Ares out of prison

Chapter 56 Kneeling

Chapter 56 Kneeling
"You bitch, did you give me face!"

Zhao Keming was so angry that he smashed the cup in his hand with a bang!

"You don't even look at you like that. You probably have already been seen by other men, right? Are you still pretending to be innocent with me here?"

Hearing that Zhao Keming humiliated her daughter like this, Liu Juan not only didn't get angry, but turned around and reprimanded Sun Zihan!
"Zihan, why are you talking to Mr. Zhao? Hurry up and apologize!"

"Apologize? Why should I apologize to this kind of person?"

Sun Zihan's attitude is still very strong.

Before Zhao Keming could answer, Liu Juan quickly pulled Sun Zihan aside, and at the same time let Sun Xueying deal with him.

"Zihan, be obedient, Mr. Zhao's family is powerful and powerful, we can't afford to mess with him! Don't challenge him!"

Sun Zihan couldn't believe that his biological mother would say such a thing.

Isn't this a typical example of forcing someone into prostitution!
"Mom, why do you..."

Before Sun Zihan could finish speaking, his gaze quickly shifted to Sun Xueying.

I saw Zhao Keming directly holding her with one hand, while the other hand began to grope her body recklessly!
Sun Xueying was obviously displeased and struggled desperately, but with only a weak woman, how could she beat this big man.

"Mr. Zhao, please don't do this..."

Sun Xueying's eyes were full of tears, and she pleaded bitterly, but Zhao Keming acted as if she didn't hear it, and went too far.

Suddenly, a loud noise resounded throughout the room.

Everyone hurriedly followed the prestige, only to see that the door was torn apart, and there were two strong men lying on the ground.

"Aren't you very tough? Why, just these two things?"

Wang Long looked at the two guards on the ground with disdain, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

"No, no, no! Grandpa, spare your life! Grandpa, spare your life! The little one will never dare again!"

The guard clutched his chest, knelt on the ground and desperately begged for mercy.

"Damn it, who is it? Come to Lao Tzu's place to play wild?"

Zhao Keming pushed Sun Xueying away and roared angrily.

"Wang Lung? Why is he here?"

When she saw Wang Long, a trace of surprise flashed across Liu Juan's face.

After breaking free from Zhao Keming, Sun Xueying threw herself into Sun Zihan's arms and began to cry bitterly.

When Wang Long saw this scene, the anger in his heart burned even more.

"What did you do to her?"

"After a long time, how many of you are a family? Who are you? Sister? She's pretty good, she's a good seedling!"

Seeing Zhao Keming's squinting expression, Wang Long was so angry that he just clenched his fists and wanted to hit him.

But Liu Juan hurriedly stopped him.

"Are you crazy? Do you know who this is? Don't mess around, go back!"

Liu Juan thought that if Sun Zihan and Sun Xueying were to accompany him for a while, she might be able to escape safely.

But once Wang Long came in to stir things up, no matter what he said, he couldn't escape!

"Go back? He beat my men, and he wants to go back like this?"

Zhao Keming didn't intend to let Wang Long go after seeing it.

"Why are you two still standing there, take him down!"

The two guards heard the words, but they didn't dare to make a move for a long time.

When they were outside just now, the two of them had already seen Wang Long's terrifying strength.

This kind of power has already surpassed the limit of the human body!
This guy can be described as a monster!
"You two are deaf? Why don't you hurry up?"

Zhao Keming yelled sharply, but the two guards still didn't move.

"You cut off your own hand, and that's all."

Wang Long said coldly.


Zhao Keming frowned, wondering if he heard it wrong.

"I cut off my own hand? You're probably talking in your sleep! Do you know who I am?"

"It doesn't matter who you are, today you can either do it yourself, or I will help you, choose one!"

"Stinky boy, you are quite crazy! If you have the ability, wait for me to call and call my dad, and see how crazy you are then?"

When he heard this sentence, Wang Long actually wanted to laugh a little.

What kind of logic is this?Such an old man, he still called his father when he encountered something?

"No, no, no! Mr. Zhao, I'll drive him away right away, so don't bother old Mr. Zhao!"

"Go away! You don't have a place to talk here!"

Zhao Keming pushed Liu Juan away, almost causing her to fall to the ground.

"Boy, do you dare to say those words just now in front of my father again?"

"Even if you called your grandpa, you have to cut off one hand today!"

Seeing Wang Long's expression, he didn't seem to be scared at all, without further ado, Zhao Keming took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After hanging up the phone, he sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and said to the female companions next to him:
"Back off first! To save the bloody scene later, scaring you!"

Just like that, only Zhao Keming and Wang Long were left in the room.

Now Wang Long is a little curious, what exactly does this kid's father do to be so arrogant?

Not long after, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps.

Looking back, several young men dressed in black and holding steel bars walked into the house and surrounded the crowd.

Wang Long looked at them and sneered:
"You have so many dads?"

"Who's messing with my son?"

An old but powerful voice came from outside the door.

I saw a middle-aged man with a heroic face and a muscular body slowly coming from the door, scanning the several people in the room with a murderous look.

Sun Zihan noticed that there was a long tattoo on this man's arm, which was obviously not a good thing!
"Wang Long, don't cause trouble, go back quickly!"

Sun Zihan was also afraid.

Now she just wants to save Wang Long's life, even if she dresses like that to please Zhao Keming, it doesn't matter!
But Wang Lung turned his back to the man and didn't even look at him.

"Dad! This is the kid!"

Seeing his father coming, Zhao Keming spoke with a lot of confidence.

"Ouch! Isn't this old Mr. Zhao? What happened today was all a misunderstanding! It's all this kid's fault, and it has nothing to do with our mother!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Liu Juan hurried forward, trying to separate herself from Wang Long.

This old woman who sees the wind and turns the rudder!
Wang Long cursed inwardly.

"Go away!"

Zhao's father pushed Liu Juan violently, and pushed Liu Juan off her back.

"I'd like to see, which bloody bastard dares to make trouble with my son!"

As Father Zhao spoke, he strolled to Wang Long.

Just when Zhao Keming was imagining that Wang Long was paralyzed from the beating, Father Zhao suddenly knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Sorry! I didn't know it was you!"

This scene immediately surprised everyone.

Even Wang Long himself was taken aback for a moment.

"Dad! What are you doing?"

Wang Long lowered his head, took a closer look at the man's face, and finally recognized it.

"Zhao Cheng?"

"It's me, Lord Warden!"

(End of this chapter)

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