Chapter 469

After the deal was concluded, Xie Tianhao went non-stop to meet with the elders of the family to obtain a discount for Wang Long.

After learning that Wang Long had saved Xie Tianhao's life, the elders of the family immediately agreed to sell the medicinal materials to Wang Long at half price!

They even promised that as long as Wang Long needs it in the future, they can cooperate with the Xie family at any time!
In this way, it is equivalent to having a stable source of supply for all of Wang Long's medicinal materials in the future.

But the reason why they did this was naturally because of the power of Feilonghui in the imperial capital.

Cooperating with such a powerful organization is of course beneficial and harmless to their Xie family.

Even with the help of the Dragon Club in the future, it is not impossible to soar into the sky in Yundu and compete against the Yue family!
"By the way, Mr. Wang, if you need manpower for alchemy, the servants of our Xie family can be sent by you!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long bowed his head and thought for a while, then shook his head and declined:
"It's better not to bother Master Xie anymore, I have already taken such a big advantage of Xie's family, I am really sorry to trouble you again!"

Of course, Wang Long only said this out of politeness, and Xie Tianhao was well aware of his real intention.

After all, such things as alchemy have a very high technical test on the alchemist, and a little carelessness may make this precious medicinal material go to waste.

The reason why Wang Long refused to let Xie's family help was nothing more than that he could not trust Xie's subordinates.

"Okay! If there is anything I can help in the future, please feel free to ask!"

After saying this, Xie Tianhao planned to send Wang Long and Dong Xue away from the Xie Family Manor.


Before the three of them had gone a few steps, a mature voice suddenly came from behind.

Looking back, I saw a middle-aged man standing behind him, watching Xie Tianhao and the others.

"Father!" Xie Tianhao saluted the man respectfully.

"I just confirmed the order with Mr. Wang, and I'm going to send them off now!" Xie Tianhao said in a deep voice.

Xie Yuntao glanced at Wang Long first, then nodded:
"Understood, come to the main hall after delivery, Master Fang has arrived!"

"Okay!" Xie Tianhao agreed, watched his father leave respectfully, and then returned to Wang Long and the others.

Seeing this scene, Wang Long couldn't help sighing secretly, the Xie family's tutor is quite strict!
But it's no wonder, if there is no such a tutor, how can such a well-educated young master be cultivated?
"By the way, Master Xie, who is Master Fang that your father mentioned just now?" Dong Xue asked.

"Oh, it is said that the man is a well-known Feng Shui master. My dad wants to ask him to come over and do a favor."

"Mr. Feng Shui?" Hearing these words, Wang Long couldn't help frowning:

"For such a big family, why should such a person be invited to help?"

It stands to reason that the Xie family has a great career, and there are many ancient martial arts experts under its banner, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

But now, the patriarch of the dignified Xie family wants to meet some kind of Feng Shui master?This is obviously contrary to common sense!
"I said Young Master Xie, the owner of the Xie family must have been bewitched by that charlatan, right?" Dong Xue whispered.

Hearing this, Xie Tianhao also shook his head with a smile, looking a little helpless.

"I don't know exactly what's going on, but according to my father, this master Fang has real skills!"

"Besides, the difficulties our Xie family has encountered recently, I am afraid that only Master Fang can help!"

Hearing what Xie Tianhao said, Wang Long and Dong Xue were even more curious, so they continued to ask.

Only then did Xie Tianhao explain the whole story in full detail.

"Actually, the reason why our Xie family has such a huge inventory of medicinal materials is because the Xie family owns a mountain of medicinal materials, which is dedicated to growing these medicinal materials for emergencies."

"In the early years, the medicinal materials in Yaoshan grew very gratifyingly, and the inventory of our Xie family also increased significantly."

"But this year, for some reason, the growth of those high-yield medicinal materials suddenly declined. For this reason, we recruited various experts and tried our best, but we couldn't find a way to solve it! If this continues, even if the Xie family's inventory Big, there will always be a day of exhaustion!"

In the end, the Xie family had no choice but to choose to go the wrong way, and invited Fang Muyang, who is known as a Fengshui master, to come and see if he could help the Xie family solve this crisis.

Hearing this, Wang Long and Dong Xue looked at each other first, and then asked: "Then do you mind if we go and have a look?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Xie Tianhao couldn't help showing a puzzled expression:

"Is Mr. Wang also interested in this kind of thing?"

Wang Long shook his head: "It's not that I'm interested, but I think maybe we can help with the Xie family's affairs."

Although Wang Long said so, in his heart he wanted to see the skills of this so-called Feng Shui master.

He also wanted to see if this so-called Master Fang was really capable, or if he was just bluffing and deceiving.

"Okay! Since Mr. Wang is willing to help, our Xie family is of course very grateful!"

Xie Tianhao agreed immediately, and then took Wang Long and Dong Xue to the medicine mountain where Xie's family would meet.

I saw that Yaoshan, like the warehouse, had also been guarded by a lot of heavy soldiers.

At this time, several figures were bending over to observe something in the field.

"By the way, Mr. Wang, this is the expert we invited, Mr. Chen Rui."

Wang Long nodded in agreement, followed Xie Tianhao and walked forward quietly.

I saw that Mr. Chen was holding a magnifying glass, carefully observing a yellowed and withered herb.

After watching like this for an unknown amount of time, he finally stood up and said in a deep voice:

"Judging from the characteristics of this medicinal material, I think there may be a problem with the soil quality!"

"Soil quality? Mr. Chen, our Xie family has been planting this medicine mountain for so many years, and the soil quality has always been excellent. There is no reason why there will be a sudden problem!" one of the Xie family members questioned.

"That's right! Besides, the other medicinal herbs on this mountain are growing very well, but this precious medicinal herb has withered and turned yellow. How can this be explained?" Another clansman quickly echoed.

The continuous questioning by the two of them made Chen Rui hem and haw for a long time without thinking of how to answer.

"Mr. Chen, some things cannot be viewed with ordinary eyes, but some Feng Shui metaphysics must be used!"

At this time, an old voice suddenly came, and looking back, it was Xie Yuntao and Fang Muyang who came.

"Feng Shui Metaphysics? Hmph! I never believe in this crooked way!"

"Are you questioning me?" Fang Muyang narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in a cold voice.

Seeing that the two were about to start a war of words, Xie Tianhao at the side quickly smoothed things over.

"I think what Mr. Chen said makes sense! But just in case, let's ask Master Fang to take a look too!"

(End of this chapter)

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