Ares out of prison

Chapter 648 Yuwen Family

Chapter 648 Yuwen Family
"What's going on here?" Seeing the text message, Duan Yunbao couldn't help showing a puzzled expression.

After checking it carefully, he found that the text message had been delivered an hour ago.

At that time, I was clearly still dealing with these three killers!
"Could it be that someone has been secretly watching us?" Duan Yunbao quickly looked around after Dong Xue said this.

"It shouldn't be, if someone is really watching, I should be more or less aware of it!"

After all, Duan Yunbao is a person with spiritual power, and his insight is far beyond the reach of others. If someone has been following them, it is impossible for him to have no perception at all.

"I think it's better to make a phone call and find out who the other party is!"

As Duan Yunbao said, he called the sender, but there was only a sound of the other party shutting down in his ear.

Now the two of them were a little tangled, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Why don't we hurry back to the imperial capital and report this matter to the president!" Dong Xue said.

"Okay!" Duan Yunbao nodded in agreement, and the two immediately came to the side of the street and stopped a passing taxi.

But sitting in the car, the two were still thinking about everything that happened before, and they were really confused.

"Since we came to Haijin City, we haven't had any contact with anyone except the Huo Group. How could this text messager know the purpose of our trip?"

"I also find it strange. Could it be that Huo Guangming secretly colluded with other people?"

"It shouldn't be. If he really colluded with others, why did this person send this kind of text message instead of directly launching a sneak attack?"

Duan Yunbao and Dong Xue were puzzled, but at this moment, the former suddenly discovered something was wrong.

"Master, we are going to Haijin Railway Station, where are you driving?"

Dong Xue turned her head and looked out the window, only to see that when the two of them were talking, the taxi was already running in the opposite direction to their destination!

Facing Duan Yunbao's questioning, the taxi driver acted as if he hadn't heard it, and didn't respond at all!

At this time, Duan Yunbao suddenly realized that something was wrong, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"Don't be impatient, both of you, our Master Yuwen wants to meet you two!"

"Master Yuwen? Who is he? Why do you want to meet us?"

"You two, you will know when you go!"

Duan Yunbao frowned slightly: "Is it possible that you sent that text message?"

The driver didn't answer, but a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Now that the two of them had already boarded the car, Duan Yunbao didn't dare to act rashly, so he could only decide to wait and see what happened.

The taxi drove all the way, and it took an unknown amount of time before it finally stopped in front of a quiet mountain villa.

"Two, please!"

Duan Yunbao protected Dong Xue behind him, and he followed the driver into the house first.

Looking at the carved beams and painted buildings, gold bricks and jade tiles in front of you, it is not difficult to imagine how strong the owner's financial resources are.

Entering the living room, the interior environment is even more elegant and simple, just like stepping into a medieval palace, it is breathtaking!

Led by the driver, Duan Yunbao and Dong Xue came to the sofa, and saw a young man in a neat suit and fine features sitting on the sofa, drinking the cup of hot tea in his hand.

"Two, please sit down!"

There were two other cups of freshly brewed tea on the coffee table, which indicated that the owner of the house had already planned to invite the two of them here.

In other words, they were forced to bring them here.

Facing the young people's invitation, both Duan Yunbao and Dong Xue chose to wait and see.

"We have never met Mr., why did Mr. invite us to drink tea?"

"I know you are members of the Dragon Club, and I have always wanted to reach a cooperation with the Dragon Club. It just so happened that you came to Haijin, so I took the liberty to invite the two of you to have a small gathering!" The young man stood up as he spoke, gentleman nodded slightly to them.

"My humble Yuwenshou is the chairman of Haijin Yuwen Group."

"Two, if you want to talk about Haijin's enterprises, Huo's Group can't be called the leader. The one who really occupies the top of Haijin's enterprises is actually our Yuwen Group! If you, Feilong, want to develop power in Haijin, you can find us to cooperate. That is the wisest choice!"

Yu Wenshou's eyebrows were full of confidence, and he didn't look like he was lying.

Just this magnificent house is enough to see the hard power of Yuwen Group.

But having said that, since it is the head of Haijin Enterprise, as the chairman, why not go directly to Wang Long, but rely on this method to get in touch with Feilonghui by making side-effects?

"Master Yuwen, we are just ordinary employees of the Flying Dragon Club. We can't make decisions about the cooperation. If you really want to, why don't you go directly to the imperial capital and negotiate with our president!" Dong Xue said.

"The girl is really good at joking. If it's just ordinary employees, how could Wang Long send you to contact the Huo Group?"

As soon as these words came out, both Duan Yunbao and Dong Xue showed incredible expressions.

"How do you know the name of our president?"

"Back when the remnants of the Flying Dragon Society escaped from the imperial capital, many people came to me for help. I learned the news from them!"

"I have to say that this Wang Long is indeed capable of making a crumbling organization grow stronger again!"

"It is precisely because of this that I am willing to actively seek cooperation with him! I hope you will think about it!"

When Yu Wenshou said these words, his tone did not seem to be asking at all, but there was a sense of order in it.

It seems that it is a rare honor for Feilong Club to cooperate with them Yuwen Group!
Seeing that Duan Yunbao and Duan Yunbao hadn't spoken for a long time, Yu Wenshou added:
"I know this matter is too sudden, and you can't make a decision for a while, so I have prepared a chartered flight in advance to send you two back to the imperial capital! Please convey my greetings to your president after you go back! And let him think about it carefully , about cooperating with me! Butler Fan, see off the guests!"

As soon as Yu Wenshou finished speaking, the taxi driver just stepped forward and made a "please" gesture to the two of them.

Duan Yunbao and Dong Xue looked at each other, then turned and left in silence.

"Mr. Duan, what do you think about this matter?" Following behind Steward Fan, Dong Xue cautiously approached Duan Yunbao's ear and asked.

"Being able to follow up without us noticing shows that these people are not ordinary people, at least they are all powerful ancient warriors! In addition, since those remnants of the Flying Dragon Society can come to ask for help, it means that they are in Haijin City. Small!"

Duan Yunbao changed the subject: "If you really want to cooperate, it will be beneficial to Feilong, but what I'm afraid of is that this Yuwenshou has ulterior motives!"

(End of this chapter)

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