Ares out of prison

Chapter 478 Escape from Yundu

Chapter 478 Escape from Yundu
"Xunzun? What do you mean? Is it very powerful?"

Yue Yunyang obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and asked blankly beside him.

"It's more than amazing! Xunzun is already a legend in the martial arts! There are very few people who can reach this level!"

"This guy actually said that he once killed Xun Zun with blood? This is simply a fantasy!"

In Fang Muyang's view, being able to compete with Xun Zun is already a god-like existence!

As for those who can seek respect with blood blades, it is tantamount to killing gods!
"Master Fang! Don't listen to this kid's nonsense, it is impossible for him to have such a powerful strength!"

Yue Feng seemed to realize something, and hurriedly reprimanded:
"He knows that he is no match for your apprentice, so he deliberately said such words to scare you!"

Hearing what he said, Fang Muyang suddenly realized.

yes!The Xun Zun I have seen are all over fifty years old, most of them are old people!

It's impossible for such a young boy to reach such a state!

"Alas!" Unexpectedly, at this time, Wang Long suddenly let out a long sigh:
"Tell me about you, I didn't want to kill people, but I gave you a chance, and you didn't cherish it!"

"Shut up! Let the old man meet you in person!"

As Fang Muyang spoke, his figure immediately disappeared in place.

"So fast!" Xie Yuntao exclaimed, only a white phantom remained in his field of vision!

"As expected of Master Fang! Being able to reach such a level can already be called a god!" Yue Yunyang praised again and again.

In the eyes of these mortals, Fang Muyang seemed to turn into a white lightning, shuttle in the air.

However, from Wang Long's point of view, these movements seemed to be slowed down, and every move was clearly seen!

"It's full of loopholes!" Wang Long snorted coldly, and then punched out suddenly!

Accompanied by a deafening bang, the wind of fists rushed towards the white shadow like an overwhelming force!

"Woo--" Hearing a scream, Fang Muyang flew out straight and fell to the ground!
"Master!" The five disciples next to him all exclaimed when they saw this scene, and rushed forward to check the situation!

At this moment, Fang Muyang's whole body was convulsed violently, and he kept spitting out bursts of blood, and he had no strength to fight back.

On the other hand, Wang Long seemed to punch this punch effortlessly, he didn't even move a step!
" this the strength of the strong?" Fang Muyang said such a sentence in his mouth.

Now he finally realized what a terrifying opponent he had provoked!

Just the wind of the fist is enough to beat him to the point of paralysis. If he directly hits him with an iron fist, the consequences can be imagined!

"How? Do you want to continue?" Wang Long retracted his fist and said in a cold tone.

"No, no, no!" Fang Muyang stood up tremblingly under the support of his apprentice.

"I'm really sorry! I didn't know Taishan before, and I didn't intend to offend Mr. Wang. Please make amends!"

"Fang...Master Fang, how can you bow your knees to this kind of person?" The father and son of the Yue family looked at Fang Muyang in amazement.

But Fang Muyang immediately scolded: "Shut up! Do you know how strong this person is?"

There is no doubt that Wang Long had reservations about his strength just now, so he was lucky enough to save his life.

If she continues to be so ignorant of flattery, next time, she won't be so lucky!
Your father and son don't want to live, so don't let me take it with you!

Seeing the two of Yue Feng deflated, Xie Yuntao also had a sarcastic smile on his face.

"How is it? Do you have anything to be proud of?"

"You!" Facing Xie Yuntao's humiliation, Yue Feng immediately blushed and his veins bulged.

But right now, with a god like Wang Long helping Xie Yuntao, even if he was angry, he could only hold it in his stomach.

"Get lost!" Wang Long yelled angrily, Fang Muyang and his disciples were frightened and ran away with their heads in their hands.

"Yunyang, let's go!" Yue Feng also secretly knew that he couldn't offend the other party, so he could only get into the car with Yue Yunyang.

Seeing the taillights of Bentley disappear at the intersection, Xie Yuntao snorted coldly:
"Things beyond their means!" After saying that, he bowed slightly to Wang Lung again:
"Mr. Wang, thank you very much this time! Without you, we, the Xie family, don't know if we can resolve this catastrophe!"

Wang Long shook his head: "Patriarch Xie, you don't have to be polite. Since these people are coming for me, I should handle it!"

"Then let's go back and drink and chat!" As he said, Xie Yuntao made a "please" gesture.

"Okay!" Wang Long agreed without hesitation, and the two turned back to the manor immediately.

On the other side, the father and son of the Yue family were sitting in the car, looking back from time to time, for fear that the Xie family would be pursued by soldiers.

"Hurry up! What are you eating!" Yue Yunyang kept urging the driver, and the Bentley's engine roared.

Knowing that the Yue family's manor appeared in the field of vision, the two of them heaved a sigh of relief, feeling like they had survived a catastrophe.
"Great! If you escape here, that guy won't dare to catch up!" Yue Yunyang sat down on the ground, dressed roughly.

"You bastard!" But before he could catch his breath, Yue Feng kicked him to the ground hard!

"A genius like Mr. Wang can be kicked out of the house by you! What else can I expect from you?"

"Now that Mr. Wang has cooperated with the Xie family, what if he helps the Xie family deal with us in the future!"

Hearing this, Yue Yunyang couldn't help but feel apprehensive.

Now they have truly seen Wang Long's strength.

If such a person joins the Xie family against him, it will be a disaster for their family!

" doesn't matter! Don't we have the backing of Master Fang? We must have the power to fight him!"

Yue Yunyang said it out of luck, and then he realized it.

"Strange, why hasn't Master Fang come back yet?"

The two had already sat at the door, but they didn't see Fang Muyang's figure for a long time.

Seeing this, Yue Feng took out his mobile phone and dialed Fang Muyang's number.

"Master Fang, where have you been? Do you need me to send someone over to pick you up?"

I only heard Fang Muyang on the other end of the phone, his tone seemed very hasty.

"No! No need! My apprentice and I have left Yundu now!"

"What? Leaving Yundu?!" Hearing these words, Yue Feng immediately exclaimed.

"This...why is this? Didn't you agree to help our Yue family cast spells?"

"Fuck you/Master! Your Yue family has offended such a god-man! Who would dare to cooperate with you?"

"If you want to die, I won't stop you! I don't want to die with you!"

Fang Muyang put down these words and hung up the phone directly.

When I called again, there was only a notification that the other party had turned off the phone...

(End of this chapter)

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