Ares out of prison

Chapter 422 Take money to eliminate disasters

Chapter 422 Take money to eliminate disasters
"Master Zeng!" Following the exclamation of the younger brothers, Zeng Yaolong leaned back and fell straight on the ground.

And there seemed to be a hole in his forehead that kept bleeding out, and after a while, the blood dripped all over the floor.

Before Zeng Yaolong could react, Wang Long grabbed the wine bottle and smashed it on his head.

After all, in Wang Long's eyes, Zeng Yaolong's offensive moves were like slow-motion, full of loopholes.

I don't even need too many tricks to counter it with ease.

Everyone in the venue turned pale with fright, not even daring to speak out.

They really didn't expect that Wang Long really dared to do such a murderous attack on the members of the Feilonghui!

Didn't he have the slightest fear of Feilonghui?

What's even more frightening is that just now, when Wang Long killed Zeng Yaolong, the expression on his face was very indifferent!

It seemed to him that Zeng Yaolong's life was not worth mentioning at all, and he could decide his life or death with just a little movement of his fingers!

"Madman! This is a fucking lunatic!" Lin Feng was so frightened that he was trembling all over, and he couldn't stop repeating this sentence.

In his opinion, Zeng Yaolong's status seemed to be far higher than that of everyone present!

Not to mention such an insignificant son-in-law as Wang Long who came to visit, even if the largest family in the imperial capital came, he had to be polite to him!
You know, once you provoke the Feilonghui, you will end up being wiped out!

But this Wang Long wanted to commit the crime knowingly, and had to lead everyone into the fire pit!
The current Lin Feng no longer expects himself to be able to curry favor with the people of the Dragon Club.

He only hoped that Wang Long would not harm himself and be involved in this turmoil!After all, there is an injustice and a debtor, so whoever makes the move, let him settle the score!

"Liu Juan, from today onwards, we will cut off all contact!" Zhang Chunmei also had the same thought, and said such a sentence immediately.

"You... what did you say?" Liu Juan looked pale and looked at Zhang Chunmei in disbelief.

The person in front of her is usually considered to be her sister, and the relationship is extremely close!
But now, in order to protect herself, she wants to sever ties with herself without hesitation!

Only then did Liu Juan realize how stupid it was for her to regard this kind of person as a good girlfriend before!

But the matter has come to this point, she has no choice but to curse secretly:
"Wang Long, bastard, can you do something! Do you have to kill us all to be willing?"

"Master Zeng!" Right now, all the younger brothers hurried forward, trying to help Zeng Yaolong up.

Fortunately, although Zeng Yaolong's head was dripping with blood, the injury was not serious enough to be fatal.

This is also thanks to Wang Long's restraint just now, after all, he didn't want to kill in front of Sun Zihan.

"Stinky boy! Let me tell you, you are in trouble!" Zeng Yaolong stretched out his hand, pointed at Wang Long and cursed angrily.

"My flying dragon master is like a cloud, and any one of them can kill you with ease!"

"Oh? Really?" Unexpectedly, facing Zeng Yaolong's threat, instead of being afraid, Wang Long showed a playful smile!

It was as if what he heard was not a threat, but an extremely funny joke!
"'re not afraid at all?" Zeng Yaolong asked with a trembling voice.

And Wang Long's answer was still merciless.

"In my opinion, your Flying Dragon Society is just a bunch of mobs, and there is nothing to fear at all!"

"Okay! If that's the case, come here! Invite Master Yuan to me!"

As soon as Zeng Yaolong said this, all the guests present were shivering.

"Master Yuan? Could it be that he is the murderous demon who wiped out a family by himself ten years ago?"

"Who else is there besides him? Does Feilong have a second person surnamed Yuan?"

"It's over, it's over! If you provoke that guy, I'm afraid we will really die today!"

For a moment, the entire venue was enveloped in an atmosphere of fear.

And Zeng Yaolong also showed a proud smile on his face, raised his chin and said:
"I gave you a chance before, but it was because you didn't know how to cherish it. Now, I want you to die without a whole body!"

"En." But even so, Wang Long still looked indifferent, and even poured himself a glass of red wine and tasted it.

"I'm really blind, how could I let my daughter marry such a guy with a brain problem!"

Liu Juan kept beating her chest, looking remorseful.

If I could start from scratch, I would never agree to let my daughter marry this lunatic!
In this way, he will not be involved in such disasters in the future.

But right now, it's too late to say anything, Master Yuan, whom everyone calls, is already on his way.

Knowing that waiting would be a dead end, Lin Feng naturally didn't want to sit still, so he hurried to Zeng Yaolong:
"Ms. Zeng, in fact, we are not familiar with this guy! We just came here for a quick meal today. There is a debt to be paid. Can you let the two of us go? We will definitely thank you in the future!"

While talking, Lin Feng stuffed something into Zeng Yaolong's hand.

Upon closer inspection, I saw that it was a shiny bank card.

That Zeng Yaolong is also a typical eye opener when he sees Qian, and immediately shows a satisfied smile, nods and says:

"It seems that among all the people here, you are the one who knows the rules better! Get lost!"

Hearing these words, Lin Feng was also overjoyed. He nodded and bowed to thank him repeatedly, and then told Zhang Chunmei to leave quickly.

Knowing that she was out of danger, Zhang Chunmei showed a smug expression again, and turned to look at Liu Juan:
"I'm sorry! My good sister, I won't be with you today! Don't worry, I will go to your grave to burn paper and incense for you at this time next year!"

After saying this, Zhang Chunmei let out a burst of wanton laughter.

Seeing her smug look, Liu Juan felt angry and helpless.

"Zihan! What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and send some money to Zeng Shao, so that he will let the two of us go!"

Seeing that Sun Zihan on the stage didn't move, Liu Juan was also a little anxious, and hurriedly urged her.

As the saying goes, if you use money to eliminate disasters, if you can save the lives of the two of them, no matter how much money you spend, it will be worth it!
But who would have thought that Sun Zihan shook his head with extremely firm eyes.

"I won't abandon Wang Lung, even if I die! I want to die with him!"

"You silly girl, you are really fascinated by this guy!" Liu Juan gritted her teeth angrily, but there was nothing she could do about it.

boom -

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the gate of the manor, shaking the whole venue trembling a few times!

Immediately afterwards, the two figures fell heavily to the ground, immediately vomited blood, and fell unconscious!
Looking down, I saw that those two were Zhang Chunmei and Lin Feng's mother and son who had just escaped!

On the other side, a tall and mighty figure approached step by step from the gate of the manor...

(End of this chapter)

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