Ares out of prison

Chapter 471 Wang Long's Opinion

Chapter 471 Wang Long's Opinion

Fang Muyang hesitated for a long time, but he didn't say why.

Seeing this, Dong Xue who was next to her also stepped forward and sneered:
"Hey! Didn't you say Feng Shui Master? Why can't you answer such a simple question?"

Fang Muyang frowned, and sternly reprimanded: "How can you casually tell you mortals such a secret?"

It's okay to be humiliated by Wang Long, but now, even such a little girl dares to despise me?
"Tianji?" Wang Long sneered, his expression looked very disdainful: "A person like you who goes around bluffing and deceiving, pretending to be a ghost, isn't he afraid that he will be punished by heaven one day? If I were you, I probably wouldn't even dare to go out the door on weekdays." !"

"Shut up!" Unexpectedly, upon hearing this sentence, before Fang Muyang could answer, Xie Yuntao scolded him first.

"You guys are so brave! How dare you disrespect the master! Tianhao! Give me a guest!"

For the sake of Fang Muyang, Xie Yuntao did not hesitate to tear up his face with Xie's partner, which shows how much he attaches importance to this person.

And Xie Tianhao was caught in the middle, unable to look at each other, and his face looked very tangled.

Fortunately, at this time, Fang Muyang next to him suddenly waved his hand and replied:

"No need! Didn't these two people question my profound skills? That's good! I'll let you open your eyes today!"

After saying this, Fang Muyang shrank his pupils immediately, and shouted: "I'm going to start casting spells, get out of the way!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they quickly backed away.

I saw that Fang Muyang clasped his hands together and murmured obscure spells in his mouth. In an instant, the surrounding area was full of evil winds!

A strange red light slowly lingered at his fingertips, looking very gorgeous!
When Xie Yuntao and his son saw this scene, they all showed a look of astonishment, and said in a daze:
"This... is this the legendary mysterious technique?"

Not only the two of them, but even Chen Rui, who was disdainful of Yin-Yang Xuanshu at the beginning, can't help but start to doubt himself now.

Could it be that there are really things in this world that I cannot explain?
The gloomy light jumped back and forth like a soul at Fang Muyang's fingertips, and finally under his control, he glanced straight at the dry and yellowing herb.


A gust of wind passed by, and a stream of black smoke and dust slowly emerged from the surface of the medicinal herb!Floating in the air like a demon!

"Break!" Fang Muyang yelled, and suddenly a golden light appeared, scattered the black smoke and disappeared without a trace!
Not long after, the gust of wind disappeared, and the surroundings became calm again.

And Fang Muyang also let out a long sigh of relief under the shocked eyes of everyone.

"It's all right!" Fang Muyang turned around and said to Xie Yuntao with a face full of relief.

"Really?" Xie Yuntao immediately showed joy, and hurried forward to check.

However, the dry medicinal herbs hadn't changed at all, and the whole medicinal field was still lifeless.

"This...Master Fang, why do these herbs still look like this?" Xie Yuntao hesitated again and again, but still asked this question.

And Fang Muyang also looked confident, nodded and said:
"Don't worry, the cloud of black energy just now is an evil omen that affects the fortune of the Xie family. Now that the evil omen has been broken by me, it will not be long before the fortune of your Xie family will be reversed. By then, the situation in the medicine field will naturally It will get better!"

Hearing what he said, Xie Yuntao nodded as if suddenly realized.

"I see! Thank you Master Fang for your help! Tianhao! Come on, please go and rest Master Fang!"

Xie Tianhao nodded in agreement, and was about to go forward, but was stopped by Fang Muyang with a wave of his hand.

He turned his head to look at Wang Long beside him, and then came straight to him.

"Boy, didn't you not believe in my profound arts just now? Are you convinced now?"

Fang Muyang originally thought that after seeing Wang Long's ability, he should be in admiration for him.

But who knows that Wang Long laughed coldly when he heard this sentence:
"It's just some tricks, you can only fool these mortal people with naked eyes!"

"What did you say?!" Hearing Wang Long's disrespect to Fang Muyang, Xie Yuntao was the first to be unhappy.

This is the master who he paid a lot of money to rescue Xie's family. How dare this Wang Long humiliate him time and time again?
By doing this, it is obvious that we don't take our Xie family seriously!

"You are so brave, you dare to openly insult our Xie family! Come here, throw these two guys out!"

"Father! Mr. Wang is my savior, we can't do this!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Xie Tianhao hurried forward to intercede for Wang Long.

"So what about the savior? I have given him a chance before, but this guy has repeatedly disrespected the other master! This kind of person is not qualified to step into the door of my Xie family!"

"Wait!" Just as the waiters were about to take Wang Long out, Fang Muyang suddenly spoke.

I saw him staring at Wang Long with a playful look, and then said:
"Boy, since you keep saying that I'm just a trivial skill, then I don't know what skills you have?"

The reason why Fang Muyang asked such a question was simply to watch him make a fool of himself in front of Xie's family.

And Wang Long stretched out his hand calmly, pointed at the medicine field in front of him and said:
"Do you know why this herb still hasn't improved after you used mystical techniques?"

"Why else? I have made it very clear just now that Feng Shui will take some time to recover, and it will get better in a few days."

Wang Long's eyes were fixed: "This is just an excuse for you to bluff!"

As soon as these words came out, the other people present showed a surprised expression.

Even Xie Tianhao, who was always very polite to Wang Long, began to mutter in his heart.

What is going on with Mr. Wang?Why do you have to have trouble with Master Fang?
In this way, wouldn't you put yourself in a dilemma?
"Hahaha!" Fang Muyang looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "It's really arrogant! I'm bluffing and deceiving? Then tell me, what can you do?"

"Since I can say that, of course there is a way!"

Wang Long smiled slightly, and then came to the side of the withered and yellow herbs.

He squatted down and uprooted the dead herbs, but threw them aside.

This move made the people next to him a little confused.

After all, they had carefully observed the surface of the herb before, trying to find out where the root of the problem was.

But Wang Long stared straight at Sudden in front of him, and still muttered:
"Sure enough!"

"Hey! You don't play tricks here? Have you seen anything?" Fang Muyang urged.

"Of course!" Wang Lung smiled slightly, stood up and replied:
"The reason for the poor growth of herbs is not Feng Shui, but..."

"The magic circle!"

(End of this chapter)

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