Ares out of prison

Chapter 634 1 fat beating

Chapter 634

That night, Liu Juan spent the night on the sofa in the living room with extreme grief and indignation.

"Didn't I just say something casually about these two bastards? They are really willing to let me sleep on the sofa! It's so outrageous!"

Liu Juan was sulking all night, and she didn't know how many words she secretly scolded Wang Long.

It's a pity that Wang Long is sleeping soundly under the blanket at the moment, so he can't hear her words at all.

"What kind of foreign broken sofa is this? I'm so aggrieved while sleeping!"

After one night, Liu Juan's whole body was sore and unbearable, and she couldn't even straighten her waist when she got up in the morning!
What made her even more angry was that the instigator of all this, Sun Xiaohu, didn't feel guilty towards her at all!
"Hahaha! Uncle, grandma, you have dark circles under your eyes! It's so ugly!"

As soon as they met, Sun Xiaohu pointed at Liu Juan's face and laughed.

"What? Dark circles?" The latter's expression changed drastically, and he hurried to the bathroom. When he looked in the mirror, she almost fainted from fright!
"Why is it so heavy? Didn't I just not sleep all night? It's over! It takes a lot of cosmetics to maintain it!"

Originally, dark circles were a fatal blow to Liu Juan, who usually loves beauty, but Sun Xiaohu made up for it untimely:

"It's okay, uncle and grandma, you are already so old anyway, you don't need to take care of it, it's fine like this!"

"You bastard!"

These words undoubtedly sprinkled salt on Liu Juan's wound, and the latter was so furious that she picked up the mop beside her as if to beat her.

"Mom, forget it! After all, you are the ones who want to get used to him. Who is to blame?"

Sun Zihan was afraid that Liu Juan would beat her up on impulse, so he quickly snatched the mop from her hand.

There's no way, after all, they should have expected such an ending when they blindly spoiled Sun Xiaohu.

" go and wake up Wang Long and tell him to clean up that room today! Otherwise, let him sleep in that smelly room at night! No discussion!"

"Mom, what does this have to do with Wang Lung? Why should he be held responsible?"

"I don't care! Anyway, if he doesn't listen to me, I will drive him out of the house no matter what I say!"

While speaking, Wang Long had already come to the living room from upstairs, and he could clearly hear Liu Juan's remarks just now.

If it was in the past, he would have to obey obediently and dare not even raise a single opinion.

It's a pity that the current Wang Long is no longer the wimp that everyone can bully back then.

"That's impossible, Mom, it's not like you don't know, I have to go to the police station to pick him up today."

"Zihan is going to the company too, so I can't help you. You can't ask grandma to clean up your room, can you?"

"I..." Liu Juan was at a loss for words for a while, and didn't know what to say for a long time.

"I think you can only consider yourself unlucky in this matter. You can either clean up the room yourself, or continue to sleep on the sofa!"

After Wang Long put down these words, he turned around and left with Sun Zihan without looking back.

Liu Juan was stunned for a while, but finally she could only go upstairs without tears, endured the stench and began to tidy up the room.

After completing the lengthy and complicated procedures, Sun Yongcui finally saw the light of day again.

That afternoon, Wang Long took her home.

Just as he expected, as soon as he got home, Sun Yongcui went to find Sun Xiaohu in a rage.

"You little bastard, if I don't change your skin today, you will go to heaven!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Sun Xiaohu got up and ran, and the old and the young started a chasing battle in the room.

But Sun Xiaohu was such a big kid, so he naturally made fun of Sun Yongcui.

" stop for me! Otherwise, when I catch you, I will have your fruit!"

Sun Yongcui was so tired that he was out of breath, but Sun Xiaohu even made a face at her when he saw her!

"Come and catch me! Big idiot! Little bit!"

Wang Long who was standing next to him couldn't stand it any longer, so he whistled towards the balcony on the second floor.

The next second, the long-haired dog suddenly rushed out with a whoosh, tripping Sun Xiaohu who couldn't dodge to the ground!
Sun Yongcui saw the right moment, strode forward, and grabbed Sun Xiaohu's arm tightly.

No matter how much the latter struggled, it was of no avail, so he could only be taken into the upstairs room by Sun Yongcui abruptly.

For two full hours, the huge villa was enveloped by Sun Xiaohu's screams like killing a pig.

What makes people laugh and cry is that, hearing the child screaming so miserably, Mrs. Sun and Liu Juan, who had loved him so much, chose to pretend to be stupid at this time!
It seemed that these two people were really angry with Sun Xiaohu, and they were worried that they would not find a chance to teach him a lesson!
After an unknown amount of time, the screams stopped abruptly, only to see Sun Yongcui coming down the stairs, sweating profusely.

Seeing this, Liu Juan hurriedly stepped forward and handed her a glass of water: "How is it? Is this a convincing, or is it an intermission?"

"Pfft——" this sentence made Sun Yongcui spit out the water he just drank from his mouth!

"What do you mean? Do you still expect me to beat the child to death!"

"Okay, I think that Sun Xiaohu should have a long memory, so let him go for now!"

In the end, Wang Long stepped forward and said something kind, and Sun Xiaohu finally escaped.

That night, when Sun Zihan returned home, he found that Sun Xiaohu was nowhere to be seen while eating.

"Hey? Where's the little tiger man? Are you still playing upstairs?"

"Leave him alone! I'll let him face the wall in the room to think about his mistakes, and he won't be able to come out until tomorrow morning!"

"What?!" Sun Yongcui's words immediately made Sun Zihan exclaim.

Although she also hoped to teach Sun Xiaohu a lesson, this way is too much, right?

"Honey, why didn't you stop her from ordering? What if something happens?" Sun Zihan whispered in Wang Long's ear.

But Wang Long shook his head helplessly: "I stopped it, but I can't stop it at all!"

First, he was imprisoned for a whole night because he rowed someone else's luxury car.

After returning, he made a mess of Mrs. Sun's room.

Coupled with the things Sun Xiaohu did before, no matter how much Sun Yongcui pampered him, he couldn't bear it!
Seeing this, Sun Zihan simply went upstairs by himself and brought that Sun Xiaohu down.

"How is it? Do you know you're wrong?" Sun Yongcui stared at Sun Xiaohu with her stern eyes.

I saw that the slap marks on the latter's face have not faded until now, and the previous arrogance is completely gone.

"I know I was wrong..." Sun Xiaohu said nonuo, it seemed that he was indeed much more honest than before.

"If I hear you being naughty again, next time, I'll send you back to Jiang Province alone!"

"Okay, after this time, he probably has a long memory!"

Sun Zihan asked Sun Xiaohu to sit on the chair, and then changed the subject:
"By the way, how is the compensation for the car owner calculated today?"

"This..." Upon hearing this sentence, Sun Yongcui suddenly became hesitant, unable to explain why for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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