Ares out of prison

Chapter 52 Public Debunking

Chapter 52 Public Debunking
Hearing this sentence, Mrs. Sun's expression still changed slightly.

"Nephew, you must have a limit to bragging. How can there be any priceless treasure in this world?"

Sun Kaixuan felt that Wang Long just wanted to play tricks to prove that the gift he gave was the most expensive!

"Song Yucheng must have told you about the efficacy of this medicine. Isn't something that can bring people back to life a priceless treasure?"

Wang Long's words made Sun Kaixuan momentarily at a loss as to how to answer.

After all, Song Yucheng really tried his best to get this thing before.

Even if it is not priceless, its market value is at least more than [-] million.

So it is even more necessary to get the formula of this medicine!
Mrs. Sun turned her head to look at Sun Kaixuan, beckoning him not to talk too much, but she continued:
"Then where did you get this pill?"

"Pick it up."

Wang Long's words were astonishing, and even Sun Zihan couldn't help but gasp.

Isn't it nonsense to give grandma a birthday gift after picking up a small pill casually on the street!

Seeing Wang Long's expression, Sun Kaixuan secretly knew that he was still angry about what happened before, so he walked forward with a smile on his face.

"Nephew, we did have a little misunderstanding before, but we are a family after all! The uncle is here to apologize to you, let this matter pass!"

"It's too easy for you to say it's over, right?"

Faced with Sun Kaixuan's good words and persuasion, Wang Long didn't give any face.

"My surname is Wang, don't be ignorant of good and bad. If it wasn't for mother's sake, I wouldn't have let you in this door at all!"

Seeing Wang Long embarrassing himself in front of so many people, Sun Kaixuan couldn't bear it anymore and began to curse angrily.

"That's right, you don't look at what you are, as if someone asked you to!"

Hu Xin also echoed beside him.

"I'm talking to Wang Lung, what are you making trouble for? No big or small, slap your mouth!"

Seeing that the couple's speech was getting worse and worse, Mrs. Sun suddenly spoke, which immediately stunned them.

palm mouth?Do you mean us?

impossible!Mom loves us so much, how could she say such a thing?

Seeing that Sun Kaixuan and Hu Xin hadn't moved for a long time, Mrs. Sun patted Wang Long's shoulder.

"I think they have a problem with their ears, help me slap them!"

As soon as these words came out, almost everyone felt their scalps go numb.

Everyone here doesn't know that Sun Kaixuan and Hu Xin are popular people around Mrs. Sun.

But now, Mrs. Sun actually let the good-for-nothing son-in-law of the Sun family beat her eldest son!

If this gets out, wouldn't it be a big joke!

Sun Kaixuan naturally didn't want to lose face so much, so he shook his head quickly:

"Don't, don't, don't! Mom, I'll do it myself, so I won't bother my nephew!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and slapped himself hard on the face with a snap.

Hu Xin followed closely and slapped himself.

"Auntie, I think you usually have a loud voice, why are you silent this time?"

Wang Long said such a sentence on purpose, and at the same time looked at Hu Xin jokingly.

Last time, she slapped Sun Zihan twice in front of her face.

Now he finally waited for the opportunity to vent his anger on Zihan's behalf!
Seeing that Hu Xin was at a loss for a while, Liu Juan seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and wanted to give her a step down.

"Forget it, mother, don't be angry!"

"No! This woman doesn't know the rules, I'll do it!"

Before the words fell, there was an explosion in the air.

Sun Kaixuan waved his hands, Hu Xin's face immediately turned red, and tears couldn't stop rolling.

It can be said that this slap was stronger than the two slaps Sun Zihan received at that time!
When Sun Zihan next to him saw this scene, although there was no expression on his face, he felt extremely comfortable in his heart.

"Wang Long, can you tell me the truth now, where did the pill come from?"

Seeing Mrs. Sun's actions, she was indeed sincere.

But even if he said that the medicine was Yuanzhen Pill refined by himself, no one would believe it.

"It was given by a friend of mine, and the pills are their family's secret recipe."

"Friend? What's your friend's name? Where does he live?"

As soon as he got slapped, Sun Kaixuan asked him as if he didn't take it seriously at all.

Only then did Wang Lung understand their intentions.

It seems that these people have seen the magical effect of Yuanzhen Pill, and they want to get the formula and make a fortune!
"The privacy of other people's homes, why should I tell you?"

" nephew, we also feel that this magical medicine should be promoted so as to help the common people! Your friend can also take this opportunity to make a lot of money. Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

Wang Long glanced at Sun Kaixuan, then frowned and made a troubled expression:

"That being said, it doesn't seem like you have any sincerity?"

"Sincerity? You see, we are so polite when we speak, that is full of sincerity! How about this, nephew, tell me, what do we have to do to be considered sincere?"

What Sun Kaixuan didn't know was that his words fell right into Wang Long's arms!

"Tell me about your previous collusion with the Starlight Group, and I will treat you as sincere."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Sun Kaixuan and his wife were all wrong.

The guests present today are all people who have close contacts with the Sun family. If you let them know that you have done such a thing, how can you discuss cooperation with them in the future?

Besides, if Mrs. Sun knew about it, wouldn't her image in her old man's mind be ruined?

"What? Don't dare to say it? A man dares to act bravely. What kind of sincerity is cowardly at this time?"

Seeing that Sun Kaixuan and his wife have been refusing to speak, Mrs. Sun also showed a puzzled expression.

"Kaixuan, if there is any misunderstanding, just make it clear in person. Why are you covering it up?"

Things have developed to this point, and Sun Kaixuan also knows in his heart that he may not be able to escape this catastrophe!

In order to get the formula, go all out!
Sun Kai turned his head and told all the things about Liu Jiang's collusion with Sun Anming's neck before.

But when he finished speaking, the scene fell into silence.

All the guests present all stared at him with astonishment.

From the looks of it, they really saw Sun Kaixuan's face clearly today.

"You bastard, you actually did this kind of thing to your own brother!"

Mrs. Sun was so furious that she directly picked up the crutch in her hand and slammed it on Sun Kaixuan!

The latter wailed in pain and was beaten to the ground. In the end, it was Hu Xin's pleading that Mrs. Sun reluctantly let the dying Sun Kaixuan go.

After she breathed a sigh of relief, she looked at Wang Long again.

"Is it okay to say it now?"

(End of this chapter)

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