Ares out of prison

Chapter 450 Easy Defeat

Chapter 450 Easy Defeat
"You... what did you say?"

Chen Hu stared at Wang Long dumbfounded, almost wondering if he had heard it wrong!
One must know that the subordinates brought by Yuan Ye are all masters of the Flying Dragon Society, and they can take Wang Long's life casually!

But in the face of so many opponents, Wang Long can still fight his way out?
This is simply a fool's dream!
He Tao tried to calm himself down, and subconsciously asked:

"Then according to what you said, Master Yuan and Zeng Yaolong..."

"Dead." Without waiting for He Tao to finish speaking, Wang Long replied casually.

Not to mention the two of them now, even Dong Yuan beside him couldn't help showing a look of astonishment!

"Mr. Wang, what are you talking about? Master Yuan and Zeng Yaolong are... dead?"

Compared with his astonishment, Wang Lung's reaction was much calmer.

He nodded slightly, then said in a cold voice:
"These two people are determined to rebel, and by doing so, I can be regarded as exterminating the Feilong Society!"

When Wang Long said these words, there were bursts of killing intent in his eyes.

But at this moment, Chen Hu and He Tao were already locked by this terrifying gaze!

"Heh! You are overthinking yourself, what do you think you are? Even if you can kill Master Yuan, you may not be our opponent!"

Indeed, although the status of the two in the Dragon Club is not as good as Yuan Ye's, as long as the two join forces, their strength will not lose to him in the slightest!
From their point of view, Wang Long's ability to escape from Yuan Ye's hands was entirely due to good luck!

"If I were you, I would definitely choose to disappear from now on. Who knows that you dare to chase here, you are courting death yourself!"

As Chen Hu said, a malicious smile appeared on his face: "But don't worry, after you die, I will take good care of your beautiful wife for you!"

Hearing these words, Wang Long's eyes turned cold suddenly: "What do you want to do to Zihan?"

"What are you doing? Everyone is a man, so you don't even want me to teach you this kind of thing?"

As soon as the words fell, Dong Yuan beside him quickly said: "Don't worry, Mr. Wang, Ms. Sun is safe now!"

"No!" Chen Hu interrupted him suddenly: "When I kill this kid, she will no longer be safe!"

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other, then suddenly separated from left to right, and rushed towards Wang Long!

One of them clenched his fist, while the other opened his palm. Although their moves were different, their cooperation was very tacit.

"Get away!" Seeing this scene, Wang Long's first reaction was to push Dong Yuan back,

But this move also made him miss a good opportunity to dodge, only to see two people rushing towards him with murderous intent!

"Die to me!" Chen Hu yelled loudly, and his fist wrapped in Gang Feng hit Wang Long's chest hard like a mighty force!


In an instant, there was a loud noise and smoke and dust everywhere.

"Mr. Wang!" Dong Yuan exclaimed loudly, but Wang Long's figure had disappeared in the thick smoke.

He Tao, who was standing next to him, had an extremely disdainful expression on his face.

"I thought that kid was so capable. After a long time, he couldn't even catch a punch!"

Originally, he still wanted to cooperate with Chen Hu, but now it seems that he has no need to make a move at all!

"Okay Brother Hu, don't waste time on that kid, grab those two beauties quickly!"

He Tao urged loudly, with an impatient expression already showing on his face.

But there was no response from Chen Hu in his ear, which made him suddenly startled.

After a few seconds, the smoke dissipated, and the scene in front of him made He Tao gasp in fright!
I saw that Wang Long stood there unscathed after being punched!
On the contrary, Chen Hu, who launched the attack, is now covered in blood, lying on the ground without breath!
"Brother Hu!" He Tao exclaimed as if he had suddenly realized it.

But now Chen Hu had no chance to respond to him.

"Isn't it claimed that the coordination is better than Yuan Ye? In my opinion, it's nothing more than that!"

Wang Long looked at He Tao jokingly, and let out a mocking sound.

"Bastard..." He Tao gritted his teeth angrily, his eyes looked as if he wanted to skin Wang Long and cramp!
"If I don't kill you today, I don't plan to get out of here alive!"

"Wrong." Wang Long shook his head, his eyes were cold:
"From the moment you conspired against Zihan, you have no chance of getting out alive!"

Seeing Wang Long's eyes, He Tao couldn't help feeling a chill down his spine.

"Zhuzi is arrogant! Die for me!"

He yelled loudly, his palms were blowing everywhere, his body was like a white arrow, and he rushed straight to Wang Long in front of him!
"So fast!" Seeing this scene, Dong Yuan couldn't help but sweat for Wang Long.

He Tao's speed is already beyond the scope of human beings, and the naked eye can't even catch his trace!

But Wang Long stood there unhurriedly, suddenly his eyes turned cold.


Just when He Tao thought he was about to succeed, Wang Long made a sudden move and grabbed his arm tightly!

This attack could not be resolved, and He Tao's hands were also broken off by Wang Long!
The shrill screams echoed in the huge company hall, making Dong Yuan's hairs stand on end.

He Tao's legs became weak from the pain, and he collapsed on the ground, no longer able to fight back.

Seeing that Wang Long was still pressing on, he realized how terrifying the opponent he provoked was!
"Don't...don't kill me!" At this moment, He Tao had no choice but to beg for mercy.

What he didn't know was that Zeng Yaolong just said the same thing to Wang Long.

Unfortunately, they chose the wrong target.

Wang Long spread out his palm, and a violent palm wind flew out, hitting He Tao hard on the chest!

Blood gushed out, and He Tao died on the spot before he even had time to utter a scream.

After finishing the two of them, Wang Long and Dong Yuan rushed to Sun Zihan's office without stopping.

"Wang Lung! You are finally here!"

Just now, Sun Zihan and Long Fei had been hiding in the office in fear. The moment she saw Wang Long, her tense heartstrings finally relaxed.

Wang Long took her into his arms, stroked her hair, and comforted her softly:

"Don't worry, it's alright."

"Who are those two guys? Why did they come to trouble you?" Sun Zihan asked quickly.

But because there are too many relationships involved, Wang Long didn't know how to explain it for a while.

"I can't explain clearly in a few words, you go home first! I will explain things to you when I have a chance!"

Although Sun Zihan was full of doubts, after all Wang Long said so, she could only nod in agreement.

"Mr. Dong, thanks to you this time! I, Wang Long, owe you a favor!"

Dong Yuan shook his head: "Mr. Wang is too polite, but..."

"But what?"

"I have a favor, I hope Mr. Wang can help me!"

(End of this chapter)

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