Chapter 411
Zhang Chunmei and Lin Feng's mother and son were busy for half an hour, and finally cleaned up the debris all over the floor.

When the two of them put down the broom in their hands again, they were already sweating profusely from exhaustion, panting heavily.

"Damn it! I'm exhausted! That bastard Wang Long is really, actually entrusting me with such a heavy job!"

As Zhang Chunmei said, she looked at her evening dress with distressed expression.

This is a custom-made dress that I spent tens of thousands of dollars on!Actually let me wear it to sweep the floor?What a waste of money!

"Okay Mom, I'm fine now, let's go eat and rest first!"

After some cleaning, Lin Feng also looked ashamed, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

The two then came to the dim sum buffet area not far away. Zhang Chunmei chose a piece of Italian cake, while Lin Feng picked up a cup of freshly ground coffee and began to savor it carefully.

"Well, the taste of this coffee is very mellow. It looks like freshly ground coffee beans brought back by air from abroad!"

While talking, Lin Feng gently shook the glass in his hand, as if tasting red wine.

"Now I believe even more that Sun Zihan must have arranged all of this!" Zhang Chunmei also said beside her.

There is no other reason. How could a country bumpkin like Wang Long come up with so many luxurious delicacies?

"Son, since Sun Zihan arranged all of this, do you think she will make a bigger show at night?"

Zhang Chunmei couldn't help but feel a little worried. She even arranged for a servant with a gun and live ammunition. Who knows what kind of moth she will make at night?

But Lin Feng was very disdainful about this, he snorted coldly, shook his head and replied:

"Don't worry, Mom, Sun Zihan is not that capable at all!" As he said, he pointed to the surrounding courtyard: "What's the use of just having these ostentations? No matter how high the ostentation is, it's just a background board at best. The really important , is a guest at the banquet!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

In his opinion, Sun Zihan had exhausted all his skills to get such a manor.

As for the guests, with her little contacts, it is impossible to invite any big shots!

"Well, you're right! I'd like to see what Sun Zihan can do tonight!"

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Zhang Chunmei seemed to feel that it made sense, so she nodded and answered.

"Yo? Have you started eating? What? Did you sweep the floor?" Just at this time, Wang Long came over and said coldly.

I saw him wandering into the courtyard just now, bowed his head and glanced around before nodding, just like a leader inspecting!

Wang Long's expression made Lin Feng feel uncomfortable for a while.

The two of us have been busy cleaning up here for a long time, and it's fine if you don't help, but we are still making sarcastic remarks?

"Hmph, what are you so arrogant about? If you didn't have Sun Zihan's help, you wouldn't even be a fart!" Zhang Chunmei said coldly.

"What?" Hearing this sentence, Wang Long couldn't help being taken aback, and looked at Zhang Chunmei blankly: "What does this have to do with Zihan?"

"Still pretending? Let me ask you, didn't Sun Zihan seal this manor for you?"

"Mom, why waste your tongue with this unknown junior? Let's see how he can continue to pretend when the banquet starts tonight!"

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Wang Long finally understood what they meant:
"It seems that you have some doubts about my ability."

"Ability? Hahaha—it's ridiculous!" Lin Feng looked at him with disdain:
"As far as you are a piece of trash, what ability is there? Could it be that you can invite some important people to attend?"

Faced with Lin Feng's cynicism, Wang Long did not explain too much, after all he knew that explaining to this person would be a waste of time.

But Lin Feng didn't seem to want to stop there, instead he came to Wang Long with an aggressive look:
"Let me ask you, why are you arranging so many seats? Have you invited so many guests?"

After speaking, Lin Feng scanned the hall in front of him, and saw that there were hundreds of seats, large and small!
If it was true as Wang Long said, the guests who came to the banquet today were all big shots, wouldn't he have to invite hundreds of big shots?

Even with Sun Zihan's connections, he couldn't invite so many great people at once, let alone Wang Long, a worthless wretch!
"Isn't this simple? When the time comes, spend some money, find a few extras, and sit together and have a lot of fun!"

Zhang Chunmei's words immediately aroused Lin Feng's ridicule.

"I thought you, Wang Long, are so capable! If you co-author such a large manor, the guests can only invite extras?"

From Lin Feng's point of view, Wang Long's move is simply a swollen face to pretend to be fat!
Just the cost of renting out this manor is enough for them to drink a pot, and adding extras, wouldn't it make things worse?
Hearing these words, Liu Juan's expression darkened.

I thought that this guy Wang Lung could come up with something, so it was this kind of trick?Isn't this a waste of money?
"I said Wang Long, in fact, you don't need to pretend like this. If you really can't find anyone, you can talk to me. I'll help you contact some people!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long couldn't help laughing coldly: "I think you may have made a mistake."

"Wrong? What do you mean?" Lin Feng looked at him blankly and asked.

"The guests invited today are all friends of Zihan and I, and there are no extras."

But who would have thought that upon hearing this sentence, Lin Feng and Zhang Chunmei laughed even more.

"Huh? Friends? With your poor appearance, I guess the friends you make are a bunch of bad guys, right?"

Seeing her disbelief, Wang Long just shrugged his shoulders and said in a cold voice:
"I'm too lazy to explain so much to you, you just have to look after it later!"

"Okay! I'd like to see what you can find, you trash!" Zhang Chunmei also nodded in agreement.

Not long after, a brand new Bentley stopped at the gate of the manor.

A middle-aged man with a big belly got out of the car and walked to Wang Long.

"Mr. Wang! Long time no see!"

Zhang Chunmei looked the person in front of her up and down, and couldn't help but sneer.

That's it?Do you think you can pretend to be a rich man by wearing some brand-name clothes and a fake gold chain?
Just trying to fool me?Do you look down on me too much?

"Oh, Wang Long, this is the big man you invited, right?"

Zhang Chunmei stood aside and said in a strange way.

"Why? Could it be that you want to get to know him?"

Hearing what Wang Long said, the middle-aged man also politely extended his hand and said:

"My humble Qin Hu is Mr. Wang's friend, nice to meet you!"

"Get your dirty hands away! Just you bastard, you still want to know me? It's a good idea!"

"What?" Upon hearing these words, Qin Hu froze in place.

And Wang Long next to him also showed a meaningful smile.

This Zhang Chunmei really has eyes but does not know Mount Tai!
(End of this chapter)

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