Chunmei and Lin Feng sat on the longest sofa without saying a word, but Liu Juan could only sit on the small sofa next to it. This scene looked like Zhang Chunmei and Lin Feng were the masters, and Liu Juan was the one who came to the door Like a guest.

After a while, Wang Long returned to the living room with two cups of steaming tea.

Of course, he specially selected the defective products among the tea leaves, for no other reason, the mother and son were not worthy of being entertained with good tea.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Wang Long sitting beside him after serving tea, Liu Juan's expression darkened.

"Didn't you see any guests? Why don't you go back to your own room? Don't embarrass me here!"

"Aunt Liu Juan, why bother!" At this moment, Lin Feng who was sitting by the side suddenly said:
"Wang Long is not ashamed at all! You don't know, last time at the banquet, he stole the limelight!"

"What?" Upon hearing this sentence, Liu Juan's expression changed immediately, and she quickly asked, "What is this kid doing?"

"Huh? So he hasn't told you yet?" Lin Feng sneered coldly: "But that's okay, of course he didn't dare to tell you about such a big matter!"

The more Lin Feng said that, the more anxious Li Juan became: "My good nephew, what did Wang Long do? Tell me quickly!"

"This guy offended all my bossy friends at the banquet, especially Chairman Xiao! Since that banquet, he has never appeared in public again. I went to him before, and his family People say that when you are sick, you need to rest!"

"Auntie Liu Juan, look, Wang Long can actually make President Xiao angry like this, isn't that majestic?"

"Pfft—" Who knew that upon hearing this sentence, Wang Long couldn't help laughing out loud!

"You bastard, you can still laugh after getting into such a big trouble! Are you trying to drive me to death!"

Seeing Liu Juan's gritted teeth, Wang Long barely suppressed the smile on his face.

No way, what Lin Feng said really made him laugh a little bit.

What's wrong?Obviously he was eunuched by someone!From a powerful president to a young eunuch overnight, of course he is ashamed to face others!Only Lin Feng is so naive, he believes whatever others say!

However, Xiao Qin was lucky to be able to save his life.

The reason why Qin Hu did this was to save him in a disguised form. After all, he knew in his heart that if Wang Long took action himself, Xiao Qin would have already become a lonely soul!
"Forget it! Aunt Liu Juan, let's not talk about this. Anyway, people have already offended people, so it's useless to say anything!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Liu Juan shook her head quickly: "Don't! Good nephew, you'd better help and explain to those big bosses! Just say that we have nothing to do with this trash, and the previous matter is completely his personal Behavior!"

"I said Liu Juan, are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid?" Before Lin Feng could answer, Zhang Chunmei who was next to her said first:

"Knowing that those bigwigs hate Wang Long to the core, going to explain to them at this time, wouldn't that be adding fuel to the fire? I think you want to destroy your daughter's business on purpose!"

"No, no, no! That's not what I meant! If that's the case, then don't rush to explain it!"

"Don't talk about that, let's talk about Sun Zihan's birthday!" Lin Feng changed the topic.

"What does Zihan's birthday have to do with you? Why should you worry about it?" Wang Long said coldly.

"Shut up! You trash, you don't have a place to talk here!" Liu Juan scolded him severely, then looked at Lin Feng and said, "Nephew, I'm sorry for your troubles, but Zihan's birthday has never been a big deal. It’s been done, every year it’s just the whole family going out to have dinner together, just a simple celebration!”

"Huh?" Hearing these words, Lin Feng couldn't help showing a surprised expression: "I thought Sun Zihan, as the boss of the company, would have a big birthday party! It's just this after a long time? It's not as good as mine Staff are great!"

"Liu Juan, it's your fault! Zihan's status is different now. Of course, such a big event as a birthday can't be too casual! It must be a big event, and all the high-ranking people in the imperial capital should be invited to celebrate together! "

As she spoke, Zhang Chunmei's tone sank, and a mysterious expression appeared on her face: "And this is also a rare opportunity for your family!"

Hearing what she said, Liu Juan couldn't help frowning, with a blank look on her face: "Opportunity? What opportunity?"

"I'll go! Why don't you even understand such a simple truth!" Zhang Chunmei sneered, and then said:

"Sun Zihan's birthday party, the guests who came to attend must be some powerful figures, if you can let her get in touch with some big shots at the same time, then your Sun family will not be prosperous from now on? "

Hearing this, Liu Juan looked dubious: "Is there such a thing for a birthday?"

"Of course! Otherwise, why do you think those rich people like to hold cocktail parties every now and then? It's just to gather powerful people together for an occasion, and see if they can get some benefits from it!"

Liu Juan suddenly realized, and immediately slapped her thigh: "Okay! I've decided that Zihan must hold a lively birthday party for her this birthday! Eldest nephew, I need to ask you to call the guests. Help!"

"Help? When did I say I would help you?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Juan couldn't help being taken aback: "What do you mean? You just talked for a long time, didn't you just plan to help me?"

"I said Aunt Liu Juan, I just said this to remind you, I never said I would help you!"

"Besides, your son-in-law is so capable, it shouldn't be a problem to call some bigwigs from the imperial capital, right?"

Seeing Lin Feng's playful face, Wang Long finally understood that the reason why their mother and son encouraged Liu Juan so much was to see their jokes!

(End of this chapter)

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