Ares out of prison

Chapter 619 Slowly liquidating

Chapter 619 Slowly liquidating
"Hey! Did you make a mistake? Didn't you agree to arrange for us to go to Sun Zihan's company? Why did it become the Dragon Club again?"

"Sun Anmin, are you trying to trick us, old man? It's fun to trick us all the way here, isn't it?"

"Heh! I knew that your family has no good intentions! Now that the position of Patriarch is handed over to you, you will immediately turn your face and deny anyone!"

To say that the face-changing skill of the Sun family is really ancestral. The relatives who were full of praise for Sun Anmin a second ago are now attacking him one after another. Even Liu Juan was not spared and was scolded by them. Bloody head.

However, what they don't know is that the instigator of all this is actually the door-to-door son-in-law they have always looked down upon.

"Honey, wouldn't it be inappropriate for us to do this?" Sun Zihan asked with some concern.

It's not because she cares about these relatives, it's just that she thinks it's too cruel for her father to accept the accusations from everyone.

"Don't worry, I'm doing this to prevent them from causing trouble to you!" Wang Long said, then walked onto the stage.

"Everyone, don't be impatient, I know this ending may not be what you expected, but I guarantee that if you join the Feilong Club, your treatment will not be worse than that of Zihan's company! I am willing to provide free accommodation for everyone, so that everyone can bid farewell to the life of house slaves and truly take root in the imperial capital!"

Wang Long's words really calmed down the restless crowd.

"That's about the same! Let me just say, Sun Anmin is also someone who has managed the Sun Group, how could he be so ignorant!"

"But can what their useless son-in-law say count? Could it be that he lied to us?"

"Hey, Sun Xia, I heard that you stayed at that Flying Dragon Society for a few days, how was it? How is the treatment there?"

Everyone cast their eyes on Sun Xia, but the latter pretended to be confused, and nodded:

"It's... not bad! Actually, I didn't stay for long, so I don't know."

It seems that Wang Long's warning to her before was more effective, but now seeing Wang Long staring at her, he dare not even tell the truth!
"So, please trust me, I, Wang Long, will definitely arrange a satisfactory job for all of you!"

"Okay!" As soon as the words were finished, there was thunderous applause. Many people praised Wang Long, saying that he finally looked like a real son-in-law of the Sun family.

However, what they didn't know was that at this time, Wang Long had secretly planned the next method in his heart.

"How did you target me in the past, now, I will repay you twice!"

In this way, after speaking, Wang Long and Sun Anmin stepped off the stage together.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they sat down, they saw Liu Juan and Mrs. Sun with gloomy expressions.

"Wang Long, please explain to me, what's going on?" Mrs. Sun felt that she had been deceived, and her anger was beyond words.

"And you! Sun Anmin, after all, you are a man, right? You are willing to be led by the nose by the wretch like Wang Long?"

Liu Juan pointed at Sun Anmin and cursed angrily, but the latter looked extremely aggrieved.

"What can I do? The son-in-law said that Zihan's company is already saturated and can't accommodate so many new employees, so he temporarily arranged them to work in the Feilong Club!"

Wang Long waved his hand, motioning for Sun Anmin to stop talking, while he came to Liu Juan and explained to her:

"Mom, don't get me wrong, I did this for your own good!"

"For our good? It's so fresh!" Liu Juan sneered, disapproving.

"Think about it, Zihan's company is full of employees, and there will be no way to arrange work for everyone in a while. If they come to the imperial capital and there is no follow-up, it won't make them think that our family is just talking. Unbelievers?"

"In addition, if Zihan forcefully expands the company's scale and brings them in, it will definitely increase the company's burden. Let alone making money, we might lose money! We can't stop doing business for the sake of these relatives. Bar?"

Liu Juan seemed to feel that what Wang Long said had some truth, so she fell silent for a while, and did not speak for a long time.

Mrs. Sun also asked next to her: "But you clearly promised to arrange everyone into Zihan's company, and now you suddenly changed your mind. You have to give me an explanation?"

"Don't worry, grandma, this is just a delaying strategy. When Zihan's company expands, we will gradually put everyone in! Besides this, there is no better way now!"

Wang Long's expression looked very sincere, as if he was really thinking about the Sun family.

"Okay! Seeing that your boy's performance is relatively good this time, just do as you say!"

Liu Juan nodded, and then changed the topic: "But I'm ugly first, if you dare to treat these relatives badly, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people!"

"Don't worry! Even if I treat myself badly, I can't treat everyone badly!"

Wang Long repeatedly agreed, and Liu Juan and Mrs. Sun turned and left contentedly.

Seeing the two of them aloof in front of the guests, Wang Long couldn't help showing a contemptuous smile on his face.

"a bunch of idiots."

After the banquet, Wang Long immediately arranged for everyone present to stay in the hotel.

Although the Sun family used to be a well-known family in Jiang Province, but due to the family's decline in recent years, it is no longer as good as before.

Most of these relatives are superficially beautiful, but in fact they live frugally and are stretched thin.

Let alone living in a high-end place like this, I'm afraid I haven't even seen it a few times!

"Wow! Liu Juan, it seems that you have really made a name for yourself in the imperial capital, and you actually invited us to live in such a nice room!"

"Isn't it? From the very beginning, I thought that your family must have a bright future, and I didn't misunderstand the person!"

"Liu Juan, you have become a real lady now, don't forget us sisters who grew up together!"

Listening to everyone's compliments, Liu Juan smiled like a bright spring.

"Don't worry! From now on, we are a family, and I will definitely lead everyone to prosperity!"

Liu Juan and Mrs. Sun were busy greeting everyone, while Wang Long and Sun Zihan went downstairs first.

"Husband, it must have cost a lot of money to arrange them to stay in a hotel this time, right?"

"It's okay, it's not like you don't know who the owner of this hotel is, we have a discount!"

After all, this hotel is Li Xiaotian's property, so naturally Wang Long won't spend too much money.

"But do you really intend to let them enter the Dragon Club? What if it brings you trouble?"

"No! Don't worry! I've already made arrangements!"

Wang Long comforted Sun Zihan on the surface, but there was a sly gleam in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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