Ares out of prison

Chapter 452 Officially Take Over

Chapter 452 Officially Take Over
After some arrangements, Wang Long officially took over the Flying Dragon Club from Dong Cheng.

This time, Wang Long served as the chairman, while the Dong brothers and sisters were responsible for assisting Wang Long in handling some internal affairs.

Although the two of them don't know martial arts, they can still easily handle such a civil position.

Before that, Wang Long also notified Gu Yueming and Song Yuyuan, his master and apprentice, and invited them to come to be his left and right guardians.

After learning the news, the two were overjoyed and naturally agreed without hesitation.

"Unexpectedly, after not seeing you for a while, Master has become so mixed up in the imperial capital!"

Song Yuyuan looked at the magnificent building in front of him, and couldn't help sighing.

I think that when I first met Wang Lung, he was just a little-known little guy.

And in just half a year, Wang Long has made great progress and became the head of the Flying Dragon Club!
"Master is in a high position and can still think of us, master and apprentice, it is our honor!"

Gu Yueming said with great emotion.

In this way, even if the personnel structure around Wang Long is complete, what remains to be dealt with is the middle-level structure.

After witnessing Wang Long's terrifying power, most of Yuan Ye's henchmen fled the imperial capital overnight.

Even the few remaining people chose to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, wanting to join Wang Long's command.


"Since the Flying Dragon Club is going to be handed over to me, the selection of personnel must be done according to my instructions!"

Wang Long looked at the group of defected subordinates in front of him, his expression was full of disdain.

In his eyes, even a person like Yuan Ye is not considered a master.

What's more, these lackeys of his are even worse than the mob!

If such a person is kept in the Feilong Society, it will undoubtedly kill the grass without eradicating the root, and there will be endless troubles!

Just like that, Wang Long issued an order that all those who were related to Yuan Ye before will be expelled from the meeting!
"President, we've settled the matter. After removing Yuan Ye's henchmen, there are only less than 200 members left in our Flying Dragon Society!"

Hearing what Dong Yuan said, Wang Long's eyelids trembled slightly.

You know, back then, the Flying Dragon Club had thousands of members, and there were many smart and capable people under it!
But after a rebellion, more than half of the personnel were lost directly!

It can be seen that Yuan Ye has been deliberating for a long time, and he is planning to take the entire Flying Dragon Society as his own in one fell swoop!
It's a pity that he did all the tricks, but he didn't think that he would meet such a stumbling block as Wang Long!

"It doesn't matter, those ungrateful villains, I, Wang Long, don't bother to be their leader!"

Wang Long snorted coldly, and then tore the rebel list in front of him to pieces!

Seeing this scene, Dong Yuan and Dong Xue brothers and sisters were all excited, applauding Wang Long in their hearts.

"But... with only 200 people, it may be difficult to gain a foothold in the imperial capital!"

Dong Xue's words were quite tactful, but to be precise, it should be as difficult as climbing the sky!
You must know that in the imperial capital, any third-rate family has hundreds of elites under its banner!

What's more, there are top families like Yuchi, Tang family, and Xue family at the top!

Wanting to compete against them with only two hundred people is completely idiotic!

Wang Long frowned slightly, lowered his head and thought about something seriously.

And the people next to him didn't dare to make a sound, they could only silently wait for him to speak.

"Master, I don't think we need to worry about this kind of thing!"

But when everyone was silent, Song Yuyuan spoke first, breaking the calm.

Seeing this, the Dong brothers and sisters next to him couldn't help showing a surprised look, staring blankly at the young man.

Originally thought that Wang Long should be angry with his behavior, but who knows that the latter not only didn't mind, but showed an expression of interest, and asked, "Then what do you think?"

"I think if we want to develop strength, the number of people is not the most important thing, the most important thing to care about is strength!"

As he spoke, Song Yuyuan took out a document from his pocket and handed it to Wang Long.

The latter looked down and saw what seemed to be a list above.

"During this period of time in the imperial capital, I have made friends with many martial arts masters! They are all traveling alone, as long as I say a word, I guarantee that they will all be willing to come to seek refuge with the master! And..."

"And what?" Dong Yuan asked quickly.

I saw that Song Yuyuan chuckled: "And the strength of these people is all on par with me!"

"What?!" Hearing this sentence, Dong Xue was taken aback for a moment, but then burst out laughing.

"Huh? What are you laughing at?" Song Yuyuan looked at her puzzled.

"I said little brother, how old are you this year? How dare you brag about your strength in front of Mr. Wang?"

In Dong Xue's opinion, this Song Yuyuan is probably younger than her!
Isn't it ridiculous that such a childish young man dared to say such a thing in front of everyone?

But when Dong Xue made a mockery, what Wang Long said made her dumbfounded.

"I haven't seen you for so long, your strength should soon catch up to mine, right?"

"Hey, the honored master, although he has made a lot of progress, compared with you, he is still far behind!"

Hearing this sentence, the Dong brothers and sisters all looked at Song Yuyuan with incredible eyes.

Unexpectedly, such a young boy would have the same strength as Wang Long!

In this way, if he is given a few more years, wouldn't it be possible for him to reach the height of Wang Long?

Only now did Dong Xue finally understand what it means to not be judged by appearances!

But after thinking about it, how can he be chosen by Wang Long as his Dharma protector?
"Can you guarantee that the strength of these people will satisfy me?" Wang Long said, shaking the list in his hand.

Hearing this, Song Yuyuan nodded without hesitation: "Don't worry! Master's requirements are high, and I know it well. If I can't guarantee it, I won't give you this list!"

"Okay!" Wang Long slapped the table: "Your words are enough! I will leave this matter to you!"

"Don't worry, Master! With me here, there is absolutely no problem!"

Song Yuyuan nodded in agreement, took the list from Wang Long, and turned to leave.

"Old Gu, it seems that this kid has made great progress under your guidance!"

Wang Long said to Gu Yueming who was on the side.

The latter seemed flattered, and shook his head quickly: "No, no! In fact, he has been influenced by Master to make such great progress! It has nothing to do with me!"

Seeing such a late old man showing great respect to Wang Long, the Dong brothers and sisters finally realized what Wang Long's ability is.

Even such two masters are willing to send for Wang Long, presumably Feilong will restore its former glory under his leadership, it is only a matter of time!
(End of this chapter)

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