Chapter 646
This sudden scene immediately made Dong Xue's heartstrings tense, and she sat on the spot not daring to move.

And Duan Yunbao next to him is of course very skilled, but sitting in someone else's car right now, he really dare not act rashly.

"We're here to discuss cooperation with the Huo Group. What are you doing?"

Dong Xue tried her best to keep calm, and at the same time looked at Sun Xia who was sitting in the co-pilot with cold eyes.

"Vice President Dong, don't worry, just walk a little further and you'll be there!"

The car drove for a long time on the steep mountain road, and finally stopped in a wilderness.

"See, this is the location I carefully selected for you! When your Feilong Building is built here, it will be so magnificent!" Sun Xia said in a mocking tone, her eyes filled with disdain.

I saw that the wasteland in front of me was barren of grass, and there was no human habitation in a radius of tens of kilometers. It was simply a place isolated from the world!
Only then did Sun Xia realize that the Huo Group had no intention of cooperating with them at all, but wanted to deliberately tease them!
"Sun Xia, it's too despicable for you to do this! Even if you don't want to cooperate, you can say it openly. If you use this trick, aren't you afraid that it will damage the reputation of your Huo Group?"

"Vice President Dong, I didn't say I don't intend to cooperate with you. On the contrary, if you don't sign today, you won't be able to get out of Haijin!" Sun Xia said, and handed the previous agreement to Dong Xue .

At the same time, the strong man next to him took advantage of the situation and put the gleaming knife on Dong Xue's neck.

"How about it? Do you want to think about it? Do you want to sign it, or do you want to be Wang Long's scapegoat?"

Sun Xia's tone was full of threats. For a moment, Dong Xue didn't know what to do, so she could only cast a questioning look at Duan Yunbao.

Seeing that they hadn't spoken, Sun Xia looked at her watch impatiently.

"I don't have that much time to spend with you, I advise you to make a decision quickly!"

"No, I should be the one who said this to you!" At this moment, Duan Yunbao, who had been standing beside him for a long time without speaking, suddenly spoke.

"You'd better ask Huo Guangming, whether you want to let people go, or let Feilonghui wipe out the entire Huo Group!"


Imperial Capital, Feilong Building.

Wang Long was sitting in the office flipping through the documents when suddenly there was a sound of hurried footsteps.

"It's not good, President, Miss Dong and Duan Yunbao suddenly lost contact, it has been several hours!"

Song Yuyuan looked at Wang Long worriedly. Before the two of them left, Wang Long specifically asked them to keep in touch at all times and to report immediately when they encountered anything.

But now, both of them can't get in touch with their mobile phones, Song Yuyuan can't help but worry, will something really happen?
However, Wang Long didn't seem to be surprised, instead he put down the information in his hand unhurriedly.

"It must be that Sun Xia is acting as a hindrance, trying to show me off!"

After all, she tried every means to make things difficult for Sun Xia before, but now she has gotten into a relationship with Huo Guangming by accident. Based on her character, she is bound to take this opportunity to retaliate against Wang Long.

"Then what should we do? Shall we send someone over to rescue the two of them?"

"Don't worry, I'm not very worried about the presence of the clouded leopard. If we act too hastily, it will give Huo Guangming an excuse to frame us. If he uses this as a threat, we will lose more than we gain!"

Although Song Yuyuan was still a little worried, after all Wang Long had already spoken, he could only nod his head in agreement.

At noon that day, Wang Long went straight to Sun Zihan's office and told her about the matter.

"What? Huo Guangming detained your subordinates? This is a society ruled by law, this guy must be too courageous!"

Like Song Yuyuan, Sun Zihan also reacted violently when he learned about this incident.

"After all, the Huo Group is the leader of Haijin City. It's not surprising that they will do some presumptuous actions. I'm here to tell you that Huo Guangming is not trustworthy, and you don't have to think about cooperating with him anymore!"

In fact, since the last time I met Huo Guangming, Sun Zihan had no intention of cooperating with him at all!
It's just that I didn't expect that Wang Long's casual attempt would make Huo Guangming show his ugly face!
"I really don't know what our mother is thinking, but she still tries every means to curry favor with this kind of person! And Sun Xia, after all, we are also relatives of the same family, how can she resort to such despicable means?"

"Zihan, do you still think that these people have any affection for you?"

Wang Long's words made Sun Zihan fall into deep thought, and he didn't answer for a while.

Indeed, in her heart, there was no place for these people.

In the past, she was treated with cold eyes in the Sun family. Even a direct descendant like Sun Xia dared to make things difficult for her!

When her company was in desperation, instead of helping her, the big Sun Group took advantage of the fire and asked Sun Zihan to hand over all the company's shares!
Now that the company has managed to make a name for itself, this group of people who have hurt her have come to flatter her shamelessly!

In Sun Zihan's view, these guys are not relatives at all, but a bunch of disgusting moths!
"This Sun Xia! If I knew this would happen, I shouldn't have been so cheap to her in the first place!"

Even though Sun Zihan is not a person who advocates the use of force, there is still a stern look in her eyes right now.

"What are you going to do? Do you need me to come forward to help? As long as I report this matter to grandma, she can't just sit idly by!"

Sun Zihan looked confident, but Wang Long shook his head:

"I'm afraid grandma is only being polite to you on the surface, and her heart is still towards the majority of the Sun family! Even if you tell her, it won't help much. On the contrary, it will make her feel that we are stirring up conflicts within the family! "

After these years of getting along, Wang Long can be said to have a good grasp of the personalities of these people.

Hearing this, Sun Zihan seemed to think there was some truth to it, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Don't worry, I sent Yunbao this time to prevent Huo Guangming from playing tricks! As long as he follows, there will be no problem!"

"But after all, Haijin is the territory of the Huo Group. They are strong and strong, so you only send one bodyguard to follow them. Wouldn't it be too dangerous?"

Even if Wang Long said so, Sun Zihan still seemed a little uncertain.

However, at this time, Wang Long showed a meaningful smile.

"You are wrong, Duan Yunbao is not a bodyguard."

"That kid is a God of War!"

(End of this chapter)

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