Chapter 604

"Don't worry! My niece is not the kind of ignorant person, she will definitely not let you down! I can vouch for her!"

Liu Juan looked swearing, she believed in Sun Xia [-]%.

Seeing her reaction, even Sun Zihan couldn't help being a little puzzled, wondering who is her real daughter?
But since the words have already been spoken, there is no reason to go back on his word, so Sun Zihan could only nod in agreement.

When it was time for dinner at night, Sun Xia was so excited that she almost cried when she heard the news!
"Great! I can finally get rid of those perverts and return to a normal life!"

Hearing that Sun Xia belittled her subordinates so much, Wang Long didn't feel angry at all.

After all, the more she said this, the more it proved that Duan Yunbao's training effect was very good!
It is estimated that from now on, Liu Juan will never dare to yell at Wang Long again!

"By the way, sister Zihan, since I've joined your company, what position do you plan to arrange for me?"

"What position do you want on the first day you come to the company? Of course, it starts from the grassroots employees."

"What?" Hearing this sentence, Sun Xia felt greatly disappointed: "Don't! Sister Zihan, I'm already a grassroots employee in the Feilong Club, so I can't come to your place, should I continue to clean the toilet?"

"Don't worry, my company has no shortage of cleaners, and I won't arrange for you to clean the toilet!"

"That's not okay! Anyway, we are also relatives, so you can't help me arrange some official position or something like that?"

Hearing this, Sun Zihan couldn't help but look cold, and looked at her very seriously:
"Do you think I'll tolerate having such connections in my company?"

The reason why Sun Zihan can run the company to the present scale is largely due to her shrewd management methods.

The employees of the company have always only singled out the outstanding people, so going through the back door will not work in front of her!
But even if Sun Zihan said so, Sun Xia still didn't intend to give up.

"Sister Zihan, in fact, I have grown a lot during this time, and I feel that I am capable of taking on a leadership position now!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Long immediately cast a surprised look at her:

"Didn't you just stay in the Flying Dragon Society for two days? How can you grow?"

"Shut up! You don't have a place to talk here! What happened in two days? In just two days, my work attitude has changed a lot!"

Hearing what she said, Liu Juan also began to help her.

"Zihan, I think what my niece said makes sense. Since she has already worked as a grassroots employee, you can help her arrange some kind of idle job. It's also a way to save face for our family, isn't it?"

Originally, Sun Zihan didn't intend to make concessions, but now that Sun Xia and Liu Juan got mixed up, the two of them sang together, so that Sun Zihan had no choice but to compromise in the end.

"Okay, I will arrange it here, but the prerequisite is that you must wholeheartedly consider the company!"

"Of course! From now on, I am a member of your company! We will be comrades-in-arms in the future!"

Seeing that the job was finalized, Sun Xia's mood suddenly became brighter, and she was always courteous to Sun Zihan during meals.

However, Sun Zihan always ignored her and didn't even want to look at her.

After eating, Sun Zihan went back to the room first, while Wang Long silently followed.

"Zihan, are you sure you want to assign a position to this kind of person? She will definitely bring down the atmosphere of your company!"

In Wang Long's view, even letting Sun Xia be a low-level employee is already considered a great deal of face.

Isn't it nonsense to ask her to be a leader?

But Sun Zihan shook his head: "As you can see, mom and she are on the same team now. If I don't agree, they both have to lift the roof over?"

This is true, after all, Wang Long has seen Liu Juan and Sun Xia messing around.

"I really don't know what's wrong with these two people. They are so old, they are still like children who have not experienced much in the world!"

If it weren't for the fact that they were barely relatives with him, Wang Long really wanted to drive these two people out of the house!

"No way, since things have come to this point, we have no room to go back on our word!"

"But don't worry, I will ask Xiaolong to help arrange and give her a dispensable position, and I won't ask her to influence other people!"

With Sun Zihan's words, Wang Long finally felt relieved and nodded in agreement.

The next morning, Wang Long called Long Fei specifically to ask about Sun Xia.

"Oh, you mean that person? Mr. Sun asked her to be the leader of the company's environmental team, responsible for maintaining the working atmosphere!"

"Pfft—" Wang Long couldn't help laughing as soon as he said this.

"The leader of the environmental team? Who thought of this name? You are so talented!"

Wang Long couldn't help admiring, it was obviously an insignificant position, but he gave him a famous name!

"Hey! Who else? Of course it's me!"

"Not bad! By the way, you should pay more attention, don't let Sun Xia mess around in the company, you know?"

"Don't worry, she seems to be very satisfied with her position and has a very enthusiastic work attitude! No problem!"

Wang Long agreed, and finally hung up the phone.

When Sun Xia came home that night, she looked radiant.

"Grandma! I have good news for you. Today I did something earth-shattering in the company!"

"Really? What's the big deal? Let's hear it?"

Sun Xia cleared her throat and started bragging for a while, saying that under her wise and powerful leadership, the employees of the company are working hard, and the atmosphere in the entire office area is very good.

Listening to her words, Sun Zihan and Wang Long next to them were almost hurt from holding back their laughter!

You know, even without her, wouldn't the employees of the company still work hard?

The more she said this, the more it showed that the other employees didn't take her seriously at all, and didn't even bother to talk to her!
But Mrs. Sun was old, so naturally she didn't think so much.

Listening to Sun Xia's eloquence, Mrs. Sun was also very happy.

"Great! At the beginning, I thought that Xia'er would definitely be able to do a great job. It seems that I believed in the right person!"

"Xia'er, you have to thank Zihan for giving you a chance to reshape your life!"

Unexpectedly, Sun Xia smiled slightly when she heard this sentence:
"Thank her? Come on! I did her a big favor today, and it's too late for her to thank me!"

"Grandma, let me tell you, today I saw a little security guard not working hard in the security room, so I fired him on the spot!"

"What! Security room?"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long and Sun Zihan exclaimed in unison: "Who did you fire?"

Sun Xia frowned, carefully recalling something: "It seems... what is it called Qi Hai?"

(End of this chapter)

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