Chapter 58
When Liu Juan heard that the other party might just admit the wrong person, she even showed a very relieved look!
It seemed that she was afraid that one day, Wang Long would get so mixed up that they couldn't afford to mess with them!
But Wang Long himself didn't care, anyway, Liu Juan had seen so many expressions over the years, and she was used to it.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back to my room first."

Seeing Wang Long's leaving back, Sun Anming frowned, and said to Liu Juan:

"Honey, after all, Wang Long brought you back this time, you should say thank you anyway!"

"Thank you? What's there to thank? He almost killed us, you know! If he hadn't admitted to the wrong person, I'm afraid we would all come back with our lives!" Liu Juan choked fiercely.

Seeing her like this, Sun Anming also knew that he couldn't reason with her, so he simply followed her.

Not long after returning to the room, Sun Zihan also walked in.

"How is Xueying?"

"I was a little scared, and I have rested now."

Sun Zihan came over a little tired and sat beside Wang Long.

"Wang Long, where have you been all these years? Why did that person call you the warden?"

When Wang Long heard this sentence, he hesitated.

The reason why she didn't tell Liu Juan the truth before was because even if she did, she would definitely think she was lying.

But Sun Zihan is different.

But it's such a big thing, just say it, what if she can't accept it for a while?
Seeing that Wang Long did not speak for a long time, Sun Zihan seemed to understand something.

"If it's not convenient to say it, forget it, thank you for saving us today!"

After saying this, Sun Zihan turned around and left Wang Long's room.

After careful consideration, Wang Long still decided not to tell anything about his time in prison.

After all, if they know too much about some things, it may be harmful to themselves.

After resting all night, early the next morning, Wang Long received a call from Han's father, saying that the medicinal materials had been prepared.

"It was ready so quickly? How did you do it?"

Wang Long never imagined that the Han family only took one day to get the medicinal materials he had waited in the pharmacy for five days!
"Master, it just so happens that I have a friend who is in the business of medicinal materials, so I directly showed him your prescription."

But it's no wonder, after all, relying on the strength of the Han family, isn't it easy to prepare some medicinal materials?
"How about I find someone to send to Master right now?"

"No, you wait at the house, I'll just come and get it myself."

Naturally, Wang Long would not let him bring the medicinal materials to his door. If Liu Juan and the others saw it, they might be forced to ask the question.

"That's fine, then I'll prepare the banquet and wait for Master's arrival!"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Long tidied up briefly and hurried out.

When Sun Zihan went to the company in the morning, he drove the BMW away, so Wang Long had no choice but to go to his garage and drive a Ferrari.

The engine roared, and the Ferrari galloped down the road like a bolt of lightning.

In just half an hour, Wang Long came to Han Mansion.

But when he walked into the courtyard, he saw a large group of people not far ahead.

"Surnamed Han, you have already negotiated business with our boss before, why did you suddenly terminate the cooperation?"

"It's your boss who broke his promise first, no wonder others!"

I saw a few strong men surrounding Father Han, and Han Xinyue and Han Yunfei, brothers and sisters behind them, also confronted those people.

For a while, the two sides were at war with each other.

Wang Long secretly knew that something was wrong, so he stepped forward.

"What happened?"

When Han Yunfei saw Wang Long, it was like seeing a savior.

"Master, you came just in time! These people are invited by the Eternal Group, and they want to trouble our family!"

"Stinky boy, who do you say is the ****? Say it again if you have the ability?"

When Chen Meng heard others calling him that, he was naturally furious.

From the conversation of several people just now, Wang Long probably understood the cause and effect of the matter.

It was nothing more than the fact that Eternal Group breached the contract first, and the Han family terminated the cooperation. In the end, their boss hired a few people to find fault.

"My surname is Han, I will leave my words here today. If you don't give our boss an explanation, I will make your Han family feel overwhelmed and walk away!"

As soon as the words fell, several people suddenly took out pistols from their waists and pointed them at Father Han and the others.

This action startled Han Xinyue, and she quickly stood in front of her father.

"Yo? The little girl is quite filial! How about this, play with our brothers for a while, and I will spare your life for the time being!"

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd suddenly let out a burst of mocking laughter.

Father Han was at a loss, so he could only look at Wang Long who was at the side.

"Before I do it now, you guys get out of here!"

A cold voice came.

Chen Meng and others turned around, only to see the unarmed Wang Long standing behind him.

"What a big tone, so what if you do it? What else can I do?"

"Boy, if you are sensible, get out of here! My son will not have eyes later!"

Seeing this scene, Father Han was also worried that Wang Long might be involved, so he said to him:
"Master, why don't you go back first! This matter has nothing to do with you."

After all, the opponent had a gun in his hand, no matter how powerful Wang Long's martial arts were, he couldn't escape the hail of bullets.

But what he didn't know was that Wang Long had already made up his mind to teach this group of ignorant things a lesson!
For no other reason, the Han family has gathered all the medicinal materials for me. This is a favor, and I have to help them no matter what!

"I'll warn you one last time, get out!"

"What if I don't leave?"

All of a sudden, everyone pointed their guns at Wang Long.

But Wang Long didn't show any fear at all, and he didn't even look away!
"You forced me!"

As Wang Long said, he clenched his fists and was about to rush forward.

"Wait a minute!"

But at this moment, a burst of scolding suddenly came from behind.

What followed was a burst of chaotic footsteps.

Before everyone could react, a well-equipped team surrounded the group of **.

Seeing this scene, Chen Meng's expression changed drastically.

I saw these people in front of me wearing uniform clothes and holding standard rifles in their hands, which were far more advanced than their own weapons and equipment!
And in terms of numbers, the opponent is completely crushed.

The most important thing is that the clothes of this group of people also have the word "spirit" printed on them.

"Is this... the spiritual path?"

Not only Chen Meng, but also Wang Long was wondering.

Where did this group of people come from?
He didn't understand what happened until a familiar figure came out from the crowd.

"Oh it's you."

(End of this chapter)

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