Chapter 600
"What? A bumpkin?" These three words made Sun Xia feel as if she had been punched hard, and she froze in place.

But Wang Long turned around and left without looking back, leaving only Sun Xia in a mess.

"Auntie! Did you hear that? This guy actually called me a redneck! It's so unruly!"

Originally thought that Liu Juan would choose to vent her anger on her behalf, but who knew that the latter showed a meaningful smile.

"Niece, I think what Wang Long said this time is quite reasonable. After all, you have been in the imperial capital for so long, and you always wear this outfit, but it looks a bit outrageous!" Liu Juan also teased He flicked his curly hair.

"You should learn from me more about how to dress, at least you won't lose to anyone in terms of temperament!"

Hearing these words, Sun Xia felt even more angry, her teeth itch with hatred!
But what's the use of hating now?After all, Liu Juan's dressing style is indeed not in the same class as her own.

Not to mention anything else, just looking at her 40-year-old age and 30-year-old face, you can tell how well this person usually takes care of herself.

"No! It's okay for anyone to look down on me. You can't let that boy Wang Long look down on me!"

Sun Xia gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, went straight to the clothing store, and picked out several sets of new clothes without saying a word.

It also includes a set of professional attire that looks energetic, which makes her look radiant.

But when paying the bill, Sun Xia couldn't stop laughing.

"Hello ma'am, the total consumption is [-] yuan, cash or credit card?"

"What? Five thousand and eighty for these few clothes? Isn't this an obvious robbery!"

"I'm sorry, this store has always been selling high-end clothes. If the price exceeds your budget, I suggest you change to a cheaper store!" The clerk said directly without giving Sun Xia any face.

Isn't the inner meaning of these words just to tell Sun Xia to leave if she can't afford it?
Even the few customers nearby couldn't help showing a sarcastic smile and gathered together to whisper.

"The people of today! They just love vanity. They obviously don't have the financial conditions, but they still insist on swollen faces to pretend to be fat!"

"Isn't it? At first glance, she doesn't look like a rich person!"

"Which rich man have you ever seen dressed so shabby? I'm afraid he's a stinky foreigner!"

These words were like sharp knives, piercing deeply into Sun Xia's heart over and over again.

"Okay! Five thousand and eight is five thousand and eight! I bought these clothes!" Sun Xia was so angry that she simply handed over the card, but...

"Sorry ma'am, your card balance is insufficient!"

"Hahaha..." As soon as the words came out, the other customers in the store burst into laughter.

"How is it possible! This is obviously a salary card, how come I don't even have five thousand and eight?"

After Sun Xia said this, she suddenly realized that she hadn't worked for more than half a year!
"Wait! I still have to do something!" She said, and handed over her credit card.

whatever!Let's buy it first, anyway, I forgive that kid Wang Long for not daring to lower his salary, and then he will earn back his principal with interest!

As the credit card machine spat out a long receipt, Sun Xia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When she took the shopping bag from the cashier, she still turned her head and gave them a vicious look.

But what she didn't know was that these people didn't take her seriously at all, and just laughed it off as a farce.

Early the next morning, Sun Xia changed into the newly bought business attire, and planned to go to Feilonghui Building with Wang Long.

"Well, this dress is not bad, it looks like a successful person!"

Hearing Wang Long's words, Sun Xia's heart was as sweet as honey, and she couldn't help showing a smug smile on her face.

With my clothes, Wang Long must at least arrange for me to be a supervisor, right?
If the position given to me is too low, I will definitely not spare him!
With this in mind, the two drove to the Dragon Club Building together.

On the way, Wang Long also told her the main tasks of today.

"Today is your first visit to the Dragon Club, and you must be unfamiliar with many things, so I specially arranged for an old man to take you with you."

"What? Take me?" Upon hearing these words, Sun Xia suddenly showed a surprised expression:

"What kind of old man are you, are you reliable? Maybe your ability is not as good as mine!"

"Don't worry, Duan Yunbao is an old employee of the Feilong Club. He has outstanding work ability, and he is also very friendly to the employees. You will definitely like him!"

"Okay! It's good to have affinity! What I don't like the most is the kind of people who hold chicken feathers as arrows!"

Sun Xia nodded with satisfaction, but she didn't notice a playful smile on Wang Long's face.

"President! You are here!" As soon as he entered the company's gate, he saw Duan Yunbao greet him.

"Hiss—so handsome!" Sun Xia's eyes lit up, and she stared at the tall and powerful young man in front of her with a squinting gaze.

Duan Yunbao's appearance is not bad, coupled with his tight muscles and strong arms, it makes people feel happy when they see it.

"It seems that Wang Long still understands the rules and knows how to arrange for a handsome guy to take me with him!"

"Not bad! As long as you can follow him, it doesn't matter even if your salary is a little less!"

Thinking of this, Sun Xia was so flattered in her heart that a wretched smile even appeared on her face.

"Yunbao, this is the Sun Xia I mentioned to you earlier, she is coming to the company for the first time today, you have to take her seriously!"

Duan Yunbao nodded: "Don't worry, since the president personally brought the person, I will definitely not be sloppy!"

This sentence made Sun Xia happy even more, thinking, isn't Wang Long blatantly trying to give herself privileges?

Or a wimp who knows the rules better!How can she look like that girl Sun Zihan?No big or small, don't take yourself seriously at all!
After explaining everything, Wang Long came to Sun Xia and said to her:

"Okay, today you will follow Yunbao all the way, you must learn more from him, if you don't understand anything, just ask him!"

"Oh! It's okay, it's long-winded! I've been in the workplace for so many years, don't I understand this rule?"

Sun Xia sent Wang Long away impatiently, while she came to Duan Yunbao excitedly.

"Hello Mr. Duan! My name is Sun Xia, and we will be partners in the future!"

Duan Yunbao looked her up and down: "Isn't the president asking you to wear your clothes like this?"

"How is it possible! That kid doesn't have such a high level of appreciation! I bought this myself!"

Saying that, Sun Xia even cast a wink at Duan Yunbao pretending to be charming.

"How's it going? Isn't it nice?"

"Well, good-looking is good-looking, but you'd better change into a staff uniform. Washing the toilet can easily stain your clothes."

"Okay! Didn't ask... what? Washing the toilet?!"

(End of this chapter)

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