Chapter 607

Seeing Wang Long's puzzled face, Cao Yang and the others looked a little surprised.

"Mr. Wang, you still don't know about co-authoring this matter?"

"I haven't asked about company affairs for so long. It's normal not to know. Tell me, what happened?"

Hearing this, Cao Yang nodded in agreement, and then told the whole story.

It turned out that the Minister Chen they mentioned was named Chen Song, and he was in charge of a small department of the company. After Sun Xia entered the company, she happened to be assigned to Chen Song's subordinates.

"Team Leader Sun started flirting with Director Chen on the first day he arrived at the company. When the two of them saw it, they didn't seem to have any good intentions!"

"Besides, Chen Song is notoriously flirtatious, and often harasses the female employees under him. For this reason, our security department has specially investigated this matter!"

But according to Cao Yang, although they had punished Chen Song at that time, but the other party had a higher position than them, so they didn't take it seriously at all!In the end, this matter can only be left alone.

"So you mean that it is precisely because Chen Song has been secretly helping Sun Xia that she is so arrogant?"

Cao Yang nodded, "Of course! Besides, Chen Song is just a small minister, so we never told Mr. Sun about this matter, thinking that as long as he doesn't do anything too extreme, there is no need to Go bother Mr. Sun!"

Who knew that the tolerance of Cao Yang and others not only did not make Chen Song calm, but made him even more presumptuous!

"Unexpectedly, there are such employees in Zihan's company!" Wang Long clenched his fists in anger, and immediately decided to go to the company early tomorrow morning to see how presumptuous Minister Chen really is!

When Wang Long arrived home, it was almost midnight, but Liu Juan stayed up all the time, sitting in the living room and waiting for Wang Long.

As soon as they met, Liu Juan walked forward angrily: "What's the matter? Why is my niece so sad when she comes back? Did that smelly security guard make things difficult for her on purpose?"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long couldn't help but sneered immediately: "She's still wronged? It's clearly her own fault!"

"Bah! I warn you, if you dare to bully my niece with those security guards, I will never end with you!"

"Get out of the way!" Wang Long didn't bother to argue with Liu Juan, he stretched out his hand and pushed Liu Juan easily.

Fortunately, there was a soft sofa behind her. If it was pushed to the ground, she would suffer it!
" dare to fight with me? Stop, you must apologize to me today!"

However, even though Liu Juan roared behind him, Wang Long didn't respond at all, as if he couldn't hear it.

After going upstairs, he came to the door of Sun Zihan's room first.

When he opened the door, he saw that Sun Zihan was sitting at the desk, flipping through the documents in his hand by the desk lamp.

"How is it? Has the misunderstanding been cleared up? Qi Hai didn't blame us, did he?"

"No." Wang Long shook his head: "Xiao Hai is not the kind of person who makes trouble, don't worry, it's all right now!"

Only then did Sun Zihan let out a long sigh of relief, feeling relieved from the bottom of his heart.

However, Wang Long's brows were tightly furrowed at this time, and he kept recalling what Cao Yang told him before.

"What's the matter? Isn't the matter resolved? Why are you still depressed?"

Facing Sun Zihan's inquiry, Wang Long thought for a moment, and decided to hide this matter for the time being.

After all, if Sun Zihan knows that there are such employees in her company, it will definitely affect her future work!
Anyway, during this period of time, my Dragon Club doesn't have any important matters, so I might as well take this opportunity to help her solve a problem.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little tired!"

"Go to rest if you are tired, you have really worked hard today!"

Wang Long nodded in agreement, and then went back to his room.

Early the next morning, he got up early and arrived at the company ahead of Sun Zihan and Sun Xia.

"Hey! Mr. Wang, why are you here so early? Where's Mr. Sun?"

Wang Long shook his head, and said to Qi Hai: "President Sun, she doesn't know that I'm coming to the company, you have to keep it a secret!"

"Don't worry! It's not like you don't know how tight my mouth is!"

"By the way, what floor is Minister Chen on?"

"On the sixth floor, get out of the elevator and go to the left, the innermost compartment is their department!"

Wang Long agreed, and now he sat in the security room for a while, and he got up and went upstairs when almost all the company employees came.

As soon as he entered the door following what Qi Hai said, he saw a greasy middle-aged man knocking on the table.

"Everyone! Stop what you're doing first! Today is my birthday, Mr. Chen, let's get together tonight! You are not allowed to be absent!"

As soon as the words fell, a young girl in the crowd quickly raised her hand in agreement:

"Great! It's been a long time since our department had a dinner together? It's just right, this time we have to slay Minister Chen!"

"Okay, as long as you have an appetite, eat as you please, and I'll pay for it!"

From the conversations of several people, Wang Long could easily deduce that this middle-aged man should be Chen Song.

But the strange thing is, judging from their few words, Chen Song seems to have no problem, and he is quite enthusiastic towards his subordinates?

However, before Wang Long could react, a slender hand was suddenly raised tremblingly.

"That... Minister Chen, today is also my husband's birthday, I'm afraid I won't be able to go with you tonight."

It was this sentence that immediately made Chen Song's face darken, and he went straight to the girl.

"What do you mean, you mean that my minister is not as important as your husband?"

"No, no, no! Minister Chen, that's not what I mean! It's just that my husband has been out of town all year round, and it's hard to come back once. I want to take this opportunity to get together with him."

"Oh! That's it!" Chen Song showed a wretched smile on his face: "It seems that I haven't tasted meat for a long time, are you hungry? If that's the case, why do you need to find your husband? Why don't you spend time with him tonight I?"

As soon as these words came out, the young woman turned pale with fright.

"No! Minister Chen, I just want to have a meal with my husband, and I have absolutely no other ideas!"

"Bah! Don't do this to me! You've already talked about this, and you still want to play innocent with me?"

"I'm new here. Doesn't my husband have to meet every day? What's there to accompany? Spend more time with Minister Chen, and it will also help your promotion in the future!"

"Did you hear that? This is what a smart person should say! So I advise you not to be ignorant of flattery."

When the girl heard this sentence, her face suddenly became serious.

"Since this is the case, sorry, Minister Chen, I resign!"

"Resign? I've given you a face, haven't you!" Chen Song was furious, and he was about to slap the girl with his hand.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a powerful big hand squeezed his shoulder fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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