Ares out of prison

Chapter 628: 2 Degrees

Chapter 628

As soon as the spiritual power came out, the roller coaster that was supposed to go up slowly suddenly shot out at double speed like an arrow off the string!
"Wow!!" Xiaohu's howl echoed on the roller coaster, and the staff present panicked.

"What's going on? Why is it so fast? Is the system malfunctioning!"

The staff checked and found that all systems were operating normally, and there was no problem at all.

"Strange... There is no malfunction? How could it be so fast?"

"Forget it! Stop the roller coaster first!" As he said, a staff member pressed the emergency stop button on it.

Unexpectedly, when the red light came on, instead of stopping, the roller coaster ran faster and faster!

Xiaohu's screams were endless, and he had already started yelling for his mother from above.

The tourists below didn't know what happened, and they kept laughing at him for being timid.

"Husband, why do I feel that something is wrong? Is this roller coaster faster than I thought?"

Sun Zihan saw some clues, but Wang Long shook his head and explained:
"No, it's a large-scale project after all! It's normal to be a little exciting! Besides, he asked him to play alone!"

While speaking, the roller coaster was about to reach the circular track, Wang Long saw the timing and suddenly activated his spiritual power.

The roller coaster hovered directly above the track, and Xiaohu was stuck in midair with his feet upside down and his head upside down!
"Ahhh!! Let me down!! Help!" The cries echoed throughout the amusement park, and many people took out their phones one after another, wanting to record this funny scene.

I don't know how long it took, Wang Long felt that the lesson was almost given, so he withdrew his spiritual power, allowing the roller coaster to reach the finish line normally.

However, at this time, Xiaohu was already scared out of his wits, with snot and tears on his face.

"Hey! If I knew you were so timid, I would go up to accompany you. A roller coaster ride can scare you like this!"

"Nonsense! Who said I was timid? I... I just..." Xiaohu couldn't find any reason, so he burst into tears.

"It deserves it! This kind of uneducated child just needs to have a long memory! Let's see if he dares to be so selfish in the future!"

"But having said that, I think this roller coaster is a bit weird, why don't we just stop playing it?"

"I'm really sorry, all tourists, due to some problems with the roller coaster facilities, it is now temporarily suspended. Please go and enjoy other projects!"

After the staff evacuated the tourists, they quickly began to stop the maintenance and check which link went wrong.

However, the results of the inspection can be imagined, all the components are normal, and the problem cannot be found at all.

"Could it's just because the child screamed so fiercely that it frightened us?"

Xiaohu was crying loudly all the way, attracting the attention of many people, which was very disturbing.

"Okay, don't cry, how about aunt taking you to eat ice cream?"

No matter how much Sun Zihan coaxed him, it still had no effect at all, and instead made Xiaohu's cries intensify.

Seeing this, Wang Long said: "Forget it, he probably won't be in the mood to play like this, let's go back."

"Nonsense! I'm not going back!" This sentence really worked, and Xiaohu immediately changed his face and began to choose the next project.

"Well... I want to play that! Haunted house!"

As soon as this remark came out, Sun Zihan immediately rebuffed: "No! Even a roller coaster scares you like this. Aren't you even more afraid of playing in a haunted house?"

But as soon as the words fell, Xiaohu resorted to his usual tricks again, causing the two of them to quarrel with anger.

How dare you do this?It seems that the lesson is not deep enough!
Wang Long secretly decided that this time he must treat you well!

"Okay! For the sake of your crying just now, I will satisfy you again this time! Buy a ticket and go!"

"Honey, what are you doing..." Before Sun Zihan could finish speaking, Wang Long shook his head at her.

After a lot of tossing, Xiaohu still clamored to reserve the venue, but this time, Wang Long agreed very readily.

"How is it? Do you need us to accompany you? You won't cry into a disfigured face again later, will you?"

"Huh! Mom said, there are no ghosts in the haunted house at all, they are all pretended by people, so I am not afraid!"

After saying this, Xiaohu took the lead and walked into the entrance without looking back.

Seeing this, Sun Zihan wanted to follow, but Wang Long stopped him: "It's okay, let him play alone!"

"How can this work? What if he gets lost inside and can't get out?"

"No, the staff in the haunted house will bring him out. Besides, if we don't follow his wishes, how will it end if he starts making noise again later?"

After thinking about it for a while, Sun Zihan felt that what Wang Long said made some sense, so he nodded and agreed.

With the closing of the gate of the haunted house, Sun Xiaohu's adventure journey officially began.

"Huh? Why is there a power outage?" Unexpectedly, just a few minutes after he entered, all the lights of the haunted house suddenly went out.

The staff checked, but they couldn't find the problem.

"Ah!! Let me out! I won't play anymore!"

As Wang Long expected, Sun Xiaohu's scream came from inside the haunted house again.

Seeing this, Sun Zihan hurried forward and said to the staff, "Excuse me, please help me bring that child out!"

Unexpectedly, the staff shook his head: "No, the haunted house is all electronic doors, and they cannot be opened after a power outage!"

"What? Then he is trapped inside and can't get out? When will the power be restored?"

"Well..." Wang Long who was standing next to him smiled slightly, and replied in his heart:
"Of course after he has a longer memory!"

Just like that, Wang Long and Sun Zihan waited outside the haunted house, letting the little tiger in the house cry and cry.

Come to think of it, the actors in the haunted house would probably have to stay with him after the blackout.

In a dark room, there are all kinds of monsters with green faces and fangs standing next to them. The feeling is exciting even thinking about it!

After an unknown amount of time, Xiaohu seemed a little tired, and finally stopped crying.

Wang Long looked at the time: "Well, it's almost there."

"What's the matter?" Just as Sun Zihan finished speaking, the lights of the haunted house suddenly turned on.

The staff quickly opened the door and took Sun Xiaohu out.

As expected by Wang Long, a group of strange-looking monsters accompanied Sun Xiaohu out of the haunted house.

"Don't come here! Don't come here!" Sun Xiaohu clenched his fists and beat an actor pretending to be a ghost fiercely.

But the latter seemed to be used to it, and didn't respond at all.

When sending Xiaohu back to Wang Long, the staff did not forget to complain.

"In the future, you two, stay with him! But... it's better not to bring this kind of child to the amusement park!"

(End of this chapter)

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