Ares out of prison

Chapter 50 Discovering Business Opportunities

Chapter 50 Discovering Business Opportunities
"1000 million!"

Hearing this sentence, all the people present widened their eyes and were in an uproar.

This seemingly ordinary thing is worth so much money?
But with Song Yucheng's medical skills, it must be unusual for him to pay such a high price.

It was only then that Mrs. Sun realized that the pill Wang Long had given me might really be a panacea!

"Doctor Song, take a closer look. Could it be that you have made a mistake? How could this thing be worth 1000 million?"

Sun Kaixuan still couldn't believe it, and felt that Song Yucheng might have been mistaken.

But Song Yucheng's expression was very determined, and he shook his head directly:

"Don't look at it, if you think the price is too low, I can add some more, 2000 million, how about it?"

Everyone suddenly felt a bolt from the blue.

2000!This is already worth more than some of the guests present!
I have worked hard all my life, but the money I earned is not enough to buy such a small pill?

Seeing that Song Yucheng was determined to get the pill, Sun Kaixuan couldn't make up his mind for a while, so he had to turn his head to look at Mrs. Sun.

"Well, since Dr. Song likes this thing so much, I'll treat it as a meeting gift and give it to you!"

Hearing this, the jaws of the guests present all fell to the ground in shock.

This is worth 2000 million!Mrs. Sun actually gave it away as soon as she said it?

Not to mention other people, even Song Yucheng was taken aback, shaking his head again and again:

"No, no, Mrs. Sun, I can't just take such a valuable thing for nothing!"

"Doctor Song, you don't have to be so polite, we just need to see each other more in the future!"

As Mrs. Sun spoke, she cast a look at Sun Kaixuan, who also nodded in agreement.

To the Sun family, the 2000 million yuan is actually not a lot of money. Instead of making such a sum of money, it is better to have a good relationship with Song Yucheng.

After all, he is the number one famous doctor in Beihai, and if the Sun family is ill in the future, he can point to Song Yucheng's relationship for convenience.

After a few people argued, Mrs. Sun was still unwilling to accept the money.

There was no other way, he had no choice but to be respectful rather than obedient after talking about it.

"Then Song is here to thank Mrs. Sun and Mr. Sun!"

Song Yucheng put the box into his pocket as if he had found a treasure, and then bowed slightly.

"Where is it, Mr. Song can come to appreciate the honor, it should be us thanking you!"

As Sun Kaixuan said, he wanted to bring Song Yucheng to the seat.

But Song Yucheng shook his head:
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Sun, I still have something to do in the hospital, let's get together next time!"

"Are you in such a hurry? You have to come all the way, and go back after eating?"

"I'm really sorry, there are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with in the hospital, and I really don't have time!"

Song Yucheng frowned, as if he was really embarrassed, so Mrs. Sun agreed.

"Okay then, next time I have a chance, I will definitely treat Dr. Song to a banquet alone!"

Just as Song Yucheng turned to leave, Sun Kaixuan suddenly stopped him from behind.

"Doctor Song, this..."

Sun Kaixuan faltered, and didn't say why for a long time.

"Mr. Sun, just say what you have to say!"

"Actually, I just want to know what material this pill is made of, and why is it worth so much money?"

It is estimated that not only Sun Kaixuan, but everyone present, including Mrs. Sun, would also like to know this question.

It's just that after Song Yucheng lowered his head and thought for a while, he still let out a long sigh and shook his head slowly.

"To be honest, I don't know exactly how this magical medicine is made."

"Then why did Doctor Song conclude that this thing is worth so much money?"

Song Yucheng hesitated for a moment, but still told what happened in the hospital last time.

"Some time ago, I saw a young man in the hospital who gave such a pill to a dying patient. In just a few seconds, the patient was brought back to life, turning the corner into safety!"

Hearing these words, Sun Kaixuan's expression changed immediately.

"Young man? What's the young man's name?"

He murmured in his heart, wondering if Dr. Song was referring to Wang Long?
"Unfortunately, the young man was probably in a hurry at the time. I didn't have a chance to chat with him. I just left him a business card, but until now, he hasn't contacted me yet."

Sun Kaixuan breathed a sigh of relief.

From this point of view, maybe Song Yucheng was talking about someone else.

For a wimp like Wang Long, being able to meet Dr. Song once is his blessing in eight lifetimes!

Not to mention leaving a business card, this kid has no such qualifications at all!
"Okay, Doctor Song, I won't waste your time!"

Song Yucheng agreed, then turned his head and left Sun's house.

After he left for a long time, everyone present still hadn't recovered from the shock.

"Kaixuan, could it be that the young man Dr. Song mentioned is Wang Long?"

Mrs. Sun also had the same question as Sun Kaixuan.

"How is it possible, how can that waste be qualified to meet Dr. Song?"

"But if it wasn't for him, how could he have this pill in his hand?"

This question made Sun Kaixuan startled for a while. After thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't figure out why.

"Does it need to be said? It must be that Wang Long knew that young man and asked for one!"

Hu Xin casually said such a sentence beside her, and Mrs. Sun also felt that it made sense.

"Mom, for such a miraculous thing, if our Sun family masters its formula and mass-produces it, it will bring innumerable profits!"

Sun Kaixuan lowered his voice and his eyes lit up.

After Mrs. Sun thought for a while, she also hurriedly slapped the table.

"Quick! Call Wang Long back to me! Ask me exactly where this pill came from!"

The few of them knew in their hearts that the business opportunities for medicines that could bring people back to life were unimaginably great.

Once the Sun family masters this business, within a few years, it is bound to become the largest family in Beihai!
Sun Kaixuan did not dare to delay, and quickly took out his mobile phone.

But after searching for a while, I couldn't find Wang Long's number, and then I remembered that I had never contacted him before!
"Why are you still standing there? Call Sun Anming!"

Seeing that he had been reluctant to act, Hu Xin began to urge him beside him.

But Sun Kaixuan frowned, looking hesitant.

After all, half an hour ago, he had uttered harsh words in front of everyone, telling Sun Anming to get out of Sun's house.

How long has passed, and I have to call him back again.

Isn't this slapping yourself in the face?
"Mom, why don't you tell him?"

Sun Kaixuan handed the phone to Mrs. Sun nonchalantly.

But who would have thought that Mrs. Sun slapped the table without saying a word.

"Stinky boy, you want to use your mother as a shield at this time, don't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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