Ares out of prison

Chapter 61 Emergency Missions

Chapter 61 Emergency Missions

Wang Long came to the community garden and pressed the answer button.

After answering the phone, a mature voice came from beside my ear.

"Commander Wang, I am the person in charge of contacting you. Is it convenient for you now?"

"Where am I going to meet you?"

But before the voice finished, the other party hung up the phone directly.

Wang Long was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled, and then dialed back, but what he heard was an empty number prompt.

What are you doing?Is this trying to tease me?
Just when Wang Long felt strange, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

"Commander Wang, I've heard of your name for a long time!"

Turning his head to look, standing in front of him was a muscular young man.

Although he doesn't look very old, this person's voice is extremely hoarse, and it sounds like he has been weather-beaten.

Wang Long suddenly discovered that there was a knife scar on the man's neck!
"I barely recovered my life from the injuries I suffered during the mission, but it's a pity that my voice has become like this!"

No wonder a guy who looks like he's in his 20s sounds like he's in his 50s.

"I forgot to introduce you, my lord, Lei Yu, is responsible for connecting with you!"

"Yan Jiaming asked you to give me the task, right?"

Wang Lung didn't give a shit either.

Before Yan Jiaming didn't say it in person, there must be something that needs his help, and he was too embarrassed to say it because of his feelings.

"Commander Wang is offended by saying that! But Captain Yan really needs your help!"

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Lei Yu paused, and finally revealed the truth.

"Some time ago, we received information that a group of foreign thieves had sneaked into Beihai. Captain Yan hoped that we could find out the whereabouts of these thieves and arrest them!"

"Catch a thief?"

Wang Long frowned:
"Is such a trivial matter worth such a lot of trouble?"

Lei Yu shook his head: "Commander Wang, don't underestimate these people. They are not ordinary thieves, but a well-established theft organization! And the members are all warriors, and their strength should not be underestimated!"

"The things these people stole involved hundreds of millions of dollars! Foreign police have been tracking them for many years, but they have never been able to catch them. Now that this group of people has come to Beihai, they must not be allowed to go unpunished like this!"

Hearing this, Wang Long became interested.

It seems that this group of people is indeed different from those little thieves I imagined.

"Did Yan Jiaming leave it to me for such a big matter?"

Lei Yu smiled: "To tell you the truth, Captain Yan originally planned to personally participate in this operation, but you also know that in the last battle, Captain Yan was seriously injured and has not fully recovered until now. That’s why I asked you to go out!”

After all, Wang Long still wanted to ask Lingdao to help him raise medicinal materials in the future, so he had to help him with this favor.

"Tell me, where are those people now?"

"We don't know yet, but according to the information sent back by the informant, it is very likely that this group of people will conduct a transaction tonight and sell all the previous stolen goods."

"Aren't you Lingdao masters in collecting information? How come you don't even know this?"

This question caught Lei Yu a little off guard.

"This... this group of people is very cunning, and their anti-reconnaissance awareness is extremely strong, so we can't figure out their whereabouts for a while, but don't worry, since the information sent back by our informant must be inseparable !"

"Then it's settled. You inform me tonight, and I'll go take a look with you!"

After Wang Long said such a sentence, he turned and left directly.

It's just that he didn't notice that after he walked away, a figure slowly appeared from behind the flower bed.

"Captain Yan!"

Lei Yu saluted Yan Jiaming.

"Is this king dragon really as powerful as you said? Why didn't I feel it at all?"

Although Lei Yu was very polite to Wang Long just now, in fact, he has been wondering in his heart, what kind of ability does this Wang Long have that can make Yan Jiaming trust him so much?

"I said before, this person's strength is far beyond what you and I can imagine!"

"But you have been hiding around here, and he hasn't noticed it. It's impossible for a martial artist at the level of a grand master to not even have this insight?"

Hearing this sentence, Yan Jiaming showed a meaningful smile on his face.

"I'm afraid it's not that he didn't find out, it's just that he didn't tell the truth!"

When I got home, it happened that Sun Xueying and Liu Juan had finished their meal.

"It's just in time, go wash the dishes!"

"Mom, don't bother brother-in-law, I'll be fine!"


Liu Juan flatly refused.

"You're the one who does everything, aren't you afraid to make this kid go wrong?"

Wang Long didn't bother arguing with them, it was just a matter of a few bowls, and they could be washed in two or three strokes.

Not long after returning to her bedroom, Sun Xueying knocked on the door and walked in.

"Is there a problem?"

"Brother-in-law, you know our mother's temper. Don't take what you said just now!"

Wang Long felt a little baffled.

You came to your room specifically to say this?

"Don't worry, I'm used to it."

As Wang Long was talking, he noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with Sun Xueying's expression.

It seemed that she was still terrified by what happened yesterday.

"Brother-in-law, those people misidentified you yesterday. If they realize it, will they come back and trouble us?"

Wang Long shook his head, his eyes determined:

"Don't worry, they don't have the guts!"

Sun Xueying didn't know where Wang Long got the confidence to say such a thing, but for some reason, when she heard him say that, she felt a sense of security in her heart.

Just like that, Sun Xueying didn't say anything more, and left Wang Long's room.

At night, the mysterious number called again.

"Commander Wang, the car has been arranged and is waiting downstairs!"


Putting down the phone, Wang Long went straight downstairs, and he saw a black car waiting downstairs.

After getting in the car, the driver took him to a secret command post on the outskirts of the city.

This is where Lingdao headquarters is located.

"Commander Wang, I've been waiting for a long time! Please!"

Lei Yu took Wang Long into the command room.

Originally thought that only the two of them would be involved in this mission, but when they came to the command room, they found that there were two other people inside.

When they saw Wang Long, they couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"Didn't you say that a great master came to command us? Why is it him?"

It is not unreasonable for these two people to find it strange.

After all, in their minds, the great masters must be some elderly people who are getting old.

I have never seen such a young grand master like Wang Long!

(End of this chapter)

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