Ares out of prison

Chapter 448 Wang Long's Wrath

Chapter 448 Wang Long's Wrath

Hearing these words, both Yuan Ye and Zeng Yaolong trembled in fright, and turned around straight.

I saw that Wang Long was looking at the two of them with an incomparably cold gaze at this time, exuding an indescribable hostility from his whole body.

Seeing this, Yuan Ye couldn't help swallowing, and asked falteringly, "You...what else do you want?"

"Why? Bring a group of people to trouble me, and now you can't fight and just leave? Isn't it too light?"

When Wang Long said this, he kept fiddling with his fists, as if he was ready to go.

Seeing this, Yuan Ye's heart sank immediately, and he said hastily: "I warn you! Don't act foolishly!"

"If you let you go so easily today, who knows what tricks you will do later?"

After Wang Long finished speaking, he looked at the two of them with murderous eyes, which meant that he was obviously murderous!
Seeing that Wang Long was slowly approaching, Yuan Ye and Zeng Yaolong felt that their steps were extremely heavy, and there was no room for escape!
"You...don't come here!" Zeng Yaolong yelled angrily, and then his expression became cold:
"Do you think that since we will come to you, we haven't made second-hand preparations?"

"Oh?" Hearing this sentence, Wang Long couldn't help frowning slightly, showing an expression of interest:

"Then tell me, what is your second plan?" After finishing speaking, he suddenly changed the topic:
"Could it be those shrunken turtles who have been hiding in the dark?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Xiaoli and Zhang Xiaoli who were not far away were startled in shock and almost exclaimed!
It turned out that Wang Long had already discovered the ambush they set up from the very beginning!
If it wasn't for this group of people who came out suddenly and confronted Wang Long just now, wouldn't it be just a few of them?
Thinking about it carefully, it is not too much to say that this group of people became Zhang Xiaoli's scapegoats by mistake.

"A turtle with a shrunken head? What do you mean?" Zeng Yaolong naturally did not understand the meaning of Wang Long's words.

"I don't need to explain to you, just tell me honestly, what is your second-hand plan?"

Hearing this, Zeng Yaolong showed a sinister and cunning smile, and said coldly:
"Why should I tell you?"

Wang Long narrowed his eyes slightly: "Okay, let me give you a reason."

After all, his figure suddenly turned into an afterimage, and he came to Zeng Yaolong in an instant!
Before he could even react, a strong hand grabbed his throat!

The feeling of suffocation came to mind, and Zeng Yaolong's survival instinct prompted his legs to struggle continuously.

But the more he struggled, the stronger Wang Long became, and he even picked him up with one hand!

"This person... this person is simply a lunatic!" Seeing this scene, the strong man immediately began to curse.

"Fortunately, I wasn't the one who fought against him just now, otherwise, my fate would be worse than this group of people!"

"Honey, let's go quickly! Don't go in this muddy water!" Zhang Xiaoli finally got scared and began to retreat.

The strong man swallowed his saliva and nodded violently a few times.

In the next second, several black shadows ran across the edge of the garage, and escaped with lightning speed.

On the other side, Zeng Yaolong, whose neck was tightly strangled by Wang Long, felt more and more difficult to breathe, and his face began to turn from red to purple.

"Why? Don't you plan to take it seriously?" Wang Long looked at him coldly and asked.

But what he didn't know was that even if Zeng Yaolong wanted to confess right now, he couldn't make a sound!
Seeing that Zeng Yaolong's struggle was getting weaker and weaker, Yuan Ye who was beside him hurriedly shouted:
"Stop it! I say! I say it!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Long suddenly let go, and Zeng Yaolong fell to the ground hard with a bang.

Regardless of the pain in his body, he opened his mouth and sucked in the air.

"Tell me, what is your other plan?" Wang Long asked.

After Yuan Ye hesitated for a moment, he just said three short words: "Sun Zihan!"


As soon as Yuan Ye finished speaking, a strong iron fist hit his chest!

"Woo--" Hearing a scream, Yuan Ye's body flew out uncontrollably and hit the pillar hard!
I saw him spitting blood, convulsing on the ground for a while, and then there was no movement!

"Don't...don't kill me!" Zeng Yaolong, who managed to breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly saw this scene, and his legs went limp in fright.

There was even a warm current flowing down his trousers, slowly overflowing...

The two of them were full of confidence on the way here, and they even helped Wang Long find his cemetery!

But who knew that in just a few minutes, all the subordinates I brought were beaten to pieces, and even Yuan Ye, the number two member of the Flying Dragon Club, was now directly turned into a cold corpse!

Only now did Zeng Yaolong truly realize what a terrifying enemy he was facing!
At this time, Wang Long's pupils actually emitted a strange dark red!It seems that there is a raging flame burning in it!

When that terrifying gaze locked on himself, Zeng Yaolong suddenly felt a chill spreading all over his body.

"What do you want to do with Sun Zihan?" Wang Long asked coldly.

How dare Zeng Yaolong hide anything now?Immediately knelt on the ground and told the whole story.

"We... We were afraid of any accidents when we dealt with you, so we arranged for people to go to the company to ambush Sun Zihan in advance, and wanted to use this as a threat to force you to submit! But we didn't expect..."

Having said that, Zeng Yaolong didn't dare to continue.

But even so, Wang Lung could guess what he meant.

Who knew that Wang Long could deal with them so easily, even from the beginning to the end, it only took less than a stick of incense!
Looking at Wang Long's terrifying eyes, Zeng Yaolong also secretly knew that something was wrong, so he immediately begged for mercy:
"Please...please don't kill me! This is all the idea of ​​that bastard Yuan Ye! It has nothing to do with me!"

As he said that, he lowered his head and pointed his chin at his arms: "Look! I'm a useless person now, and I can't pose any threat to you at all! Even if you kill me, it's meaningless! Just spare my life , let me drag out an ignoble existence!"

At this moment, Zeng Yaolong was completely different from the noble young man when we first met.

But there is no way, in this life and death, no dignity, face, all worth mentioning!
As long as he can survive, let him be a cow and a horse for Wang Long, bow his head and bow his head, he will have no complaints!

Wang Long smiled slightly: "Indeed, it seems that there is no need to kill you bastard!"

Hearing this sentence, Zeng Yaolong was overjoyed and nodded again and again: "Thank you, Mr. Wang!"

But in the next second, Wang Long's expression suddenly turned cold: "However, if you dare to hurt Zihan, you are seeking your own death!"

As soon as the words fell, a punch flew out!
Zeng Yaolong tilted his head, and fell straight on the ground without breathing.

(End of this chapter)

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