Ares out of prison

Chapter 463 Righteous Shots

Chapter 463 Righteous Shots
Seeing this scene, Wang Long, who had been silently watching the situation beside him, almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Seeing injustice on the road, draw your sword to help?This kid is quite good at putting gold on his face!
But having said that, it is indeed a kind of courage to be willing to act righteously for two strangers.

But unfortunately, this young man named Xie Tianhao obviously underestimated his opponent.

Although the cultivation bases of the two strong men were similar to his, they were hard to beat with two fists after all.

What's more, these two strong men looked like men who had experienced many battles, and they were not comparable to Xie Tianhao at all!
In this case, multiple choice questions were placed in front of Wang Long.

As the fourth ancient warrior in the carriage, should I step forward to help?

After some deliberation, Wang Long still decided to wait and see what happens and not act rashly.

At least through Xie Tianhao, test the strength of the two strong men before making any plans.

"Good boy! Since you are determined to seek death, don't blame us for being rude!"

After the strong man finished saying this, he stretched out his hand suddenly, and went straight to kill Xie Tianhao's neck!

However, in the next second, Xie Tianhao's figure suddenly flashed, and he dodged deftly!
The strong man's attack was in vain, but he was hit by Xie Tianhao's iron fist instead!
Can't help it, I saw that the place where the fist hit was the left atrium of the strong man!

It can be seen from this that Xie Tianhao's moves were not ambiguous at all, and he even used his trump card right away!

It's a pity that even though he seized a relatively good gap, he still couldn't resist the simultaneous attacks of the two.

Although one of them was subdued, the other accomplice grabbed Xie Tianhao's arm!
Hearing a click, Xie Tianhao immediately turned pale and his body began to tremble.

"Stinky boy! I didn't want to be cruel to you, but you asked for it!"

The strong man scolded angrily, and then made another move.

Seeing that the fist wrapped in the strong wind has already hit him, but Xie Tianhao has no room to fight back!
Due to the severe pain in his arm, Xie Tianhao's breath was extremely disordered at this time, and he couldn't perform any moves at all!
With one punch, Xie Tianhao threw himself on the seat, and a stream of blood spit out from his mouth!

At the same time, the train finally drove out of the tunnel, and the sudden strong light woke up everyone who had been resting one by one.

"This...what's the matter?"

Dong Xue, who was sitting next to her, couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw the scene in front of her.

"It's okay, you sleep with you."

Wang Long said softly, but his gaze was still fixed on the three people in front of him.

Although he received a heavy punch, but fortunately Xie Tianhao's skills are profound, this punch will not hurt his muscles or bones.

"Hey! What are you doing? How do you beat someone?"

At this time, some passengers beside them noticed the two of them, and they all issued a burst of condemnation.

But in the next second, they were too scared to speak by Qin Erye's fierce gaze.

"If you don't want to die, just wait for me and stay out of your own business!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt a chill down their spines, and shut their mouths one by one.

The strong man returned his gaze to Xie Tianhao, only to see that the latter stood up with one hand propped on the table.

"Boy, it was just a warning. If you still want to stop us, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"

Second Master Qin glared at Xie Tianhao, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

It seemed that he had concluded that Xie Tianhao didn't dare to fight against him again.

"I said, as long as I, Xie Tianhao, are here, you will never want to be presumptuous!"

Second Master Qin was furious, and kicked Xie Tianhao again with a ruthless kick!

Blood gushed out, and Xie Tianhao was kicked to the ground, his entire body was trembling!
When the people around saw this scene, they were also stunned by fright, and they didn't even dare to speak out!

"Hey! It's a pity, this guy seems to be a master, why does he like to meddle in other people's business?"

Qin Erye said in a joking tone, then walked to Xie Tianhao and looked down at him:
"It's okay, remember in the next life, when you see us two brothers, you have to hide away!"

"You... how could you attack an innocent person!" The middle-aged woman next to her couldn't help cursing angrily.

"Innocent? Hahaha! It's ridiculous! We didn't want to implicate him in the first place, but he insisted on killing himself!"

"Okay bro, don't talk nonsense with this guy, get rid of him quickly!"

As soon as the words fell, the two walked towards Xie Tianhao with a murderous look.

The latter's body twitched continuously, and his eyes were even more stern!
But right now, it's hard for me to even stand up, let alone resist.

Just when Xie Tianhao thought his death was approaching, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of him!


Before he could react, the two strong men in front of him both yelled and fell straight to the ground!
Seeing this scene, Xie Tianhao couldn't help but his expression changed drastically.

"Two bully one, it seems that you enjoy the feeling of being invincible!"

Wang Long looked at the two strong men with cold eyes, and said lightly.

I saw that Second Master Qin quickly stood up from the ground, glaring angrily:

"Damn it! Who are you? How dare you fight with me?"

"Brother, he is the guy who has been staring at us just now! He is not a good bird at first sight!"

Hearing this sentence, Qin Erye immediately showed a playful smile on his face:

"Okay! I saw you were upset just now, and I wanted to deal with you. I didn't expect you to come to the door on my own initiative!"

"If that's the case, I'll clean it up with you!"

After saying this, the two of them shot at the same time, both of them clenched their fists and rushed towards Wang Long!

But before they succeeded, a wave of air burst out around Wang Long's body!
Before the two strong men even had time to react, they were knocked down by the blast!

"It actually... has such a powerful explosive power!"

Second Master Qin stared at Wang Long dumbfounded, and finally realized how terrifying this man was.

Such a powerful explosion is definitely not something an ordinary high-level ancient warrior can do!
"Could it be that this guy is Xunzun?" Qin Erye said in his heart.

"No! Impossible! How could such a young person reach the realm of seeking respect!"

I also cultivated since I was a child, and it took me more than half my life to barely break through to the advanced level!
But the young man in front of him looks about the same age as Xie Tianhao!How could it be possible to achieve seeking respect?

There must be something wrong!
But when Second Master Qin was struggling to stand up, Wang Long suddenly stepped on him!
"If you don't want to die, just wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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