Ares out of prison

Chapter 430 Request from the Flying Dragon Club

Chapter 430 Request from the Flying Dragon Club
Hearing this sentence, Wang Long couldn't help frowning.

Sure enough!

"The members of your Flying Dragon Society suddenly came to me. Could it be that you want to come to Xingshi to ask me?"

Hearing this, Dong Xue on the other end of the phone quickly shook her head and explained:
"No! Mr. Wang is worrying too much. We informed my father about what happened last time. He didn't mean to embarrass you!"

"I'm looking for you this time because my father has something to ask, and I hope Mr. Wang can show some face and come over!"

After hearing what Dong Xue said, Wang Long finally nodded in agreement, and after hanging up the phone, he was ready to go out.

"Stop! You brat, did you want to sneak out after 5 minutes after you got home?"

Before Wang Long could reach the door, Liu Juan scolded him from behind.

The latter turned his head and gave him a cold look, then said, "I have something to do, I need to see someone."

"Yo? See someone? Could it be the little lover you secretly found outside again?" Liu Juan looked at Wang Long with malicious eyes, but the latter said in a cold voice with a nonchalant expression said a sentence:
"I met someone from the Dragon Club, why? Don't you want to go with me?"

Upon hearing these words, Liu Juan's complexion suddenly sank, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

"What? The Flying Dragon Society?! Why did they suddenly come to you? Is it the last time that they came to settle accounts with you?"

As she said that, Liu Juan immediately showed a fierce expression: "I warn you! What happened last time was completely caused by you, and has nothing to do with our Sun family! If you dare to involve us, I will never let you go." Pass you!"

Facing Liu Juan's warning, Wang Long only went in his left ear and out his right ear, and after a cold snort, he turned and went out.

Half an hour later, the blue BMW stopped firmly in front of the headquarters of the Dragon Club.

But just as he was about to enter the building, a man in a security uniform suddenly stepped forward and stopped him.

"Excuse me sir, this is the headquarters of the Flying Dragon Club, no one else is allowed to enter!"

Wang Long looked at the man in front of him with a cold look, and then said:

"I am a guest invited here, can't I also enter?"

"Guest?" The security guard sized Wang Long up and down, and then showed a contemptuous look.

"Sir, don't be joking! People who associate with the Dragon Club are all dignitaries. People like you can't even enter the Dragon Club building!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the security guard finished speaking, a loud slap suddenly landed on his face.

This time, it was not Wang Long who did it, but Dong Xue.

"You bastard! Mr. Wang is my guest! How dare you stop him?" Dong Xue reprimanded sharply.

The security guard first showed a surprised expression, looked at the two people in front of him in disbelief, and then quickly bowed and apologized:

"I'm sorry! Miss! I don't know that this gentleman is your guest!"

The security guard bowed his head again and again, saying sorry a lot.

But Dong Xue looked at Wang Long and asked, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Wang, I will give you a satisfactory explanation for this matter!"

Hearing this, Wang Long shook his head and said nonchalantly: "No need, it's just a trivial matter, it can't be so serious."

After all, Wang Long is not such a narrow-minded person, let alone haggling with a security guard, it would also lose his identity.

"Okay! Mr. Wang, let's talk about business first! Please come inside!"

Under the leadership of Dong Xue, Wang Long came to a luxurious living room, and the waiter immediately presented the best West Lake Longjing.

After taking a sip of tea, Wang Long said slowly, "Tell me what you want from me!"

"Mr. Wang, to tell you the truth, our Flying Dragon Club's Suyi has been able to take root in the imperial capital for many years because we have many first-class martial arts masters under our command. With their help, the Flying Dragon Club has been able to establish its current status!"

"Master Yuan, who was seriously injured by you before, is also one of the many masters of the Flying Dragon Club, and has made great contributions to our Flying Dragon Club!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long narrowed his eyes immediately, and asked in a cold voice, "Could it be that you are here to take revenge on me?"

Dong Xue shook her head: "No! The previous incident was completely a misunderstanding, and my father has no intention of holding anyone accountable."

"Actually, it was my father's own wish to find you this time. Among the many masters of the Dragon Club, a traitor appeared, stole a priceless treasure from the Dragon Club, and disappeared from sight!"

"Although my father has sent many attendants to look for it, a whole month has passed, and there is still no news!"

Hearing these words, Wang Long finally understood Dong Xue's sudden discovery of her purpose.

"Is it possible that you want me to help you find someone?"

Although Dong Xue didn't answer directly, Wang Long's eyes gave Wang Long an affirmative answer.

"According to the information obtained by the Dragon Society, that traitor must still be in the imperial capital! I think, if the members of the Dragon Society have nothing to do with him, then the only person who can pin their hopes is you, Mr. Wang!"

As Dong Xue spoke, she couldn't help showing a pleading look.

Since Wang Long rescued their brother and sister from the killer last time, Feilonghui has been silently watching this hidden martial arts master.

If Wang Long is willing to help this time, not only can the stolen treasure be retrieved, but Feilonghui can also make friends with Wang Long. Wouldn't this kill two birds with one stone?
I saw Wang Long bowed his head and thought for a while, then slowly said: "Although I have a way to find that person, what benefits can I gain by helping you with the Flying Dragon Club?"

Hearing this, Dong Xue quickly said: "Mr. Wang, don't worry, as long as you can help Feilong find that bastard, no matter how high the price you ask, we will pay you every penny!"

But Wang Long smiled lightly: "Do you think I'm short of that money?"

Dong Xue was at a loss for words for a while, but after thinking about it, since Wang Long was able to spend [-] million to buy the original red jadeite, it proved that he was definitely not someone short of money.

"Mr. Wang, the Flying Dragon Club is very powerful in the imperial capital. If you can help us with this, you can ask us to help you settle any problems you encounter in the imperial capital in the future. It will also be beneficial to you!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

If he could use such a huge organization as the Feilonghui for his own use, wouldn't that be equivalent to having a right-hand man in the imperial capital?
"Okay! I promise you!"

"Great!" Dong Xue's face immediately beamed with joy, then changed the subject and asked, "I just don't know how Mr. Wang plans to find that traitor?"

"Don't worry about this, I have my own solution, but before that, I want to know what kind of treasure the flying dragon will lose?"

Wang Long knew in his heart that the thing that Feilong would search so hard for would definitely not be something in the pool.

Hearing this, Dong Xue couldn't help hesitating, but finally told the truth about the treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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