Chapter 492

After saying this, Li Jiang overturned the table in front of him!
There was only a loud bang, and all the pots and pans on the table were knocked over to the ground.

The huge movement frightened the customers next to him and couldn't help but cast a surprised look at him.

The shopkeeper also frowned, looking at him with a guilty conscience: "You...what are you going to do?"

"What are you doing?" Li Jiang smiled slightly, then turned to look at Sun Zihan:
"You are disrespectful to Miss Sun, you are disrespectful to me. Of course I want to teach you a lesson!"

After saying this, Li Jiang rushed forward, pinned the shopkeeper to the ground, and punched him with punches!

Old man, even if I can't deal with that Wang, can I still not deal with you?

Facing Li Jiang, a strong young man, the shopkeeper who is over half a century old is naturally helpless.

After only a few punches, he was already beaten to the point of staring, and he lost his mind.

However, Li Jiang still had no intention of stopping, and was still punching him in the face!

Seeing this scene, Liu Juan couldn't help swallowing, quietly came to Sun Zihan's side, and said:

"Zihan, I think Mr. Li has lost his mind, why don't we hurry up?"

After all, the opponent is very old, so it is easy to cause problems if he fights like Li Jiang!
In case the shopkeeper really has some troubles at that time, wouldn't he be implicated as well?
Although Liu Juan likes to curry favor with rich people, it doesn't mean she is willing to take such a risk!
Hearing this, Sun Zihan also nodded his head: "I said it long ago, we shouldn't deal with this kind of person!"

Just like that, the three of them turned around in silence and left the restaurant straight away.

On the other side, under Li Jiang's fistful greeting, the shop owner was beaten until he started to roll his eyes!
Seeing this scene, the female companion next to him realized that something was wrong, and hurried forward:
"Honey, stop hitting, if you hit again, something will happen!"

Fortunately, there was a female companion to stop him, otherwise, I don't know how Li Jiang would beat him up!
He stood up, spit at the shopkeeper, and said in a cold voice;

"Have you got a long memory now? When you see sister Zihan in the future, remember to be polite to me!"

After speaking, he turned around, wanting to show off in front of Sun Zihan.

But who would have thought that when he looked back, he found that the three of them had already disappeared without a trace!

"Where is this... person?" Li Jiang looked at his female companion blankly and asked.

"Let's go, they just left while you were not paying attention!" The female companion wanted to remind Li Jiang just now.

But there was no way, Li Jiang was only focused on beating people at that time, and didn't hear what he said at all!
"Let's go? How can this work! I did her such a big favor, and they haven't thanked me yet!"

After speaking, Li Jiang took his female companion and chased him out.

It's just that the two of them walked so fast that they didn't notice that the shopkeeper, who got up from the ground, had already taken out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Sister Zihan! Wait for me!"

Before Sun Zihan and the others had time to go far, they heard Li Jiang's voice behind them.

"What? Are you done fighting?" Sun Zihan said in a cold tone.

"Of course! It's easy to teach such a small person a lesson!" Li Jiang replied with a face full of pride, not forgetting to look at Wang Long next to him with a ostentatious look.

But the latter snorted coldly, with a look of disdain on his face: "Tch! It seems quite honorable to bully the elderly!"

"Glorious? At least it's better than you, a worthless wretch who doesn't dare to take revenge on his wife!"

As he said that, he looked at Sun Zihan expectantly: "How about Sister Zihan? My skills are pretty good, right?"

Originally thought that Sun Zihan would take this opportunity to increase his affection for him.

But who knows that the latter gave him a blank look, and said something in an extremely disgusting tone:
"Very disgusting!"

"What?!" Li Jiang's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his ears.

He really couldn't figure it out, why couldn't he get a good word from her because he helped her out?

Just when Li Jiang was about to say a few more good words, a burst of chaotic footsteps suddenly came from behind.

Looking back, I saw a few muscular and strong men running towards them.

"Stop!" The leader with a beard shouted angrily, "Which one of you caused trouble in my brother's shop just now?"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Jiang's expression changed drastically, and he couldn't help swallowing.

"Huh? What's the matter? Wasn't it pretty tough just now? Why don't you dare admit it?"

A divine assist by Wang Long directly pushed Li Jiang to the forefront.

A few strong men surrounded him in the blink of an eye.

"You are so courageous! How dare you act wildly on my elder brother's territory! Tell me, amputate a hand or a foot!"

"What!" This sentence made Li Jiang tremble with fright, and he didn't react for a long time.

It never occurred to him that an old man who runs a small restaurant would have a bunch of younger brothers under him!
Looking at their muscular bodies, I'm afraid that one punch from each of them could directly knock him to pieces!

"You guys...don't mess around! Let me tell you! I've practiced before!"

After speaking, Li Jiang clenched his fists and punched the air a few times indiscriminately.

Seeing how well he plays, it seems that he is really bluffing.

But who knew that in the next second, several strong men would pull out a gleaming knife from their pockets at the same time!

This scene almost scared Li Jiang into fainting on the spot!
"Everyone! It was a complete misunderstanding just now, let's do it this way! You make an offer, and I'll just pay!"

Seeing that things had developed to such a point, Li Jiang naturally didn't dare to play tricks, and wanted to use money to eliminate the disaster.

At this time, Wang Long on the side also came forward and looked at him jokingly.

"Mr. Li, I forgot to tell you, people like them who can grow their business in scenic spots are often quite powerful!"

"Don't look at the old boss, but he is definitely someone you can't afford!"

This sentence can be said to be a murderous sentence, and it made up for Li Jiang's heart.

Now that things have developed to this point, Li Jiang doesn't know what to do, so he casts a horrified look at his female companion.

But who knows that the female companion is standing far away now, pretending to be unfamiliar with him!
This bitch!In vain I usually treat you so well!In the end, you just want to die like this, right!

"Then, Mr. Li, take care of yourself, and we will leave first!"


Just as the three of Wang Long were about to turn around and leave, the strong man behind him suddenly called them back.

The bearded man came straight to Sun Zihan with a knife in his hand.

"Since this incident happened because of you, don't think about leaving so easily!"

(End of this chapter)

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